“The source of our current ills – the lawlessness in our streets, the destruction of our borders, the racist ‘equity’ policies of the Democrat Party, the “woke” derelictions of our military leaders, can all be traced to the indoctrination of our educated classes in hatreds spawned by cultural Marxism.”
–David Horowitz, ‘De-Fund the Universities!’
The Duke of Wellington reportedly stated that the battle of Waterloo was won on the fields of Eton College. George Orwell countered that, “Probably the battle of Waterloo was won on the playing-fields of Eton, but the opening battles of all subsequent wars have been lost there.”
America’s battles against foreign and domestic enemies have been lost in our ‘Etons’, our schools and universities which have turned their graduates against the country and its values.
The source of our social and political crises is the destruction of our educational institutions through a successful fifty-year effort by radical activists to purge conservatives and patriots from American academic faculties. This was followed by a massive reconstruction of the academic curriculum and the transformation of universities into one-party indoctrination and recruitment centers for the anti-American left.
We at the David Horowitz Freedom Center were among the first to confront the problem and take the battle to campuses across the country, but as the last conservative faculty are purged and conservative students are silenced, the old remedies of adversarial dialogue and debate are no longer available. Conservative speakers are violently assaulted on campuses and events are shut down. College administrators are finding ways to force out even tenured conservative faculty while mandatory anti-white, anti-Jewish, anti-Asian and anti-patriotic “diversity” measures keep the doors firmly closed to conservatives and patriots.
It’s time to recognize that this is an existential threat to America and to take action against it. That’s why we’re calling for the defunding of universities.
A Survey of the Problem
Universities have become efficient indoctrination centers that couldn’t be any more destructive if they were being run by China and Russia.
A Harvard University survey of the 2022 graduates showed that only 4% were Republicans while the majority were Democrats. The 7% of students that were conservative when they entered college declined to 4% when they graduated. 55% support the Green New Deal, 54% want to eliminate border security, and 33% back the terrorist-sponsored boycott of Israel.
This indoctrination is the work of a university where 82% of the faculty are leftists, 16% are moderates and only 1.4% are conservatives. Harvard is America’s Eton: shaping the leaders of the country, and those leaders are being indoctrinated to destroy the nation. .
Biden’s proposal to cancel student loan debt would be a disproportionately Democrat bailout with Harvard students owing over $1 billion and Yale students (where only 5% would admit to voting for Trump) at $760 million. Not only shouldn’t we be spending billions on bailouts for this corrupt leftist system, we should, as David Horowitz wrote, defund it altogether.
A report by Open the Books found that eight Ivy League schools received $4.3 billion in federal funding every year in the previous decade. In 2021-2022, the government spent $234 billion on grants, loans and other subsidies for college students. Biden’s illegal student loan bailout alone could cost over $400 billion. State spending on public colleges topped $100 billion. In the midst of massive inflation, unsustainable amounts of money are being spent on colleges. Students are going deeply into debt and that debt is eventually passed on to the American People.
What have taxpayers gotten for the billions lavished on these elite indoctrination centers?
Crime Wave
Studies estimate the annual costs of crime in the trillions. A single murder costs $17 million. Around 5,000 more people were murdered in 2020 due to the devastating impact of Black Lives Matter’s de-fund the police campaign, the decriminalization of crimes and pandemic prison releases. Aside from the horrific suffering, that’s $85 billion in costs created by policies that came out of academia.
8 in 10 college students supported the BLM race riots which caused billions in damages. Support for the race riots increased with each level of education. High school graduates were the least likely to support the riots while postgraduate degree holders were the most likely to. Nearly every university administration endorsed the riots and the racist hatred behind them.
BLM activists were more likely to have college degrees and campuses served as organizing hubs for the racist movement. But the crime wave destroying our communities is even more deeply rooted in campuses than that. From Michel Foucault to Angela Davis to Mariame Kaba, eliminating police, prisons and the criminal justice system were the inventions of academics and were incubated at college campuses, including Kaba at Barnard University and Davis at UC Santa Cruz which has received millions to promote the idea, and at Harvard, which teaches a course on it.
Restorative Justice, which proposes to replace crime and punishment with forgiveness for the perpetrator, originated in part from Goshen College in Indiana which now offers both a major and a minor in letting criminals go unpunished. Police defunding has been often directly credited to Alex Vitale: a sociology professor at Brooklyn College. The misery, the robberies, rapes and murders that have engulfed entire cities, were hatched out of academic theories at colleges that, like UC Santa Cruz and Brooklyn College, are taxpayer funded.
But this legalization of crime would not have been possible without the academic hate of “Critical Race Theory” that has poisoned race relations and pitted Americans against each other.
In 2007, 75% of white people and 55% of black people believed race relations were good. Today only 43% of white people and 33% of black still do. Rather than bringing us together, universities tore us apart with racist descriptions of America as a “white supremacist” society created and still defined by white racists which poisoned generations of their graduates.
A Pew survey found that black people with college degrees “are more likely than those with less education to say being black has hurt their ability to get ahead.” White people with college degrees were more likely to believe in the racist myth of “white skin privilege,” – a term invented by the terrorist Weather Underground in the 1960s whose leaders subsequently became influential college teachers. College graduates in other surveys were more likely to attribute problems to systemic racism – which is outlawed under the 1964 Civil Rights Act – than to individual choices, and to support discriminatory equity policies such as affirmative action.
With critical race theory courses being taught in every leading law school, including Harvard, Columbia and Yale, and ‘whiteness studies’ courses in colleges across the country, billions in taxpayers money are being spent to employ and train a generation of racists.
Some of the country’s most notorious bigots enjoy comfortable academic perches including Ibram X. Kendi: the inventor of the bogus term “anti-racism,” which he defines as agreeing with the anti-American racist left. Kendi heads the $10 million Center for Antiracist Research at Boston University, Robin DiAngelo, the author of ‘White Fragility’, is an associate professor at the University of Washington, and Cornel West, was until recently positioned at Harvard where he helped to popularize the slogan “Treason to Whiteness Is Loyalty To Humanity” of the academic journal, ‘Race Traitor’ in the racist field of ‘whiteness studies’.
And it’s paying off.
A 2022 survey of college students found that 78% believe “systemic racism is a big problem in our society – even though it is illegal and there is no tsunami of lawsuits, which would be the case if this claim had any truth in it. 50% believe “America is inextricably linked to white supremacy”. Why would anyone support such a country, or believe such intellectual garbage?
Because they’ve been relentlessly indoctrinated to hate their country.
College campuses have come to resemble Communist China with constant indoctrination and harsh penalties for political dissent.
At MIT, 68% of students were afraid to disagree with a professor about a controversial topic and 40% of faculty members were keeping quiet to avoid getting into trouble. A majority of students at the University of Wisconsin have stayed quiet in class and 37%, mostly conservative, felt pressured to agree with an instructor’s position.
These numbers hold true in national surveys where majorities of students are keeping quiet.
Universities have become a political monoculture and the indoctrination is going one way.
Over half the college of college departments in one survey did not have a single registered Republican faculty member. Only 61 Republican professors were found in 65 departments with Democrats outnumbering Republicans ten to one. It was estimated that, “Republicans make up 4% of historians, 3% of sociologists, and a mere 2% of literature professors.”
Mandatory diversity statements and racial quotas are used to keep a new generation of conservative professors from even being able to get inside to become tenure-track faculty. That systemic discrimination ought to be illegal, instead it’s being funded by conservative taxpayers.
Dominated by leftist faculty, universities are indoctrinating students with their ideology.
55% of liberal students, 37% of independent students, and 32% of conservative students in one survey said that their classes left them with a negative view of America. 57% of the liberal students, 35% of the independents and 12% of the conservative students were not proud to be Americans. 61% of the liberals, 38% of the independents and 16% of the conservatives came away with a negative view of capitalism. Is that American education or Marxist education?
College has become a standard rite of passage and the radical indoctrination on campuses is warping not only a select group, but the country as a whole. Generations are emerging who are not merely liberal, but support criminals and racists, and the destruction of America.
With no pride in their own country, college students are more likely to support dismantling it.
Open Borders and Illegal Invaders
As many as half a million illegal aliens attend colleges in the United States. Beyond the huge numbers of illegals benefiting from taxpayer funds, open borders are a university project.
After President Trump’s victory, the American Association of University Professors called for colleges to become “sanctuary campuses”. Columbia University’s Provost declared that the college would not “allow immigration officials on our campuses without a warrant.” Chancellor Timothy P. White asserted that Cal State “will not enter into agreements with state or local law enforcement agencies, Homeland Security or any other federal department for the enforcement of federal immigration law.”
Over 600 college presidents signed a letter in support of the DACA illegal alien program.
The 2022 Open Borders Conference was sponsored by the University of Texas at Austin. A previous conference featured an Academics Against Borders panel.
César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández, a prominent supporter of eliminating ICE, uses his platform as a civil rights professor at Ohio State to wage war on the nation’s borders. And he’s not alone. Faculty at Northwestern and Johns Hopkins have pressured their institutions to end contracts with ICE. Appearances by ICE officials have been shut down by protests.
Books and articles like “The Case for Getting Rid of Borders—Completely” and “Open Borders: The Science and Ethics of Immigration” flow from George Mason University professors.
Some universities actively urge students to engage in anti-border activism while others even transport them down to the border and provide college credit for anti-border activism.
All of that open borders activism has trickled down to the student body.
In a poll asking whether the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) should be abolished, 44% of students wanted to eliminate it and only 30% wanted to keep it.
A majority of white high school graduates supported expanding the border wall to stem the invasion. 63% of white college students opposed such a move. So did 72% of post-grads.
Universities have indoctrinated students to believe that America should not exist. A nation that should not exist, also should not have borders. Or the right to defend itself against enemies.
Disloyalty and Treason
A Quinnipiac survey asked if America were invaded, would they stay and fight or leave the country. Those who had college degrees were more likely to leave than those without. And young people were the most likely to leave and the least likely to stay and fight. They’re also the likeliest to have positive views of China and other enemy nations.
College students at Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Princeton and many others, who are taught that America is racist and evil, are turning against their country and siding with our enemies. Surveys have found that high school students are more likely to be patriotic than college students.
A New York Times poll showed that only 26% of Democrat voters with a bachelor’s degree agreed that America is the greatest country in the world. Only 12% of Democrats 18-29 believed that America was the greatest nation. And why would they when they’re taught otherwise?
Universities aren’t just critical of the country, they harbor the worst enemies of America, Israel, Europe and other free nations. That’s why campuses are where American and Israeli flags are burned, and conservative and Jewish students are harassed on a regular basis.
From Edward Said’s Orientalism to Hatem Bazian, the co-founder of Students for Justice in Palestine, university campuses have become terror hubs. It’s not unusual to find PFLP terrorist flags waved during Israeli Apartheid Week or to see college paper editorials like Amherst College’s ‘In Defense of Hamas’. On American campuses, 32% of Jewish college students reported experiencing antisemitism, 50% hid their identity and 65% felt unsafe. And no wonder when college students will openly pledge money to Hamas to bomb Israeli schools.
Exploiting this treasonous atmosphere, the People’s Republic of China has riddled campuses with its Confucius Institutes that act at the direction of the Chinese Communist Party, and foreign donors have used campuses to direct money to politicians, including Joe Biden, through the Penn Biden Center. With $12 billion in foreign money going to universities, much of it untraced, the potential for corruption is endless. Millions have flowed from terror sponsors including Qatar, Pakistan and even Iran. And it’s no coincidence that they are funding educational systems that undermine patriotism and promote the cause of America’s enemies.
Universities are being funded to indoctrinate students with hatred for America and for Jews. And they’re ‘double-dipping’ by taking money from America’s enemies and from American taxpayers.
The Corruption of Institutions
We are surrounded by national institutions that have been corrupted from their original purposes by the indoctrination that their leaders and employees received at universities. Big Tech censorship, military wokeness, the end of objective reporting and the radicalization of corporations are the consequences of a university education that puts wokeness above all else.
Media bias begins in the communications courses and journalism schools that teach that objectivity is a fallacy. Arizona State University’s Cronkite School of Journalism urges going “beyond objectivity” and “explores how the idea of objectivity has evolved” with “the values of younger journalists and modern newsrooms to better serve today’s diverse audiences.”
Military wokeness began with the takeover of service branch academies by non-military faculty from outside universities. It’s been embedded at the top by brass like Gen. Mark Milley, who has a master’s degree in international relations from Columbia University, and refers to Trump supporters as “Nazis” and is concerned about right-wing “domestic terrorists” and “white rage.”
Big Tech companies used to uphold libertarian values until they were flooded by a new generation of graduates who demanded that they go woke. Corporate wokeness across industries is being driven by younger workers, a phenomenon captured from the New York Times, “The 37-Year-Olds Are Afraid of the 23-Year-Olds Who Work for Them” to the Daily Mail, “Gen Z workers are Terrifying Millennial Bosses with Woke Demands”
Campus politics, safe spaces, entitlement and political intimidation moved over to the workplace and transformed Corporate America. Instead of graduates encountering the “real world”, the real world accommodated them so that, whether we want to or not, we all live on college campuses.
The college experience is transforming all of our lives even if we never set foot on a campus.
The Democrats, corporations, judges and entertainers all take their cues from the academic Left and dramatically upend our lives based on the latest theory coming out of academia. Universities have successfully radicalized the leaders, the executives, and the generals who actually run our society and put their values ahead of voters and shareholders.
A leftist minority that has used its disproportionate presence at universities as a ‘lever’ to fundamentally shift our country out of its place. Everyone successfully indoctrinated by that system has entered the workforce ready to execute its most extreme ideas from sexualizing children to eliminating prisons. Our leaders no longer represent our values, only leftist values.
The cost of that power grab has been the destruction of institutional trust. Every institution taken over by the Left has lost its trust rating. Last year, Gallup marked record low confidence in all institutions. Average confidence is now at 27% which is lower than it has been in over 40 years.
While the media and public schools have been rated poorly for some time, in the last few years there has been a sharp decline in trust for the military and banks due to their growing wokeness. Universities have led to a profound divide in our culture in which we no longer agree on basic moral and legal issues like the value of human life, the right to free speech, how elections are run and whether entire races share collective guilt.
These deep ruptures have led to two Americas and are leading both sides toward civil war.
Why De-Funding Matters
Universities were once a vital link in the chain of knowledge and there are a handful of principled institutions that may continue to serve that role, but the majority no longer want to.
The only hope of saving academic institutions of higher learning is to force them to restore academic values and scholarly inquiries as the basic and inviolable principles and practices of their classrooms. And to withhold all funding from all sources to their ideological programs, fields, and faculties. Some states are forcing universities to cease demanding diversity statements and that’s a start, but they should all be defunded until academics replace ideology.
The ‘self-defunding’ of the ideology-ridden humanities is already underway with a sharp decline in students majoring in them, from 20% to 7% at Harvard in only a decade, a decline of half at Vassar, Tufts and many other leading colleges, but as long as universities have infinite taxpayer money and endless endowments, the leftists who have hijacked them will continue to pour their poisons into the nation’s bloodstream.
In order to restore their funding, university faculties have to become ideologically and politically diverse. They have to restore standards that are not shaped by racist equity agendas, but by the requirements of scholarly inquiry and disinterested knowledge.
The massive pile of institutional and student debt, and the runaway growth of administrators, has made universities financially unsustainable for both students and institutions. Defunding them is the only way to deliver a ‘shock to the system’ that can save higher learning in America, and America itself.
One of the many logic errors of the B.L.M. is that which comes from the Latin called Ad Hominem. That is meaning “to the man.” Many members of B.L.M. seem to believe that because some White police officers might be “racists against Blacks” than all White police officers are “racist against Blacks.” That is a false premise and a false foundation for that specific belief. Therefore, that’s an error of logic. Otherwise known as a logic fallacy.
Leftists long ago lost any ability to think logically. When their amygdala is on fire with TDS and strident hate for any disagreement and someone suggests they may be illogical they respond “At this point what difference does that make?”
Thanks Walter. That is also a logical error of faulty generalization.
A fallacy wherein a conclusion is drawn about all or many instances of a phenomenon on the basis of one or a few instances of that phenomenon
“Ad hominem”.
I never knew what that term meant. I just thought I did.
Look up Chinese PLA Unrestricted Warfare, also known as Omni-Directional Warfare.
Think of “death by a thousand pin pricks.”
But these pricks figured out how to bilk billions of taxpayer and corporate funds through a self-feeding extortion loop, fueled by guilt trips, social media smearing and threats of urban violence.
Kowtow to the Emperor.
More and more, it’s coming out of K–12, Daniel.
When Yuri & I were working in NJ, a group of children so young they were either kindergarten or 1st grade level.
They were curious if we were on Obama’s side or that “boo-boo head” McCain.
(I didn’t even know what a republican or a democrat was until 5th grade, but I wasn’t indoctrinated when in school.)
Only question is if those same tikes were led in singing Obama songs during school.
Obama songs? Are they about Jug eared monkeys?
I hate that motherfucker. And his Wookie wife.
Hey Jeff, good to hear from you.
The real problem is moronic. lazy “conservative” parents that send their children to indoctrination centers instead of homeschooling or sending them to a genuine Christian school
Or other religious school, or home school or, if they can find it, a non-left private school.
Probably one of the best investments parents can make.
American universities are Marxist summer camps that reinforce the indoctrination that students get in government or tony private schools
Where is the evidence that 5,000 more people were murdered in 2020 BECAUSE of BLM or the summer protests? You don’t provide any. You just assert it to foment hatred.
You do have a link there, to make your reader think that you do have evidence, but if one actually presses the line one sees that it takes you to an article written by… Daniel Greenfield!… which likewise offers no evidence for this absurd claim.
You are a huckster pretending to be a journalist.
Do a research on crime statistics. Murder rates are much higher everywhere BLM (terrorist) types are ruling.
Also keep in mind that many criminals don’t get arrested at all because the police are afraid to do their job.
So the actual increase in crime is much higher than the official statistics.
“The year-over-year increase in the U.S. murder rate in 2020 was the largest since at least 1905 – and possibly ever, according to provisional data from the CDC. (Final data is not expected to differ much from the provisional data.) There were 7.8 homicides for every 100,000 people in the United States in 2020, up from six homicides per 100,000 people the year before. The rise in the nation’s murder rate last year far exceeded the 20% increase measured in 2001, which was driven by the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11.”
“The US has experienced its largest-ever recorded annual increase in murders, according to new statistics from the FBI, with the national murder rate rising nearly 30% in 2020 – the biggest jump in six decades.
Nearly 5,000 more Americans were murdered across the country last year than the year before, even as rape, robbery, and other property crimes fell, according to FBI figures.”
-The Guardian
My old wrestling coach used to give everyone this advice and I’d suggest you take it: “sit down, shut your mouth, and open your ears. That’s how you learn.”
And Rocca hits and scores!
The prick doesn’t learn; he’s only capable of regurgitating talking points.
As such, every time he talks (i.e. bloviates) to someone, he only succeeds in confirming his stupidity.
If I can interrupt your tantrum for a moment, it’s called the “Ferguson Effect” for a reason.
The 5000 is low on the conservative side, and that’s not counting all those minority owned businesses reduced to a smoldering heap . . . not that a crybaby fool like you care.
You seem to prefer infantile accusation over linear thinking.
blah, blah, blah…..if black lives meant anything to you, you’d be disgusted by the THOUSANDS of black lives taken – usually by other blacks – in “progressive” crapholes all over the US.. And I doubt you’ve ever been seen protesting in front of any abortion mills, where THOUSANDS of black lives are taken yearly. Get lost, ignorant clown
Troll trolling Troll trolling Troll trolling. (they don’t allow brief comments here)
Are you paid to post here?
Or are you the helpless slave of psychiatric disorder?
Your protestations are poorly formed and revelatory. A little more homework and you could start to be on to something.
Your opinionated observations do not qualify as facts worthy of disputation. Your observations are ex cathedra nonsense that reflect intellectual insincerity.
Keep trying. Remember that suicide is always there for you as the ultimate refuge from personal deficiency.
SIXTIES HIPPIES, LIKE DAVID HOROWITZ, who aided and abetted the Vietcong under the direction of the Communist Party USA and THE SOVIET KGB’S WORLD PEACE COUNCIL, began the takeover of our universities that they rioted at and then were hired at! Once a Communist/Democrat is in a hiring position, they only hire their own and a reason that today, entire departments are run by them!
They then use their position to elevate those that agree with them, try to convince others to agree with them, and to even use FEAR, INTIMIDATION, AND RETALIATION against those that don’t agree with them! Good grades for the Lefties, Bad grades for the Righties. Who then gets the grad assistantships due to those good grades and recommendations? The Righties are hiding in the Closet in fear of getting outed like the Gays used to hide. (“Millions take Pride in those coming out of the Closet while those same millions make others run into one!” SC)
DURING THE ’80s, those professors recruited MILLIONS to support the CPUSA/KGB takeover of Central America. Students went on fact-finding missions but were used to indoctrinate the campesinos. In El Salvador, they were used to raise aid, funds, for the Communist FMLN rebels and to deliver it to their Zonas de Controlidad.
(I spoke to President Alfredo Cristiani, President of El Salvador, on the Larry King talks show, and informed him of all the groups aiding the FMLN, mostly CISPES, NEST/New El Salvador Today, in their goal of overthrowing the government. The next week, Cristiani imposed a travel ban on Americans entering the Zonas.)
THOSE SIXTIES TO EIGHTIES CPUSA/KGB RECRUITS are today’s teachers, professors, Hollywood, MSM, Big Tech, city/state/national leaders, and filled Congress with the KGB’s proudest moment became with the election of their recruit, PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, who then appointed the same recruits to take over all departments, hiring their own, who were then used to attack ALL OPPONENTS and to even conspire in a COUP ATTEMPT AGAINST A SITTING PRESIDENT!
THEIR JOB TODAY IS TO RECRUIT THE NEXT GENERATION OF STUDENTS/COMMUNISTS WE SEE IN THE STREETS! Protests led by ANSWER, The Party for Socialism and Liberation, The Revolutionary Communist Party, the Democratic Socialists of America, and them Mother-of-them-all, The Communist Party USA!
It is futile just to fight a negative. You must fight for a positive, a powerful antidote, if you want to defeat a disease.
The disease that is being spread at the universities is UNREASON, i.,e., IRRATIONALITY. The cure, the antidote, is to teach a philosophy of REASON.
That philosophy, that antidote of reason, is not Judaism or Christianity, it is Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism.
The only way to fight an irrational idea based on the unreal, is to introduce reason and reality, and rationally and logically demonstrate to the young student why XYZ is wrong and irrational but the alternative ABC is true and real.
It’s the only way.
Fighting one academic theory with more academic theories?
That’s what Copernicus, Galileo, and Isaac Newton did. The fought mistaken academic theories with objective and correct academic theories. We stand on their shoulders and we owe them a debt of gratitude.
Now, I’ll hear how these men were all devout Christians and without Christianity their academic theories are not possible. These men may have been devout Christians, who knows? You could not come out and openly reject and criticize Christianity back then without risking your very life, limb, and freedom.
But even if these men were devout Christians in their hearts and minds, their academic, scientific theories are not concerned with explaining the supernatural, or explaining God, or explaining the miracles contained in Holy Scripture, but explaining the natural world in which we live in here and now, in a natural, not supernatural, way.
Copernicus, Galileo, and Isaac Newton were brilliant. Rand wasn’t and still isn’t. Rand preaches about rationality but is incapable of providing examples of it. Bad analogy.
I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve never read a single book of hers.
Perhaps they didn’t have to come out and declare their Christianity in fear of losing their lives. Perhaps they were actually devout. I know it’s impossible for you to believe that.
“God is known by nature in his works, and by doctrine in his revealed word.”
In contrast to Luther, however, Nicholas Copernicus was not one to make bold, public gesture; instead he spent his life in relative quiet,
He also gave his testimony that there is a God, a Deity, a Creator, and Isaac Newton was a Christian (not Catholic).
You don’t seem particularly grounded in “reason”. More like obsession and fixation.
Please give your reasoning for claiming I’m not grounded in reason and I will listen and rationally consider your reasoning. As it is you’re simply throwing an insult.
As it is, you simply repeat yourself endlessly in this venue. There can’t be many people left (on Earth) who haven’t been exposed to your Ayn Rand obsession.
AR herself would be embarrassed.
What am I supposed to do give up fighting for reason? You fight for Christianity and I’ll fight for reason.
I see his posts as trolling. Getting others off topic. This comments platform is deficient in that there’s no block or mute or report. And so, he goes on and on. Alternatively, it could be mental illness on his part. I suggest ignoring him and others like him. But, it is up to you and up to each person.
He’s on a lightly traveled comment board, so I doubt his “message” is getting out. I have challenged him to go to a board where he can be blocked. He doesn’t accept that challenge. I have challenged him to look for a job at a university because he is always complaining about the universities not teaching objectivism. He doesn’t accept that challenge either.
All he does is make every post about him, Objectivism and the “Christian Dark Ages”.
I believe he has narcissistic personality disorder. People with the disorder can: Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance. Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration. Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it.
I also think he is a shut in.
“What am I supposed to do give up fighting for reason? You fight for Christianity and I’ll fight for reason.”
That’s an asinine projection; one a “reasonable” person would never make.
What are you fighting for then? I’m fighting for the personal pursuit of happiness on earth. That means fighting for the freedom of the individual, the liberty of the individual, individualism, individual rights, private property rights, all of which are encapsulated in the concept of — Laissez-faire Capitalism.
Are you also with me in this fight or are you fighting for something else? If you’re with me in agreement of fighting for Laissez-faire Capitalism, how can we win the fight?
But will you listen rationally?
What are you fighting for? I’m fighting for the right of the personal pursuit of happiness on earth. That means fighting for the freedom of the individual, the liberty of the individual, individualism, individual rights, private property rights, all of which are encapsulated in the concept of — Laissez-faire Capitalism.
Are you also with me in this fight or are you fighting for something else? If you’re with me in agreement in fighting for Laissez-faire Capitalism, how can we win the fight?
Laissez-faire Capitalism is a thoroughly secular, this-world, this-life-on-earth, value, it does not concern itself with an after-life, but how to survive and flourish in this life, you don’t have to be a Christian or a Jew to defend it and fight for it.
The most effective way to fight for reason would be to teach courses in symbolic logic in the high schools and such.
Yes let’s sit down, at a desk, with a crazed BLMer or an antifa type, and explain to him/her how he/she is being unreasonable. After he/she is done pummeling you into the ground with shouts of racism or whatever, assuming you still have your teeth, you can explain to him/her how Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism is the cure.
That of course is assuming the “students” care enough to sit and listen for more than a minute.
Like I have told you over and over, these indoctrination centers aren’t interested in your religion, nor is anyone else. You will have to do it yourself. Good luck naive one. Wear body armor.
“Crime, treason, riots, open borders and our other threats are coming out of campuses.”
Borne by an army of indoctrinated card carrying morons who (with academic “credentials”) proceed to bore into every aspect of American life and replicate themselves.
That Black Live Matter SUV truck mass murderer, Darrel Brooks, has revealed the malicious, vicious, bloody murderous fruits of that criminal racist hate organization. This is not the first time a BLM terrorist murdered an innocent non-aggressive person that deadly affront was obviously a racially motivated hate crime. Therefore, “hate crime charges in addition to a murder and assault charges should be filed against the domestic terrorist, Darrel Brooks.
As for the riots and other forms of violence, malice-filled are the fruits of BLM the Wisdom of Jesus does very much apply for Jesus taught “ By their fruits you will know them.” Matthew 7:20. [N.K.J.V.]
No wonder the BLM hooligans burn Bible’s , they don’t like that the teachings of Jesus reveals about them and their violent and murderous Marxist organization
Such heinous thugs as Brooks and other MLB criminals in the Bible in Proverbs 4:16,17 Which reads “For they do not sleep unless they have done evil; and their sleep is taken away unless they make someone fall. For they eat the bread of wickedness, and drink the wine of violence.”
Likewise, in the New Testament such vicious lawless hooligans are found described in Romans 3::15 ,16. “Their feet are swift to shed blood. Destruction and misery are in their ways; and the way of peace they have not known.”
Defunding the universities sounds good, but how is that actually going to happen? At the governmental level, no Democrat is going to advocate or vote for defunding the universities and colleges, and most Republicans will be to afraid to be for defunding. And universities will still get contributions from the liberal and leftist alumni they churned out.
Exactly, how is it going to happen? When the whole country, conservative and liberal, are dedicated to the welfare state, or to their favorite and favored welfare program, or to outright socialism.
I can’t even imagine Pre-K being defunded in any state, city, or town that now has Pre-K !
These days, about the only thing I can see that has a chance of being defunded is “Drag Queen Story Hour”.
I guess we don’t have to worry about Objectivist hour being defunded, do we.
Exactly. Who will defund? Who will even propose defunding? Republicans are fatally respectable and inwardly would quake at the prospect of being labeled neanderthals and promoters of ignorance if they dared broach the subject.
Young leftists will hopefully, open their eyes later in life when they realize that “somebody” has to pay the bills for all this nonsense! By then, it might be too late.
America crisis is the rinos/crypto-dems who gave full control of media, education and healthcare to the dems!
Dear Daniel,
There is an easy way to change things on college campuses..Demand an alternative CORE curriculum-one that
emphasizes Western Civilization and the fundamental skills students will need after graduation.,and top it all off with a ETM certificate and we are good to go.
It is going to be hard to deny students choice. If we have professors they can invite speakers to their campuses. How do we get non-woke professors ? Easy-NAS can supply them. Quickly our GER will be known as the hard Core taken by the smart students. Do you know anyone who is willing to back such an idea.?
I had a candidate ready to help but he lost his race. for the governor’s office.
George Zilbergeld
Imagine how much fun we can have saying : “You like choice don’t you ?
Martin Luther said in the 1400s “any learning institution where the Scriptures are not practice regularly must fail” He also said he is “afraid that the universities are the gateway to hell unless the Scriptures diligently impressed on the young”
One can still get copies of the New England Primer.
It taught 1st grade level reading using scripture for each letter of the alphabet.
Martin Luther was also anti-reason, a rabid anti-semite, and a defender of the Almighty State.
“Reason should be destroyed in all Christians…. The Jews are the most miserable people on earth…. Either God must be unjust, or you, Jews, wicked and ungodly. You have been, about fifteen hundred years, a race rejected of God…. There is on earth among all dangers no more dangerous thing than a richly endowed and adroit reason…Reason must be deluded, blinded, and destroyed…. [In] a like manner we must endure the authority of the prince. If he misuse or abuse his authority, we are not to entertain a grudge, seek revenge or punishment. Obedience is to be rendered for God’s sake, for the ruler is God’s representative. However they may tax or exact, we must obey and endure patiently.” – Martin Luther
The Martin Luther you know is the Martin Luther the Naztis found in an very strange and uncharacteristic writing in a dusty church basement where his colleages hid it for 4 centuries. Then the Nazties put bad Luther on display to convince Germans that Luther agreed with them. The truth is far more complex than the writing to which you you no doubt refer, but you’ve shown your abject ignorance yet again in relation to Christianity history. Many historians believe that Luther was probably suffering from demetia as an older man when he wrote “On the Lies of the Jews” because he was also routinely screaming and hollering at friends and colleagues during that time. Moreover, Luther spoke against antisemitism throughout his entire life, which is why that document was so puzzling then and now.
Well done. I think it is significant that THX hasn’t responded to you.
His feelings about Luther and the Nazi connection, that he tries to bash me over the head with along with my Lutheran church, are of course, cherry picked and light on facts……as is everything he writes about.
I loved my alma mater–Middlebury College, in Vermont–where I spent the most wonderful, formative years of my life (1970-’74; B.A., English, with Departmental Honors and election to Phi Beta Kappa).
I no longer recognize the school as anything I once knew and valued. Today, English Majors are–get this!–NOT ALLOWED to take more than one Shakespeare course, but are REQUIRED to take and pass course in “LGBTQ+ Literature,” “The African Disaspora,” “Women,” and other rubbish (which might be interesting, but ought not to be Required of an English Major), while essentially ignoring what was always considered “The Canon” of the masterpieces of English literature.
I haven’t sent a single dollar to the College’s annual “Giving” campaign for years, and have cut the College out of my will. They don’t give a hoot.
With an endowment now at a reported $2 Billion, they can give me their insolent middle finger, and ignore my objections to what they’re now doing, or even bother to respond to me about them.
Today, a “liberal education” (“the proper education for a free man”) celebrated in Newman’s wonderfully lyrical (but I’m sure no longer read, or even still in print) “The Idea of a University,” is extinct, despised, and ridiculed.
If they knew some of the things said by Planed Parenthood founder Margret Sanger had said they would burn the Planed Parenthood membership card
Black Olives Matter.
When higher ed abandon politics and goes back to honest instruction i will go back to college else just be an independent student of life
Dear Daniel Greenfield, thank you for your article. When I discovered David Horowitz, around 2016, I was impressed, he described a hidden topic. Due to his extraordinary views, as well as yours, and the others of Frontepagmag, when I read the report done by experts on Tariq Ramadan, I could read, that they were totally in love with this figure, being unable to mention that the public education, which should be named state education or national socialism education, can’t say that the core of 80% of most classes are anti-american and antisemites. I was student at that time, my family was not antisemite and didn’t hate capitalism. I had no class on the Shoah, neither on communism and Islam, neither on the UN, the commodities markets. Can you imagine having a 5 in philosophy, geography and history and a 2 in French the same semester? Knowing that Ramadan was a French teacher, and if you make a survey, 99% of the teachers hate the United States. When former students contact me, they can’t debate on that topic but send me Shlomo Sand as reference…
My generation was under the influence of « Touche pas à mon pote », the anti-racist socialist group from the 1980s. I recently watch French series and films from the 1970s to the 2000s and each time I am seing blacks, muslims, chinese, I fall off my bed, it’s not possible, we are told that we are racists, so how can I in the 1980s see so many foreigners in the performence scene?
University degrees are becoming worthless. Instead of requiring attendance, just place a stack of diplomas on a table after paying the required tuition select a diploma put your name on it and go.
Nice thought, but it’ll never happen unless and until The Cathedral is either brought down or collapses under its own weight.
Thank you Daniel Greenfield for a great, in depth article pointing to the colleges as the source of the current racism and Communism in the Democrat party and infecting and indoctrinating college students. Frontpage Magazine is probably the best, most fundamental and most honest conservative publication on the rise of Anti-White racism and the Democrat party’s turn to full racist Communism.
I also, though, have to agree with everything THX has said. Only a philosophy based on perceptual observation and reasoning there from by the method of logic can actually save the country. Appeals to irrational mysticism (Christianity, Judaism) to support freedom and capitalism has not worked in 3 centuries. – it never has and never will.
But I don’t plan to convert the Antifa insurgents with rational arguments. They have damaged their own brains to the extent they are like wild animals. – completely irrational and moved only by hatred. We don’t give lions an argument on why they shouldn’t eat us, instead we …