New York Magazine is in the headline, but it’s Jonathan Chait. And considering Andrew Sullivan’s purge, I don’t think Chait will be around to express his skepticism about the new cult of race. That just leaves The Atlantic, and it’s only a matter of time until Laurene Powell Jobs is browbeaten into shutting down Conor Friedersdorf and Caitlin Flanagan. John McWhorter, who is black, will probably be told to stay away from racial issues. Forcing out a black writer and thinker would be challenging even for cancel culture.
That will leave zero liberal voices at major national publications. But meanwhile, Chait is taking his shot.
Is the Anti-Racism Training Industry Just Peddling White Supremacy? – NYM
Well yes.
Leftist class warfare is about class supremacy, not of the working class, but of the political elite. The working class in countries where the Left gains absolute supremacy, tends to be reduced to serfdom. Don’t take it from me, take it from a guy named Orwell.
And the new racial politics just substitute race for class while the arguments stay the same. But that’s not quite what Chait means.
But the anti-racism trainers go beyond denying the myth of meritocracy to denying the role of individual merit altogether. Indeed, their teaching presents individuals as a racist myth. In their model, the individual is subsumed completely into racial identity…
In some cases its ideas literally replicate anti-Black racism…
Glenn Singleton, president of Courageous Conversation, a racial-sensitivity training firm, tells Bergner that valuing “written communication over other forms” is “a hallmark of whiteness,” as is “scientific, linear thinking. Cause and effect.”..
“White” values include things like “objective, rational thinking”; “cause and effect relationships”; “hard work is the key to success”; “plan for the future”; and “delayed gratification.” The source for this chart is another, less-artistic chart written by Judith Katz in 1990. Katz has a doctorate in education and moved into the corporate consulting world in 1985, where, according to her résumé, she has “led many transformational change initiatives.” It is not clear what in Katz’s field of study allowed her to establish such sweeping conclusions about the innate culture of white people versus other groups.
We’ve seen these things making the rounds on social media. It’s telling that quite a few of the people coming up with this stuff are white. White people arguing that black people can’t be expected to be on time or plan for the future is incredibly racist.
But where Chait doesn’t go and can’t go is that the diversity consulting industry’s motive force has to be blaming the workplace for a lack of diversity. It would be unacceptable and it would destroy their business model to do anything. Setting impossible and unacceptable conditions for a workplace to be properly diverse is a shell game that accuses workplaces of whiteness in order to sell it more of the same product, struggle sessions and high consulting fees.
But this requires assumptions that are quite racist.
One way to understand this thinking is to place it on a spectrum of thought about race. On the far right is open white supremacy, which instructs white people to fight for their interests as white people. (Hence the 14-word slogan, “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”) Moving to the left, standard-issue conservatism tends to discount the existence of racism and treat all problems in pure color-blind terms, as though racism has been banished. To the left of that is standard liberalism, which acknowledges the existence of racism as a problem that complicates simple race-neutral solutions.
The ideology of the racism-training industry is distinctively to the left of that. It collapses all identity into racial categories. “It is crucial for white people to acknowledge and recognize our collective racial experience,” writes DiAngelo, whose teachings often encourage the formation of racial affinity groups. The program does not allow any end point for the process of racial consciousness. Racism is not a problem white people need to overcome in order to see people who look different as fully human — it is totalizing and inescapable.
Of course, DiAngelo’s whites-only groups are not dreamed up in the same spirit as David Duke’s. The problem is that, at some point, the extremes begin to functionally resemble each other despite their mutual antipathy.
Another, more classical way of putting it, is that extremists tend to share the same premises, and often agree on the general tenor of the solutions, but from a different interest angle.
The Communists and the Nazis agreed that capitalism was evil and exploitative, and that the ideal society was a dictatorship of the workers overseen by the ideologically faithful, that would purge problematic minorities and engage in a program of territorial expansion.
Both sides emphasized different parts of that sentence for ideological reasons, but they largely shared a worldview once you got past the ideological jargon, the gaslighting, and the propaganda. While some would say that this is because of the Socialism, once you get to the real far right (which is to say, not Republicans or conservatives, but the real thing), Socialism is a common solution. They may not use that word, but they believe in a powerful government that provides lots of social benefits and controls everything.
White and black nationalists similarly share the basic premise that race is entirely defining, that some races are inferior and others are superior, that the inferior races have been subjugating the superior ones, that society must be reinvented along racial lines, and that will require a cultural revolution in consciousness that will destroy the cultural, political and economic power of the inferior race.
That’s what the anti-whiteness or anti-racist movement, as it calls itself, believes and wants. It runs on guilt, fear, and shame. It builds its thesis around victimhood, but that’s what all racial supremacists do. That’s what Hitler and the KKK did.
The message of racial supremacists isn’t, “We’re awesome, let’s stay that way.” It’s, “We’re being oppressed, let’s rise up.”
Chait can’t even think stuff like this, let alone say it. But it’s undeniably true.
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