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[Order David Horowitz’s new book, America Betrayed, HERE.]
Half the country thinks something has gone drastically wrong in America, to the point that it is rapidly becoming unrecognizable. Millions feel they are virtual lab rats in some grand research project conducted by entitled elites who could care less when the experiment blows up.
Consider: Our military turns over $60 billion in state-of-the-art weapons to terrorists in Kabul and then flees in disgrace?
Terrorist flags fly in place of incinerated Old Glory at the iconic Union Station in Washington as radical students and green card-holding guests deface statues with threats that “Hamas is coming” while spewing hatred toward Jews—and all with impunity?
A wide-open border with 10 million unaudited illegal immigrants?
Once beautiful downtowns resembling Nairobi or Cairo—as paralyzed mayors spend billions without a clue how to remedy the self-created disaster?
Fast food drive-ins priced as if they were near-gourmet restaurants?
In truth, this apparent rapid cultural, economic, and political upheaval is well into its third decade. The disruptions are the results of the long-term effects of globalization and the high-tech revolution that brought enormous wealth into the hands of a tiny utopian elite. Almost overnight, every American household became a consumer of cellular phones and cameras, laptop computers, social media, and Google searches.
We then entered into a virtual, soulless world of hedonism, narcissism, and the cheap, anonymous cruelty of click-bait, cancel culture, doxing, ghosting, blacklisting, and trolling. The toxic COVID lockdown and the DEI racist fixations that followed the George Floyd death only accelerated what had been an ongoing three-decade devolution.
By 2000, a former market of 300 million American consumers was widening to a globalized 7 billion shoppers—at least for those mostly on the two coasts, whose expertise and merchandising were universalized in megaprofit high-tech, finance, investment, media, law, and entertainment.
Americans of the 20th century had never quite seen anything like the mega-global celebrities from Michael Jackson to Taylor Swift, or a Bezos fortune of $170 billion, or the sorts who fly in their Gulfstream private jets to Davos, Sun Valley, and Aspen to lament the ignorance of the backward muscular classes and to plot their noblesse oblige salvation for them.
Indeed, for those reliant on muscular jobs and the production of the material essentials of life—agriculture, fuels, construction, assembly, timber, mining, and services—their livelihoods were often xeroxed abroad. Millions of their jobs were offshored or outsourced to third- and second-world countries with cheaper labor, abundant natural resources, and less overhead that made investment “wiser” and more profitable.
Anointed Americans in the “soft” or informational economy achieved levels of wealth never seen before in history. Meanwhile, Americans in the “hard” or concrete sectors saw stagnation in wages, job losses, and the erosion of middle-class life itself.
That the universities, the media, the administrative state, entertainment, high tech, and the federal government were mostly on the coasts became a geographical force multiplier of the growing economic and cultural divide—perhaps in the manner that the Civil War became not just an ideological conflict but one of definable geography as well.
Red-state and blue-state cultures followed these radical displacements in the global economy. Urban bicoastal America created an ethos and an accompanying narrative that it was blessed, rich, and all-knowing becauseit had been rightfully rewarded for supposedly being innately smarter, better credentialed, more worldly and—given its wealth—more moral than the losers who fell behind. The new multibillionaires reinvented the Democrat Party into a concord of the hyper-rich and subsidized poor, abandoning the now caricatured working and losing middle classes.
Indeed, a sort of atheistic, reverse-Calvinism arose. The elite left-wing, monied classes were left-wing and monied precisely because of some sort of fated reward for their obvious innate superior virtue and wisdom—even as millions fled from failing blue states to their freer and more prosperous red counterparts.
An entire moral vocabulary of condemnation followed to stigmatize those who supposedly lacked the know-how or morality to appreciate their elite benefactors—clingers, deplorables, irredeemables, hobbits, chumps, dregs, and “crazies,” to use the parlance of Barack Obama, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden. Their targets were the relics of a vanishing America who did quirky things like salute the flag, go to church, believe there were still only two sexes, honor America as always far better than the alternative, and believe they were the muscles that kept the nation fed, fueled, and housed for one more day.
The chief characteristic of the 21stcentury American revolution’s vast recalibrations in wealth was not just the transition from the muscular to the supposedly cerebral, but from right to left. Look at the Fortune 400. There is a pattern in the rankings—mostly progressives and rich—and the winners’ wealth is usually not created from old sources like transportation, manufacturing, agriculture, or construction.
The real multibillion-dollar fortunes in America are now in tech and investment. The hierarchies that own and manage Amazon, Apple, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Google, JPMorgan, Chase, Microsoft, or Morgan Stanley are now decidedly left-wing Democrats. That 21st century reality marked a radical change from the past. Democrats now typically vastly outraise Republicans in most national campaigns. Their philanthropic foundations dwarf those of their right-wing rivals.
Elite hard-left universities are flush with multibillion-dollar endowments in a manner unimaginable just 40 years ago. And they are no longer merely liberal but overwhelmingly woke and uncompromisingly hard left—with millions of dollars to waste on their unicorn chases of mandated equality and racist “anti-racism.” Hollywood, the media, new and old, and Wall Street are not just far wealthier than ever but far more intolerant and sanctimonious as well.
It was not just money that gave the new left-wing oligarchy such clout in the administrative state, Wall Street, tech, the media, the corporate world, and the university. It was the accompanying assurance that, unlike other Americans, the lab rats of the mostly rural or interior parts of the country were exempt. They were to be free to apply their bankrupt agendas—open borders, DEI, globalism, climate change gospels, critical legal theory, modern monetary theory, critical race theory—to distant others. They assumed correctly that they were never really to be subject to the concrete and real-life disasters arising from the implementation of their ideology.
Certainly, guilt over their largess, together with our 21st century secular update of sanctimonious New England puritanism, explain this overweening left-wing new zealotry to change the world, but largely at others’ expense. They are the descendants of Salem, who share the same superstitions and fanaticism to punish all who doubt their purity and wisdom.
So arose the idea among elites of a borderless America, where yearly 2-3 million poor and downtrodden of Latin America, and soon the world at large, could surge into a humane and progressive America—without the ossified and illiberal idea of background checks, or legal “technicalities.”
The arrivals’ abject poverty would remind the bigoted American middle classes of the need to expand their welfare state—as if a lifelong victim of the institutional oppression of Oaxaca, Mexico became a legitimate victim of white capitalist America the very moment he set foot across a now mythical border. Importing massive poverty would remind the middle classes that racism and inequality were still on the rise.
The locus classicus of this self-righteousness and contrition was emblemized when a few dozen illegal aliens were redirected toward tony Martha’s Vineyard. The locals immediately rushed to reveal to us two realities: 1) shower the illegals with food, upscale clothing, and other essentials to virtue signal their universal concern for the downtrodden; and 2) bus them out of the neighborhood as quickly as possible to where they “belonged”—either among the inner-city poor or struggling rural Hispanic communities of the American southwest.
In the abstract, open borders were what any progressive nation should aspire to; in the concrete among the architects of such idealism—not in their backyard.
Following the death of George Floyd, corporations, universities, and administrative state agencies rushed to compete to “level the playing field” by eroding meritocratic criteria such as calcified SAT tests, background checks, resumes, etc., and began hiring by race, gender, and sexual orientation.
Tens of thousands of DEI commissars and their henchmen have now spread far beyond their birthplaces in the university (where elite schools routinely restrict so-called whites [ca. 65–70 percent of the population] to 20–40 percent of incoming classes). At some Ivy League schools and their kindred elite campuses, grades are “adjusted” to ensure 60-80 percent are A’s.
Almost everything in revolutionary America has “evolved” beyond silly notions like “meritocracy” and “standards” and has instead become DEI hot-wired—from the hiring and promotion of airline pilots, selection of actors, management of the Secret Service, and the rank and file of FBI and CIA operatives to admissions to medical school, corporate boardrooms, and advertising.
In response, a dangerous underground cynicism grows commensurately. As in the old Soviet Union, so too here arises our official “truth” beside the subterranean truth that most rely on when an incompetent Secret Service hierarchy allows a shooter to take pot shots at a president’s head, or there is a sharp rise in passenger jet near misses and go-arounds, or students in mass demand exemptions from final schedules or expect amnesties when they storm campus buildings, or major corporations—like Disney, Target, Anheuser Busch, and John Deere—ostentatiously virtue signal.
In sum, we are knee-deep in an authoritarian commissariat that we do not even dare formally acknowledge. DEI, like open borders, was predicated on the idea that the good one percent who ran the country was too good to experience the trickle-down from the commissar system it imposed on others.
Ditto the top-down green revolution. We are to assume that sweaty truckers should have no problem juicing up their battery engines every 300 miles. Hispanics in Bakersfield should appreciate turning down their air conditioning when it hits 115. Lower-middle-class moms should learn the advantages of high-cost electric stoves and ovens once they are forcibly weaned off their cheap but too-hot natural gas appliances.
Meanwhile, the sales of designer Italian cooking platforms, 10,000-square-foot air-conditioned second homes (the Obamas own three), private jets, yachts, and huge limo SUVs have reached record levels. The model is John Kerryism—or the rationale that to help the uneducated, dumber, and less moral people survive global warming, the enlightened need the tools to do it. So, they must avoid messy airports, 9-hour delays due to missed connections, and the stuffy, cramped middle seat on modern commercial jets.
The idea of 100,000-200,000 legal immigrants admitted annually and meritocratically, charter schools in the inner city, beefed-up policing in our major urban areas, nationwide civic education, reemphasis on assimilation, integration, and intermarriage of the melting pot, wide use of nuclear power—all the things that might make the life of the middle class more secure, more prosperous, and more confident—are deemed corny and passé.
Again, what we got in the last quarter century was a shrill elite that subjects their Jacobin theories upon a distant other but has absolutely no intention of ever getting near the very disasters they wrought, much less suffering the collateral damage that was inevitable from their social engineering.
Or, to put it another way, they were to be our few genius white-coated researchers while we were their many expendable lab rats.
The New Soviet Man has become the New American Lab Rat.
An interesting and entertaining article. What can be done? For starters, elect Trump, and work to make America great again!
We must lay all our troubles at Islamist Obama’s feet.
Elect Trump? Sure, We the People can do that, but in the words of Stalin, “It’s not the people who vote that count, it’s the people who count the votes.” And those people, once of exceptional probity, are not to be trusted anymore.
Victor always has a talent for reminding 60 year old me of all kinds of stuff I already was aware of, had mulled over and moped over and brooded over before.
He trots out such huge amounts of these reminders in every essay that by the time I am done reading them, I just want to lay down and die.
Because I have no workable solutions.
We need a huge amount of Bible-believing Christians–a Christian populace.
Aaaand we ain’t never gonna have it again because JFK and his commie SCotUS “separation of church and stated” our schools–our children–way back in 1960-1962, into becoming the children of Woodstock.
60 years later, under this communist interpretation of “SEPAATION!!”, we are no longer even remotely a Christian country.,
I don’t care how many figures you trot out claiming X percentage of ‘Muricans are supposedly Christian.
They are not. I know better. I’m steeped in Christian History. I know what a Christian populace looks like, speaks like, writes like, thinks like. There are well over 1500+ years of Christian governments and cultures to study in the West. Again, I know what Christian people and governments were like.
America does not have a Christian populace.
It has Christians, like every nation on Earth.
But it is NOT a Christian country. It is a 1962-era Soviet Union “separation 0of church and state” type of country, meaning it is living a lie, and is at root very much Godless, rootless, faithless, feckless, and reckless.
THX-1138 should be as happy as a pig rolling in fresh mud. America isn’t Christian any longer, and he has nothing to fear or dread from it ever becoming so again, it seems.
Our public schools guarantee that can never happen. Their curriculums are designed to ensure kids adopt beliefs which are the total polar opposite of Christian teachings and morals.
Girls especially are hating Christianity more and more each year. Girls are being led by the nose by education to become far far FAR left wretches, and are obediantly accepting their pre-programmed roles..
I have no solutions to save America from itself.
All I see is The Second Rome, being conquered from within by its own barbarian populace.
Sorry. :/
If America isn’t Christian any longer then why is THX compelled to keep writing about how it is. He is most assuredly not happy.
But then neither are you. You seem to be reveling in our demise.
Every year I tell THX why he is wrong. Every Christmas and Easter, the churches fill up with the faithful, presents are exchanged, holiday meals are cooked and the cities, at least in the red parts of the country are lit up with lights.
And every year THX acts like Scrooge. The two of you should go out on a date.
The 20 year era of Obama will be over, hopefully after November 5, and we can begin to rebuild and rediscover our history.
Don’t want to be a part of that? Fine. Go be miserable.
Most of the people meeting at church are old…
You don’t have to be a Christian or attend a church to believe in the Christian morality of altruism and self-sacrifice for others.
You can be an atheist and believe in altruism and self-sacrifice for others.
But in America the original source of altruism and self-sacrifice is the morality of Jesus Christ, especially as exemplified in the Sermon on the Mount.
“America’s inner contradiction was the altruist-collectivist ethics. Altruism is incompatible with freedom, with capitalism and with individual rights. One cannot combine the pursuit of happiness with the moral status of a sacrificial animal.” – Ayn Rand
“The roots of America’s welfare state lie in the Populist-Progressive Era of the late 19th century and early 20th century, especially with the Protestant social gospel movement, which held that Christian ethics and “social justice” should drive public policy, including wealth redistribution, trust-busting, graduated tax rates to punish the rich, cradle-to-grave handouts, and missionary-style imperialistic ventures abroad to spread the faith and make the world “safe for democracy.” The concept of social justice, which jettisoned the idea that we actually earn and deserve what we get in life, was first adopted by the Jesuit Luigi Taparelli in the 1840s, as drawn from the work of St. Thomas Aquinas.
The faintest familiarity with Scripture reminds people to reject reason, science and facts in favor of faith, the supernatural, and miracles, to believe that “love of money is the root of all evil,” that “a rich man cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven,” that “the meek shall inherit the Earth,” that self-sacrifice is morally “noble,” that self-esteem and pride are “sinful,” that “it’s better to give than to receive,” that we must serve neighbors and become our “brother’s keeper” while “turning the other cheek” to one’s enemies so they might strike us repeatedly, with impunity.” – Richard M. Salsman, “Holy Scripture and the Welfare State”
THX Beer Drinking alert. More Kilt Lifter for moi. None for you Mr. Grinch.
Other than Kemala, you may be the nastiest person alive.
You win the dumbest comment of the day award.
His comment is a little more legible than a Kamala word salad!
I’m not reveling in our demise. Far from it. It makes me mope and feel depressed and confused all the TIME, trying to grasp or understand why Americans allowed the Demoncrats to so thoroughly trash our country.
I’m just a sincere Christian who is done pretending we still live in a Christian country. JFK and his SCotUS thoroughly de-Christianized us.
I find it an insult to Christianity to claim America’s public square, it’s government, it’s culture, is “Christian”.
“Those were the days, my friend… we thought they’d never end… we’d sing and dance, forever and a day!” etc etc (old song lyrics).
REMINDER: out of 193 UN member countries, only one nation on Earth legally recognizes Satan worship as being a legitimate religion, and elevates and defends it alongside Christianity inside its courtrooms.
That nation is AMERICA.
Don’t try and EVER tell me a Christian nation would allow that!!! 🙁
Itisd mockery of Jesus Christ to claim that.
So move to another country. Or don’t go to church. I don’t much care what you do.
In the meantime I will continue to go to church. We have a happy congregation.
I guess it just sucks to be you.
Maybe we should all go back and read the relevant article from the other day titled:
The Soviet Playbook to Dismantle Christianity—by Julie Behling
Excellent and true article!
Now what are we, the people/Christians of the US, going to do to change things……you know….the REAL hope and change!!
I have never argued that America is a Christian country.
I argue that America is being destroyed by all forms of irrationality, both religious and secular. Of which Christianity is just one form of irrationality.
I am arguing for reason and logic because freedom, liberty, peace, prosperity, and the personal pursuit of happiness on earth come from being rational.
Christmas as we know it today and celebrate it today is a predominantly 19th century SECULAR, materialistic, commercial, celebration of production, wealth, abundance, capitalism, and the pursuit of happiness on earth.
“The secular meaning of the Christmas holiday is wider than the tenets of any particular religion: it is good will toward men — a frame of mind which is not the exclusive property (though it is supposed to be part, but is a largely unobserved part) of the Christian religion.
The charming aspect of Christmas is the fact that it expresses good will in a cheerful, happy, benevolent, non-sacrificial way. One says: ‘Merry Christmas’ — not ‘Weep and Repent.’ And the good will is expressed in a material, earthly form — by giving presents to one’s friends, or by sending them cards in token remembrance. . . .
The best aspect of Christmas is the aspect usually decried by the mystics: the fact that Christmas has been commercialized. The gift-buying . . . stimulates an enormous outpouring of ingenuity in the creation of products devoted to a single purpose: to give men pleasure. And the street decorations put up by department stores and other institutions — the Christmas trees, the winking lights, the glittering colors —provide the city with a spectacular display, which only ‘commercial greed’ could afford to give us. One would have to be terribly depressed to resist the wonderful gaiety of that spectacle.” Ayn Rand
No one cares about your opinion of Christmas or Christians. If you would stop obsessing about us you might even find you would become a happier person instead of the grinch that you are.
Instead you constantly use your Objectivist cudgel against religion. Has there been a change because of you. No.
Religion will rise or fall in spite of your pathetic efforts.
TGIF. So, lotsa comments again yesterday. You’ve been so busy trying to crash the religions. Great life, huh.
Did it work? Did you change anything. Obviously not. And no one gives a rat’s ass what you wrote yesterday. It’s meaningless. Because you are meaningless.
And now it’s the weekend.
Ther are over 45,000 denominations of Christianity on earth, which denomination are the true Christians?
Christians waged war against each other for 300 years over heresy and blasphemy. Until they became rational enough to stop killing each other over heresy and blasphemy.
That’s precisely WHY the Founders established a separation of Church and State. “Real” Christianity was still fresh in their minds, the real VIOLENT and DEADLY Christianity of the Christian Dark and Middle Ages.
Ther is NO WAY a real, hardcore, theocratic, Christian would have ever said these words —
“The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.” — John Adams
“I don’t agree with [Marjorie Taylor] Greene that America is a Christian nation. I don’t believe America is a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, an atheist nation — or an anti-Christian nation, either. America was supposed to be a free country; that’s all. Yet I don’t think she disagrees. I think people like her are simply trying to say that Christianity matters to them. It’s on the verge of being outlawed in America, along with just about everything else [including Objectivism] leftists dislike or loathe.” Michael j. Hurd
I think we all know that. But you like living in the past.
I see you want to play the “He said this” game.
Well, here we go again:
The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God.1
Without religion, this world would be something not fit to be mentioned in polite company: I mean hell.2
1 John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, June 28, 1813, The Writings of Thomas Jefferson (Washington D. C.: The Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association, 1904), XIII:292-294.
2 John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, April 19, 1817, The Works of John Adams, ed. Charles Francis Adams (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1856), X:254.
You never learn, do you.
Okay THX, since you wrote multiple posts, i’ll respond in the same way. I won’t just ignore you like most people (perhaps more wisely) do.
Christianity went over 1000 years with only a single “denomination” called Christianity. Then in 1054 AD came the great East-West schism, wherein the church in Rome got all snotty and arrogant and uncompromising and created the first denomination, which we still know today as Catholic.
It doesn’t matter today how many different denominations you claim Christianity has. It has the Nicene Creed and other essential shared doctrines. It has the entirety of Scripture. There is very much a way to discern what Christianity it., It has core teachings which again are either shared, or else you head off into mormon territory and become a cult.
As for the European wars, it is sadly time to beat up on Catholics again. Because Christians did not war against each other in Europe until the Protestant Reformation, at which point the Crusader impulse Catholics back then always seemed so quick to embrace was turned onto other Christians. Catholics demanded, “either stay Catholic or we regard you as infidels and you deserve to die for lying and blaspheming against God” etc etc, they went on and on endlessly, so sure THEY were the only Church that mattered (the Orthodox were still happily too far away eastward, as always, for them to bother hunting down).
It was ALWAYS Catholics back then who started the wars among Christians.
The few skirmishes not instigated by the Vatican were minor and short lived. It took Catholics to fight a THIRTY YEAR WAR against other Christians, so furious and determined were they..
Anyway, today’s Catholics are the total opposite. Pansies, push-overs, led by an obviously apostate pope who is an embarrassment to Christians all around the world. They would no more wage war against anyone than they would forget to lift the toilet seat up after peeing.
(not that there aren’t plenty of amazing Catholics still, even a few among their clergy; but they are DEFINITELYnot in charge of the Vatican).
Anyway…. i already scolded you and rebuked you concerning John Adams, and showed the cheap trick you tried to pull with one of his quotes from a treaty we signed with muslims…
…guess you’re off the hook again for now. ;D
Also, Catholics have the ever-so-sneaky JESUITS!! Disguised as “nice” men they go about infiltrating everywhere and making changes for the worse. Jesuits are not Christians—-they are the antifa /blm arm of the Catholic Church—the foot soldiers doing the dirty work in secret disguised as nice guys! Read the book “The Secret Terrorists”!
I believe that, other than Man, no other specie on this planet knows that they are mortal. Only we have the intelligence to recognize that fact. And that, I believe, is why there is life after death religions for the common man, and the will to play god among the wealthy and powerful.
Purpose and meaning–It’s obvious as to the purpose of death–no specie could exist that’s capable of consuming all it’s resources. But the meaning of losing our very selves is traumatic, fearsome, inexplicable, elusive.
Those with wealth and power attempt to use lies, deception, and brutality to achieve absolute rule and renowned. For them, that is a meaningful life.
If there were only one cohort with this mission in life, it could be self sustaining. But with multiple players as we have now, conflicts will arise. Wars have been fought by such cohorts in the past, but what we face today is the capacity of the players to blast us all back to the stone age.
I believe that is imminent.
Yes, Rome insanely chose not to defend itself from the Gauls. America is even worse because the Dirtbagocrat handlers of Alzheimer Joe have been busy bringing in as many barbarians as possible and dispersing them among our population.
America was great while it lasted but leftists destroy everything they come in contact with. They’re like a virus that only attacks peace, prosperity, success and normalcy. Rationality means nothing to those fanatics.
We live in post America.
If only you were wrong!
There are two future pieces that have been teased at by the author above.
One is the migration of illegal aliens. The conditions must be horrible in Indian lands to the south because of the immense migration. If the strongest people stayed and demanded change, things would get better there and we would benefit from relieved pressure. Instead we will be bred out of our country in one generation.
Two would be the Puritan role of self appointed intellectual elites. They have been around since 1620 and always been a joke. Now however the coffers have been filled by overseas chinese and muslim contributions and have created another type of revolution in the greedy self appointed leadership. This money has again helped them evade another slip into irrelevance. They were saved in the late 19th century by the robber barons, so now they have a track to follow. The morass beckons.
Exactly how did the so called robber barons, who were actually Titans whose industries made America the most successful nation in history with the highest living standard, “save” China and the islamopithecines?
like Victor Davis Hanson, he is smart, but he doesn’t know everything. I am just pointing out where he is misguided.
He is illiterate when it comes to real world macro economics.
He pushes these protectionist fallacies and clearly doesn’t understand the benefits of free trade ( I stress ‘free trade’, not so called ‘fair trade’). He starts screaming ‘Globalism’ every time there is some buying and selling he doesn’t approve of.
While any true blue conservative should guard against giving up American soverignty, allowing Americans to buy and sell freely with individuals in other nations does not give them jurisdiction over us.
Yes. Many products and materials are just plain cheaper to import. That raises our standard of living as it increases our buying power.
Just saying. Victor Davis Hanson is clueless when it comes to economics.
You’re clueless when it comes to breathing with your mouth closed.
VDH as usual is very comprehensive to even the s0-called layman muscular worker class.
One statistic Dr Hansen left out is the rise of testicular injuries in women’s sports since men began to compete as self-proclaimed women. Testicular injuries in women’s sports went from 0% to nearly 1.5% since men began to get involved.
My suggestion is women participating in women’s sports having to put up with a confused and demonic possessed dude male who cannot compete in men’s sports so claims he is a woman, is to smash that sucker in his nutz to make a point and prove that the dude is a man not a woman.
I hope and pray all the points VDH made is only a phase and growing pains of this nation and the world. It is not sustainable.
1.5%? You’re right. Real women need to raise that statistic significantly. A kick to the nuts should be the standard greeting of all female athletes to tranny weaklings.
So isn’t it more than time to acknowledge the truth of the warning in the Hebrew Scriptures that “it does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step”? Jeremiah 10:23
We were not made to rule over each other, let alone run this beautiful and complex planet.
Sigh. THX, you seem way too smart a guy to me (only in intelligence btw, not wisdom, you have roughly ZERO wisdom) to be playing that tired old game of using that infamous, cowardly quote Adams wrote SPECIFICALLY TO APPEASE MUSLIMS, in the Treaty of Tripoli.
Here is a better, further example of that same quote, showing how wrong and cowardly Adams was in this one instance (Adams was always either famously right or famously wrong, the man had no middle ground).
“As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion,—as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen [Muslims],—and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan [Mohammedan] nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.”
C’mon. You knew this already didn’t you?
As Bing’s AI Co-pilot typed to me (I love that AI):
“You’re also right that John Adams expressed opposite sentiments in numerous other writings. The context of the Treaty of Tripoli was specific to diplomatic relations and aimed at preventing conflict with Muslim nations.”
Co-Pilot typed that AFTER I had already thought inside my head of how Adams had so often insisted Christianity was ESSENTIAL to our governance, and indeed its principles were inscribed INTO the Constitution.
I love John Adams. But the man bounced all over the place during 50 years of writings. He was thoroughly Christian. The worst betrayal of Christ during Adams’ entire life was penning those words you quoted to try and suck up to muslims, and prevent more young American sailors from having to die at their wretched hands.
Don’t ever let him off the hook. And for God’s sake don’t flatter him. He is not smart. Just simplistically dogmatic. He really doesn’t know all that much. His buzzwords are altruism, Christianity and his hatred of Christians and Jews. He seems to give a pass to the Muslims. He will also insult you for Easter and Christmas. He is simply a condescending jerk
You will find that out if you stick with him. You may even memorize his idiotic posts. He posts the same crap each week.
Trust me on this though… will get tired of responding to the same tired posts over and over again
Anyway, I upvoted you, twice. Well done.
Every time I read an essay by VDH I think “well, that must be the complete last word.” Then, he steps up and outdoes himself. Wonderful writing. As always, BRAVO!
America needs a dose of good hard realtiy…..America got her blessings from God…he did make us a Great and Free nation and the elites and corrupt have squandered that legacy.
God is not mocked, this culture cannot continue to live freely and safely without repentance and allegiance to the One True God and expect good things to happen.
Regardless of who wins the Presidential election, the trends in our culture are clearly and diametrically opposed to the Bible, and thats why the darkness is descending upon us.
God did tell the people that the world would descend into immorality and wickedness and that would be the season of His return. Matthew 24:37-39.
America is now the greatest consumer of illegal drugs, greatest producer and consumer of pornography, and has perpetrated years and years of carnage against millions of unborn innocent babies. Most outrageously, some of the same politicians who mouth “God Bless America”. at the end of every speech advocate the very policies that Our Holy God detests.
Alot of our inspiring leaders are actually reflections of our corporate soul. These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Matthew 15:8. In humanitiy’s headlong rush to estrangement from God it has thrown overboard most every vestige of conduct that separates( HUMAN STANDARDS of living from those of MONGREL DOGS,) just like Bible prophecy said it would do…as in the Days of LOT…..LEVITICUS 18 presents the precedent for spiritual DEGREDATION in modern civilization. Society is spiritually and morally wallowing in the muddy shallows of debasement BECAUSE IT HAS CHOSE TO BE THERE.
Sometimes to wake people up….YOU HAVE TO GIVE IT TO THEM STRAIGHT, no matter how unpleasant.
I saw on Mr. Hansen’s book shelf The End of Everything……that is a picture of what could happen very soon.
Ouch. When VDH tells it like it is, it almost always leaves a mark. I wonder if we’re on our way of becoming a modern day Oceania, where the citizens are no longer aware that they’re being exploited by ruthless tyrants. Or perhaps a more contemporary vision of entire cities converted to a maximum security prisons from which Snake Pliskin is our only hope for escape.
“couldn’t care less”
great article!
Victor, your comments seem very accurate. What I would like to see is what you believe. The solutions to these issues are in a future column.
‘Fast food drive-ins priced as if they were near-gourmet restaurants?’
This is the fruit of the democratic party and raising salary pricing of low level cooks and servers to professional status–insanity. The globalists want this to happen because it is leading to massive unemployment, more and more AI robotics development. In the world of totally unsupported fiat money where you can just ‘print’ more and more fake money, a Universal Income is becoming more and more feasible. This is socialism’s version of utopia.
Yeah, that just proves only fanatics and morons vote Dirtbagocrat. After three and a half years of this shit they haven’t learned to put family, friends and country ahead of their degenerate political party.
I’m still waiting for “AI” (there’s no such thing as a sentient machine or computer) to make me a hamburger. I’ll be waiting until the day I die because it’s a fantasy.
Hanson’s complaint is nothing but a common sense response to the immoral alphabet, WOKE, and DEI insanity now holding America’s by the throat.
If you like this situation, elect Harris and get more of the insanity.