When I wrote Escape from Portland, it was a little ahead of the curve. But not by that much.
You’ve got a real problem when a local real estate blog is writing about the “Mass Exodus from Portland.”
The Portland Tribune notes that, “Portland now ranks 66 out of 80 in national commercial real estate markets.”
Businesses are getting out of Portland after it was taken over by race rioters and Antifa thugs.
For Greg Goodman, co-president of the Downtown Development Group, there are other numbers that tell a deeper, even more disturbing story: the number of businesses that are moving out of or locating outside the central district of Portland.
“The number is like nothing I have seen in 42 years of doing business in downtown,” Goodman said in a letter he sent to Mayor Ted Wheeler and members of the Portland City Council last week.
Goodman said the companies include Daimler Chrysler, Airbnb, Banana Republic, Microsoft (which he said is permanently closing its retail store), Saucebox and Google, which “leased 90,000 square feet in the Macy’s building (and) has stopped construction of their improvements. The list goes on and on. If you know a retail or office broker, give them a call and ask them how many clients they have are trying to leave.”
So, obviously, it’s time to follow in California’s footsteps and announce a ban on traveling to the place where people are going to.
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler announced on Friday that Portland City Council will vote on an emergency resolution on Wednesday with the intent to ban city business and employee travel related to the state of Texas.
Wheeler might have done better to vote on a resolution banning Antifa from setting fire to his condos.
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