Go woke, go broke applies to non-profits too. Does this mean we’ll see fewer Forward articles like, “Why We Should Applaud The Politician Who Said Jews Control The Weather”?
The Forward is stopping — its print editions.
Not really news. Nobody has looked at a print copy of The Forward’s deranged anti-Semitic ravings in years. I didn’t even know they still had one.
The storied Jewish-American publication is suspending its print operations and plans to lay off about 40 percent of its editorial staff — including Editor-in-Chief Jane Eisner — while moving to digital-only.
The Forward hasn’t been Jewish since Eisner decided to dump the “Jewish” part some years back while transitioning the paper from lefty politics to explicitly anti-Semitic politics.
Eisner’s departure is the best news in a while, but there’s no doubt that she’ll land securely somewhere else in the mediacracy.
“We are announcing that this spring The Forward will complete its evolution from what was once a print-focused publisher to become a digitally focused publication.”
So it’ll just be a blog now.
“The revenue is not really there,” said a source. “They’ve been losing money for years but lately the losses have been more than $5 million a year.”
The publication is owned by The Forward Association, a not-for-profit whose endowment swelled to more than $100 million when the association sold its former headquarters on the Lower East Side as well as the radio station WEVD.
WEVD once provided Jewish programming. The headquarters was turned into condos.
What exactly is The Forward Association doing with all that money, except paying staffers to defend anti-Semitism and spew hatred?
Good question.
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