You might think the guy waving a machete outside a Los Angeles synagogue while dressed like a Muslim terrorist is a Muslim terrorist.
But for once, you would be wrong.
He’s not a Muslim terrorist. Just a sympathizer who posts, “Long live Palestine” on Facebook.
A man who was taking selfies with a machete and making menacing gestures in front of a North Hollywood Chabad synagogue on Friday was arrested later that night, according to local media reports.
The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Inmate Information Center indicates that 49-year-old David Brener was arrested late Friday evening, and released Saturday afternoon on a $10,000 bond.
While Dave looked like he was auditioning for the ISIS calendar, he seems more likely the David Icke/Alice Walker type of bigot. But his obsession with Israel is pretty clear.
What is allegedly Brener’s Facebook page includes “Palestinian” imagery, claims that Israel committed genocide, “Love live Palestine”, praise for the Tamimis, calling Jews, “Zionazis”, and hashtags like, #palestineforever #zionazi #antizionism and #antizionist
Also Holocaust denial.
Most of his social feed seems to be rants about Israel and Jews. So this is none too surprising.
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