Sweden’s new right-wing government is the first that has relied on support from the Sweden Democrats, a “far-right” party whose main focus is on crime and immigration, or rather, on Muslim immigration and Muslim crime, which are the only kinds that have recently been causing so much trouble in Sweden.
A preliminary Jihad Watch report on the first right-wing government in Sweden in nearly 80 years can be found here, and a news article on the recent developments here: “With far-right backing, Swedish parliament elects conservative as new PM,” by Marc Preel, Times of Israel, October 17, 2022:
Sweden’s parliament on Monday narrowly elected conservative leader Ulf Kristersson as prime minister, leading the country’s first government to be shored up by the far-right Sweden Democrats.
The Sweden Democrats in the Parliament have provided the key support that allowed Kristersson, 58, to be elected by a wafer-thin majority of three votes, after announcing a deal on Friday to form a governing coalition comprising his Moderate Party, the Christian Democrats and the Liberals. The right-wing parties hold 176 seats in the Parliament, while the left-wing parties have 173.
The government will be supported in parliament by its far-right ally, the anti-immigration, nationalist Sweden Democrats.
“I am thankful and glad for the trust I have received from parliament and also considerably humble before the tasks ahead of us,” Kristersson told a press conference following Monday’s vote.
He is expected to present his new government on Tuesday.
The Sweden Democrats were the big winners in the closely fought September 11 general election.
They emerged as the second-largest party with a record 20.5 percent of votes, trailing only the Social Democrats, who have dominated Swedish politics since the 1930s.
The Sweden Democrats have come out of the political wilderness a decade ago to become the second largest party in Sweden. In the previous election, they had scarcely 10% of the vote, and in the election just held, they won 20.5 percent, more than doubling their share. The party, once shunned as “far right,”— which Is how the BBC, The Guardian, and other left-wing media sites continue to describe it — has gained legitimacy as its Cassandra-like warnings about the effect of mass Muslim immigration have been coming true. There have been riots by Muslims in both 2020 and 2022. This year, they took place in Norrkoping, Linkoping, Landskrona, Orebro, Malmö and the capital Stockholm. The 2022 riots were prompted by news of a possible Qur’an burning (that never took place). Cars and buses were set on fire; so was a school. More police than rioters were wounded in trying to suppress those riots, which led to calls for the police to use harsher measures to suppress the rioters. The center-right leader of the Christian Democrats, Ebba Busch, argued that the police should have acted more harshly in response to the riots, asking “Why didn’t we have one hundred injured Islamists, one hundred injured criminals, one hundred injured insurgents [instead of one hundred injured police]?”
There are now 810,000 Muslim immigrants in Sweden, out of a total population of 10.5 million.
Successive Swedish governments have been trying, with little success, to integrate this enormous number of Muslims into Swedish society. The government pays for language courses, for courses in Swedish culture, and for job training programs. But there has been very little real integration by these “new” Immigrants. Muslims remain aloof from the larger society, perfectly content to live within their own neighborhoods, where non-Muslim Swedes soon learn they are not welcome. The Muslims live off the generous benefits provided by the Swedish welfare state, the most extensive in all of Europe, which is why, when Muslim immigrants first arrive in Europe, they try to make it to Sweden. Those immigrants receive free of highly subsidized housing, free medical care, free education, family allowances, and even unemployment benefits without having been employed in Sweden. The vast sums now expended on these programs for Muslim immigrants naturally have put a strain on the government’s social services budget. The more money spent on the sudden and huge influx of Muslim immigrants since 2015 has meant less money is available to be spent on such welfare programs for the indigenous poor of Sweden. Resentment over this state of affairs has been growing.
Meanwhile, Muslim immigrants have been involved in bombings, gang violence, rapes, and murders. The drug trade in Sweden is now completely in the hands of Muslims. Swedish women have been advised not to go out alone at night in Swedish cities, because of the rise in rapes. More than 60% of rapes committed in Sweden are by those described as “foreign born.” Everyone knows what that phrase “foreign-born” means: Muslim immigrants. They make up 7% of the population, but 60% of the rapists. Of course, the Muslims blame Swedish women, who dress in a manner that means, for many Muslims, that they are “asking for it.”
Sweden is the only European country where fatal shootings have risen significantly since 2000, leaping from one of the lowest rates of gun violence on the continent to one of the highest in less than a decade. In 2018, Sweden had the highest gun deaths in Europe, surpassing Italy and eastern Europe, due to increased criminal gang activities. These are Muslim criminal gangs, that came into their own with the increase in immigration, especially after 2015. At the 2022 election in Sweden crime topped the list of voters’ most important concerns for the first time ever. And indissolubly linked to the rise in crime is the rise in Muslim immigrants.
Swedish views are now changing rapidly; Swedes have been mugged by reality.
Earlier this year, even the leftist Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson of the Social Democrats said that Sweden “has failed to integrate the vast numbers of immigrants it has taken in over the past two decades, leading to parallel societies and gang violence.” She was partly right. Vast numbers of Muslim immigrants have been allowed in, without the Swedish government having done its due diligence. The Swedes failed to investigate just what the Qur’an inculcates, especially about violence toward non-Muslims. Sweden now has a “parallel society” of Muslims; its most extreme form is found in the No-Go neighborhoods in Malmö and Stockholm. But Andersson was wrong to blame Sweden itself: Sweden is not responsible for Muslims who, given every chance to integrate, with language and cultural courses provided by the government to help them assimilate, still reject the Infidel Swedes, their laws and mores, their society. Sweden is not responsible for the sky-high criminality rates of Muslim immigrants – the same phenomenon is observable all over Europe, where Muslim immigrants have up to ten times the incarceration rates of the indigenous Infidels in whose countries they now live. It is the Muslims themselves who are to blame for their criminality. They can justify their robberies and burglaries to themselves, as a kind of proleptic jizyah, and can blame their rape victims for their “come hither” clothing.
Sweden is finally responding to this intolerable state of affairs. What was “far-right” even a few years ago is now in the political mainstream. Let us hope that this new government, dependent as it is on the parliamentary support of the Sweden Democrats, will institute a series of measures to diminish the Muslim presence in Sweden. First, the government should put a stop to any further immigration, making an exception only for those with exceptional skills and training. That is one way to call a halt to Muslim immigrants, without specifying their faith. Very few Muslim immigrants possess such “exceptional” skills. Second, after criminal migrants have served their sentences, the government must deport them to their countries of origin. Again, without using the word “Muslim” in the law, the effect will fall most heavily on those who have the highest rates of criminality — that is, Muslims. Third, the government must monitor the mosques, both by taping sermons and putting CCTV cameras in the mosques. Following the French example, any imams who are found to be preaching hatred of Infidels, or violence of any kind, should be promptly expelled, sent back to their countries of origin. Fourth, all government aid, from subsidized housing to medical care to family allowances, should be denied to immigrants during the first five years of their living in Sweden. That should make the country far less attractive to economic migrants.
That’s a start. I’m confident the Sweden Democrats, newly empowered, will come up with much, much more.
‘Bout effing time.
Instead of paying to integrate the Muj (they don’t want to be integrated), pay to deport them back to their country of origin and end the policy of “y’all come” open borders.
Otherwise the Swedes will have to integrate into a Muslim society.
For all the fainting reporters having to reach for the smelling salts over this, I’d like to see their posh lilly-white neighborhoods packed with muslims, and the reporters unable to move out.
Better yet, pack islamist muslims like sardines in Martha’s Vineyard. (I’d pay for the DVD documenting the liberal melt-down.)
On what possible basis did the Social Democrats believe that the Muslim “refugees” were coming there to become good Swedes? It’s simply more of the delusional wishful thinking that abounds in the West’s ruling elites and that is ruining the West.
Spot on. Well and economically stated.
The Swedes have seen what has happened to Mexifornia, and the staggering cost of all that ‘cheap’ labor.
“First, the government should put a stop to any further immigration, making an exception only for those with exceptional skills and training.”
I agree with everything in the article but the above line. I don’t think Sweden, or any other Western country. needs to import people with “exceptional skills and training” anymore. I’m sure there are enough Swedes that already have those skills or can be trained in whatever skills are needed. Taking another country’s skilled labour is immoral, unless you’re a Globalist who benefits from the mass immigration Ponzi scheme.
I will never tour Europe again
Very welcome news! Next the media, academia & other leftist/WOKE factions must be exposed & pressed to admit their stupidity. Other foolish countries, UK in particular need to follow Sweden’s lead & abandon their failed policies.
This will, hopefully be the beginning of the end for Islam, not only in Europe but globally. A World Reconquista.