This just in! Germany, whose last encounter with similar stuff led the Germans to murder six million Jews, has just upheld the right of its schools to teach anti-white racism. More on this victory for the naked racism of Critical Race Theory can be found here: “Germany: Berlin court rules anti-White Critical Race Theory can be taught in schools,” by John Cody, Remix News, March 29, 2023:
After a father filed an emergency appeal against Critical Race Theory (CRT) in his son’s classroom, the Berlin Administrative Court has ruled that the racist theory is permitted in Berlin’s classrooms.
The court argues that children should “basically be expected to be confronted with the views and values of a pluralistic society – despite a possible contradiction to their own convictions.”
Of course. Always a good idea to “be confronted with the views and values of a pluralistic society.” And the more disturbing those views, why then the more challenging will be our confrontation with them, and the braver we will show ourselves to be. What was it John Milton, the famous author of Paradise Lost, said in his Areopagitica? “I cannot praise a fugitive and cloistered virtue.” But why stop there, with giving the go-ahead to teaching Critical Race Theory? Why not follow the same line of thought and reintroduce those theories that truly challenge us, that we in Germany have been censoring for so long? I mean, of course, antisemitism, that hasn’t allowed to make its case since 1945. Why should we shut out of careful and sympathetic consideration such an important aspect of modern thought, that has had such a profound effect on our societies, without allowing its proponents to make their cases so that then, having been exposed to what today we are not allowed even to hear or read about, we can make our own judgements as to its worth? We don’t need the nanny state telling us that we aren’t allowed to even hear the case for antisemitismus. That’s why we have free speech! To hear the speech that makes us most uncomofortable. And Critical Race Theory, that now can be taught to our children, makes us quite uncomfortable. What could be a better expression of a free and independent people?
Critical Race Theory, first popularized in the United States, comes in various permutations but is overall defined as anti-White hate theory, which posits that White societies are inherently racist and systematically oppress minorities. The theory arises in the U.S. despite programs like affirmative action, trillions funneled into inner cities to improve minority outcomes in education over the last decades, programs from universities and corporations to recruit minorities to the exclusion of Whites through Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) schemes, government discrimination against Whites, and even preference in medical care for minorities over Whites.
Although CRT is not as widespread in Germany [as it is in the US], it is increasingly incorporated into classrooms, especially by activist teachers influenced by progressive trends in the U.S. and the United Kingdom.
Several decades ago, American teachers of literature, tired of close reading, went off the deep end by embracing French literary theorists – Hélène Cixous, Tzvetan Todorov, and others associated with the journal Tel Quel. Literary theory replaced literature, and the theory-bound pedant replaced the tweeds-and-pipe old-fashioned professor who encouraged students to caress the words, thus taking all the pleasure, the frisson, the fun out of the whole enterprise. As one consequence, all those people who might once have become enthusiastic teachers of literature, sickened on a surfeit of Judith Butler and Gayatari Spivak, and instead of continuing to teach about the literature that they loved, headed instead for law school and the Uniform Commercial Code. Now Americans have returned the favor, exporting to Europe our most recent contribution to the world of thought, Critical Race Theory. The Europeans, excited as any Shi’ite beating himself with a chain at Ashura, are learning to flagellate themselves for the crime of being White.
In the U.S., books like “Not My Idea” have been promoted in classrooms, which explains to readers that “whiteness” is what drives White people to make “deals with the devil” for “stolen land, stolen riches and special favors.” The book also claims White people get to “mess endlessly with the lives of your friends, neighbors, loved ones, and all fellow humans of color for the purpose of profit.”
The original critical race theorist, in a sense, is Louis K. Farrakhan, the spawn of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, who from his mansion in Southside Chicago has for decades been instructing his followers that White People are Devils, which is even stronger than merely “making deals with the Devil.”
As an off-white person, I don’t remember ever “messing endlessly” or even at all, with the lives of “people of color.” I have studied with them, befriended them, worked with them, and no doubt will end up in an old-age home with both people of color and colorless people. I have never felt the need to mess with “fellow humans of color for the purpose of profit.”
In Cupertino, California, third graders were required to rank themselves on a scale of “power and privilege” based on their race, and schools in Buffalo, New York, taught students that “all white people” perpetuate “systemic racism.” The program also required kindergarteners to view a video of dead Black children with the warning that “racist police and state-sanctioned violence” were responsible.
The education state department in Arizona also distributed “equity toolkits” to schools, claiming that infants as young as 3 months old begin to show signs of racism and “remain strongly biased in favor of whiteness” by the time they turn 5 years of age.
Critical Race Theory. How did we ever do without it?
Lethal says
Grateful bunch – NOT! When one considers that so-called ‘whites’ are responsible for most of the world’s inventions that benefit everyone – electricity, modern medicine, cars, planes, etc.etc. – would those anti-whites be happy to do without these things simply because they hate whites? I thought not!
J.J. Sefton says
Man, is this story crying out to be used in a “Downfall” parody.
Kasandra says
“The court argues that children should “basically be expected to be confronted with the views and values of a pluralistic society – despite a possible contradiction to their own convictions.”” Does that include teaching children that Jews are syphlitic vermin who must be eradicated? After all, that is the view and value of some in a “pluralistic society.” Asking for a friend.
Spurwing Plover says
Just about the same kind of Brainwashing they did under Hitler
Stephen Triesch says
Racial animosities in the US had been on the decline for at least 50 years, and the left was not pleased, so they invented CRT – which is INTENDED to INCREASE racial divisions – and began promoting it in all of our institutions. CRT is a tool of division and subversion. It is evil because it is intended to cause harm.
Jim says
Once in the 90s I was a student in Germany, and the father of another student told me that the Americans are the worst racists in the world. My other acquaintances generally showed more tact. A man at a social gathering once commented that American culture was Scheiss, and I kept quiet, but a leader of the group said that was not so. A few people from the old GDR whom I have met had similar views of America. I conclude anecdotally that the foundation for CRT was already there before it arose in the USA. It was surely prepared by Frankfurt School immigrants and books like One Dimensional Man by Herbert Marcuse. It did not take much watering for the flowers of CRT to blossom there. But not all Germans believe in such nonsense.
Htos1av says
Significant because CRT 1819 is obama’s and holder’s “mein kampf” ghost written for them overseas.
Htos1av says
CRT is obama’s and holder’s “niem fpmak”, ghost written for them overseas.
John Blackman says
you can only hope that a predominantly white nation that germany is will continue to sign its own death warrant . they will eventually be over run by muslims whom they have embraced . they continue to sign the death warrants for jews which they always have since hitler was in power and obviously haven’t learned any lessons from that failed system . the bible teaches that all , jews and gentiles will give an account of things done in this life to the sovereign of the universe . ignore the warning at your peril . eternity is a long time in hell . the alternative is preferable . considering most don’t believe what the bible teaches even those that inhabit churches , i am predicting a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth in this life and the next .
Philip Nolan says
This CRT nonsense was initially discarded for the claptrap that it surely is, but was taken up by a few Marxist leaning malcontents and has since become the left’s favored cudgel. All people, regardless of race, know in their heart and soul that we are not all the same, this egalitarian notion that we see, flies in the face of observed reality. We all have different gifts, propensities, inclinations ETC. How could one reasonably believe we all should have the same outcomes. The left, with a communist bent want us all poor and having nothing while happy that we are wearing the same uniform. Americans don’t buy what the left is selling. We live in a meritocracy, we always have. One’s effort, God given talents and moral character will generally determine outcomes. Blacks have been the recipients of more efforts, set asides, money and programs and still rank at the bottom of most social indices. We must stop “helping” blacks and hold them to account, elevate and encourage them when appropriate but convict and incarcerate them when lawless. CRT will ultimately die, just like the “trans” horror show and all other lawlessness when civil society has had well enough lies, death and Godlessness.
Algorithmic Analyst says
What people are most looking for is someone to hate. In this case whites.
Hope says
“In Cupertino, California, third graders were required to rank themselves on a scale of “power and privilege” based on their race…” Cupertino is dominated by very affluent non-white immigrants. Any liberal teacher pushing this garbage in Cupertino should be able to see the astonishing prosperity of many non-white people living in America. There are no victims there, no oppressed masses. Cupertino itself explodes the foundation of CRT. Pushing CRT in Cupertino is simply preposterous. Democrats are shameless.