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Anglican Church of Ireland Canon David Oxley has claimed that Israelis see Jews as a “master race”: “Irish Catholic Archbishop: Israeli response to Hamas ‘merciless and disproportionate,’” by Michael Starr, Jerusalem Post, January 2, 2025:
Martin is the latest Irish religious leader to issue harsh criticism of Israel’s conduct during the Israel-Hamas War, with Anglican Church of Ireland Canon David Oxley claiming on Remembrance Sunday that the IDF had a cruel policy of targeting schools, hospitals, and mosques, and that Israelis saw Jews as a “master race” – a term usually associated with Nazi ideology.
“This takes different forms in different times and places, but it is the same horrible idea, that one group of people is intrinsically more valuable than any other. Once that is accepted, then the elimination of others follows as a matter of course – because they don’t count,” Oxley said at the Dublin Saint Patrick’s Cathedral on November 10….
The charge is preposterous. No Israeli Jews are taught that they are “intrinsically more valuable than any other.” For god’s sake, all the Israelis want from the Arabs is that they stop trying to murder them. It’s a simple wish. No “master race” ideology is involved. It is the Arabs of Hamas who want to eliminate the Jews. They say so in their charter. Jews have no desire to “eliminate” the Arabs of Gaza; millions of leaflets, text messages, and robocalls meant to spare the lives of Gazan civilians are conclusive evidence of that.
“We have seen this, for example, in the aggression of Netanyahu’s government towards the Secretary of the United Nations; in the contempt shown to the international courts, as if they should dare to hold Israel to account; and in the attacks on the UNIFIL forces in Lebanon,” said Oxley, taking pride that the Irish government had drawn Israeli fire for its position on the conflict.
The UN has become for Israel a constant scold, its staff members making wild accusations, while the General Assembly has passed more resolutions condemning the Jewish state than the number passed about all the other 192 states put together. Francesca Albanese, the Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories, is an unrepentant antisemite, and so, it has become clear, is the Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, whose anti-Israel animus, expressed in his charges of “genocide,” he no longer bothers to hide.
Oxley said that while the soldiers of the two world wars also did cruelties, out of the conflict came a better world, this was not the case with Israel’s multi-front war against Hamas and Iranian proxies.
Destroying a terror group such as Hamas will not bring about a “better world”? So getting rid of a group that glories in rape, torture, and murder won’t make the world better? It will certainly make the world better for Israelis, and for Arabs in Gaza who have endured Hamas’ corrupt despotism since 2007. It will make the world safer for all those who know that they too can be, and many have been, victims of Muslim terrorism, in the United States and all over Europe. Defeating Hamas is no different from defeating Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State. Oxley, maddened by antisemitism, cannot allow himself to recognize that.
“Whatever peace and security the Israeli regime hopes to achieve by the considerable damage done to the leadership and resources of Hamas and Hezbollah, what is most obvious to the rest of the world is the desolation and destruction wrought in Gaza, in Lebanon, and in the West Bank. Shalom, it is not,” said Oxley. “The policy of targeting schools and hospitals and mosques; the starvation and the constant need to move elsewhere; going back again and again to bomb people who have already been deprived of home and happiness and everything else – is such cruelty necessary? Does it not tend to dehumanize the aggressor as well as the victim? And what of the constant refusal to take responsibility? The unending mantra of the IDF: This is the fault of Hamas. But it is your hands that have pulled the trigger, that have dropped the bomb that took that child’s legs, that woman’s life, that family’s home.”…
One more time: any harm caused to civilians in Gaza — and in every war there are civilian deaths — is a direct result of Hamas’ embedding its fighters and hiding its weapons among civilians. Oxley mentions the “desolation and destruction” in Gaza, but not the efforts of the IDF to minimize both. The IDF does not “target schools and hospitals and mosques” that are being used as schools and hospitals and mosques. It targets these “schools” and “mosques” and “hospitals” when they are being used by Hamas as weapons warehouses, as fighters’ hideouts, as command-and-control centers. When the IDF recently evacuated the Kamal Adwan Hospital of its patients and medical personnel, it discovered that 240 Hamas fighters had been hiding in the “hospital.” Should that building be free from attack because it was once just a hospital, but for a long time has been an outpost for Hamas?
In Nostra Aetate, Pope Paul VI and the Second Vatican Council changed the Church’s view of Jews and Judaism for the better. Section Four of that document repudiates the centuries-old “deicide” charge against all Jews, stresses the religious bond shared by Jews and Catholics, reaffirms the eternal covenant between God and the People of Israel, and dismisses church interest in trying to baptize Jews. In the outrageous charges they have flung at Israel, Archbishop Martin and Pope Francis are undoing that good work of Paul VI. As for the Anglican Oxley, and his incredible remark about the Jews believing themselves to be the “master race,” I would like to borrow a line that the Austrian writer Karl Kraus made in 1933 about Adolf Hitler: “About Hitler I have nothing to say.” About Oxley I have nothing to say.
The Catholic church is once again spreading antisemitic slander. I guess the bad old days are back when they preached antisemitism in their pulpits and schools. I wonder if the pogroms and inquisition will come back as well.
Well, their religions tell them they are special and above others. It’s no secret.
Well…SINCE THE BIBLE also says Jews are special, Christians believe it, too…and so would he if he read and believed what he claims to embrace theologically. Jews are the descendants of Jacob renamed Israel, the son of Isaac the son of Abraham. Israel is the one assigned by God himself as the heir of the covenant God made with Abraham. That covenant included the Israel territory, and Scrioture is clear on that. The Jewish race has the highest IQ and most recipients of Nobel prizes (back when they meant something). Jews brought Christians the knowledge if God. The Jews (as a people) deserve respect from those who claim Christianity. Not disdain.
In this case it’s the Irish Anglican Church.
TBF, this goosestepper Oxley isn’t Catholic. Anglican pulpits preach the Godless Cult of Woke, and Irish schools are probably preaching the Islamist flavor of nazism.
This is an Anglican priest, not a Catholic one.
The Anglican Church IS NOT the Catholic Chutch, not even a little bit.
The Anglicans are the bastard children of a once Christian Nation,
The Anglican Church was founded by and is actually headed by the King of England.
Have you not noticed the profoundly antisemitic tendencies of Chuck The Lesser?
I would view it from the opposite end of the spectrum – Anglicanism is what happens if you try to reform Catholicism and stop half-way. The Anglican church has retained such unBiblical practices as infant baptism and a priesthood, whereas the early church taught the priesthood of all believers – at the Last Supper, Jesus did not only revisit the Passover, but also the consecration of the Levitical priesthood, because in Exodus 29:33 it says of the candidates for the Levitical priesthood “And they shall eat those things with which the atonement was made, to consecrate and to sanctify them; but a stranger shall not eat thereof, because they are holy.” (CJB) The bread and wine of Holy Communion are very clearly an extension of “the things with which atonement was made”, so receiving them consecrates us as the royal priesthood to which the apostle Peter refers in 1 Peter 2: vs. 5 and 9.
This has the case for hundreds of years…
If you are a Jew stay out of the U.K. The Muslims are running wild and most of the towns will soon be run by Muslim Jihadists.
And the native Brits have been disarmed.
What other “race” in the entire world all over the world, is being hunted to death Dave? What other “race” in the entire world is forced to live in bunkers in their own land to survive Dave? What other “race” is being attacked and slaughtered on public streets in their own land Dave? All because of their “race”. You are nothing but an anti Israeli Jew hating islam loving cuck. Hey Dave..screw you chump.
You mean, besides the Palestinians? Whom the Jews have been trying to genocide since 1948?
Let’s play “find the Jew Hater”
Maybe you should go to Gaza and fight the IDF Mr. Tough guy.
BTW, No such thing as a Palestinian. Yassir Arafat made up the name in the mid60s. Even the Jordanians won’t take them back. And the Egyptians want nothing to do with them.
I can guarantee the the Jews want nothing to do with an SFBs like you.
We don’t!!
Such stupidity reigns. He will slowly he brought under dhimmitude by the Islamist’s who will gladly use him first to further their goals and then to force his submission ti then as an infidel or he will become one of them after saying, with a dagger to his throat the Shahada.
Who will he blame then for his stupidity?
Well, since the Palestinian population has grown immensely since 1948, this must be the worst genocide attempt in history :).
The population growth in the Gaza region over the past year has been the same as in previous years (based on statistics from the Gazans themselves.)
I live in Israel, and I don’t necessarily approve of anything being done in our name by the leftist elites (which includes Netanyahu, BTW), but genocide it ain’t.
Typical of your ilk. You either have no clue of what you’re talking about or simply a lying anti Israel twerp. Probaly both.
Can’t be a good wokenazi if you aren’t a complete hypocrite about your fascism.
Well who told him to deify one of them
Jesus was thoroughly Jewish throughout his life – he even waited for the end of Shabbat before being resurrected.
Uhh, Jews are not really a race. That’s also the least of the problem with the apostate teachings from one of if not the most corrupted and distorted mockery of Christianity that exists on the planet today. Anyone who listens to anything from these false prophets pushing false teachings needs to have their head examined.
I love it when deranged people try to teach us Christianity.
This is like when the Anglican Church in New Zealand propose re-writing the Bible to remove all references to Israel and change them to “Palestine” or Pope Francis and his baby Jesus in the manger clad in a keffiyeh. It’s amazing that a soggy, boozy land that has fewer than 2,000 Jews is so full of titantic hatred for them.
Noel, Noel, born is the king of Palestine?
Neither rhyme nor reason.
I’m sure there are some little boys trapped in the cellar under the church.
Bunch of the molesters, just like the catholic church.
Investigators should check underneath the cellar under the church.
Could be some missing kids in that seller.
Pity Ireland
Fabled home of barroom brawlers
To Ahmed they dare not lift a hand
Content as beer-soaked crawlers
You can’t be ‘God’s Chosen’ and not consider yourself better than others.
Of course they are supremacists.
They project all their baggage and issues and negativity onto the goyim.
They also practice subtle, pervasive, and long-term headgames on humanity, in order to control, exploit and in the case of Europeans, eliminate from the face of the earth .
Deep down Jews are terrified that they have been superseded by Christians, esp. Europeans, in God’s eyes, because they allowed, and indirectly caused the murder of God’s son.
I’m not religious, and don’t necessarily believe this, but I don’t’ have to, to think that ‘they’ do.
I’m Jewish and the problem is Jews have no guilt about Jesus’ death because there is no such thing as a messiah. The concept doesn’t exist in the 5 books of Moses. It’s ironic that in the Second Temple era some Judeans like Jesus thought that God would supernaturally intervene to expel their Roman conquerors. When in fact in Deuteronomy, God mentions how HE would intervene in the future. In chapter 28, God lays out the blessing if HIS people follow HIS laws and commandments as well as HIS curses, if they don’t abide. If the Israelites don’t abide by God’s laws and commandments, punishments will be meted out. The worst being exiled as written in verse 64: And the Lord shall scatter thee among all peoples, from the one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth; and there thou shalt serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou nor thy fathers, even wood and stone.
In chapter 30, that’s only when God will intervene after all the blessings and curses have come to pass. HE would gather all HIS people in far off lands and bring them back into the land of the covenant. Again, that’s God not man nor a messiah.
The entire premise of Jesus’ mission was warning Judeans to prepare for the Kingdom of God. Which was another way of saying God would intervene supernaturally to remove the Roman Occupation and restore the glory of Judah back to serving God. Well this never happened, which is the reason why Judeans looked upon Jesus as a false prophet. When prophecy fails, followers of a leader go one of two ways. One is to leave the movement and the other is to make justifications for the failed prophecy, where their faith in the leader only grows stronger.
For most Judeans after Jesus’ death, the movement died. But for many in the non-Jewish Roman world, those who knew nothing about the Torah, they made Jesus into a Roman god. I hope that now clarifies the matter for you.
Islam in the UK and Europe act as if they are a master race and should and can modify and replace the cultures of the countries they migrate to.. See the news for attack on churches, Christmas, teachers etc
Another puppet of the Left.
In other words, a total useful idiot
What did Jesus say about them at the end of the parable of the wicked husbandmen in Matthew 21?
anglica Irish “‘ Church has like two people. Who g a f ?’
It has become embarrassing to be Irish. They seem to be on the wrong side of everything these days. They should remember what it is like to be hated and hunted.
Mohammed told the Arabs that they were “the best of people”. So if there is a faith that preaches the notion of a master race, it is Islam, not Judaism. “Chosen people” and “master race” are entirely different concepts – when God chooses a person, it is so that they can serve those not yet ready to be chosen, and show them the way. When Nathan revealed God’s promise to King David, the king’s reaction was a humble “Who am I, Sovereign Lord, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?” (2 Samuel 7:18). Perhaps Canon Oxley should read more about his namesake, in order to straighten out his theology a bit, given that the idea of chosen-ness in Christianity parallels that of Judaism.
When Ireland turns into the Islamic Republic of Ireland, I wonder if he’ll still blame the Jews.
David Oxley if asked to describe himself he would most likely begin with his gender, move to his race and on to his class. The founder of his religion claimed that in Christ there is no such thing as race, class or gender. (Galatians 3:28) It’s a shame he hasn’t learned from the great Anglican Bishop George Berkeley: “Everything is an idea in the mind of God.” If he understood that he wouldn’t be so quick to judge another.
Oxley, just another baiter on the charter boat of life. And he’s a master!
Ah yes, David Oxley typifies the Christian supersessionist. Such people only criticize and demonize Jews because it’s they who think they’re truly blessed by God and feel the Lord stripped HIS covenant with the Children of Israel in favor of the church. These are the same people who haven’t a clue about the bible’s context of the chosen people but like to make demeaning remarks by saying the Jews feel they’re the chosen people! How about reading Deuteronomy 7: 1 – 11 to understand the context.
God told the Israelites that he brought them into the land to make a covenant with HIS people. That the Israelites should destroy all the altars to foreign deities and that God chose them to pass on HIS laws. God states it’s not because the Israelites were greater in number or less in number to other people but HE knew the children of Israel would keep HIS laws and commandments.
It’s ironic that both Christianity and Islam were only able to be born because the Jewish people kept the Torah alive. Both Christianity and Islam are religions based on supersessionism. Both adherents hate Jews because the Jews didn’t modify their religion to believe in Pauline Christianity or that Muhammad was a prophet in the continuing line of Jewish prophets along with believing Muhammad was the final prophet.
It’s strange how Christianity and Islam aren’t categorized as cults despite meeting the definition of one. Especially with regard to their doomsday philosophical approach that includes an utopian world once all Jews are exterminated.
Note to self: Never trust a religious professional. With a cheap politician and an ignorant mod, it was religious professionals that colluded in the death of Christ.
Fortunately, you can’ keep a good man down and nowJesus is Lord…for true!
Glory be! The Reverend Ian Paisley was better than this Oxley guy.. As a Jewish/Israeli response to these allegations. No need to. Anyone with a semblance of education knows they’re nonsense.
Perhaps somebody should hand this fat ass Paddy fella a copy of the Quran and outline the passages where it claims muslims to be THE best people in humanity and that Jews are dogs and pigs…
Who follows this prick and what is the name of his wee boyfriend?.
The Anglican Church is just another Counterfeit ‘Christian’ Church we were warned of millennia ago.