During the first presidential debate in 2020, Joe Biden claimed that the left-wing violent movement known as Antifa was merely “an idea, not an organization.” He was trying to paraphrase a statement by FBI Director Chris Wray who had described Antifa as an ideology or a movement, not an organization, but who also referred to Antifa as a “real thing.”
In other words, FBI Director Wray was taking Antifa seriously as a real movement that was of major concern to law enforcement, while Joe Biden was pooh-poohing Antifa as just “an idea.”
Antifa’s decentralized network of far-left individuals and cells has devolved into mobs engaged in physical assault, arson, and other violent crimes against targets they deem to represent the so-called “fascist” enemy. Many despise capitalism and the rule of law altogether. All of them hate the police and other symbols of law enforcement.
These left-wing extremists have committed acts of insurrection in setting fire to courthouses. And they have attacked police officers performing their duty to protect life and property.
A public safety training camp facility that is being constructed in the Atlanta Georgia area has become the most recent flashpoint of rage among members of Antifa and like-minded environmental extremists worried that forested land will be destroyed. The militants have dubbed the training facility, which will be used to train police and firefighters, “cop city.”
In the latest incident of left-wing violence against police guarding the construction site on March 5th, rioters threw bricks, large rocks, commercial-grade fireworks, and Molotov cocktails at police officers and set police vehicles on fire. Construction vehicles were also set on fire. The rioters came prepared, dressed in black including black face masks.
Twenty-three rioters who were arrested have been charged with engaging in domestic terrorism. Some were Americans from out of state. Some were French and Canadian citizens. “So this is a national network, an international group of people that are organized to come to our state to undermine a public safety training center,” Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr said.
“Domestic terrorism will NOT be tolerated in this state,” declared Republican Governor George Kemp. “We will not rest until those who use violence and intimidation for an extremist end are brought to full justice.”
One of the individuals arrested was an attorney from the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which loves to brand its conservative opponents as hate groups. Instead of condemning the unprovoked violence committed by left-wing individuals against police and waiting for adjudication of the charges against its attorney, SPLC lashed out at the police. “This is part of a months-long escalation of policing tactics against protesters and observers who oppose the destruction of the Weelaunee Forest to build a police training facility,” SPLC said in a statement.
As for the White House’s reaction to the weekend violence at the future training site, there was hardly a peep.
When White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked on March 6th whether President Biden was aware of what had happened and whether the White House was worried about the situation escalating, she responded as follows:
“I’ve not heard any discussions about this protest over the weekend, so I would have to go back to the team and see where we are, where we’re standing, and — and our response on that. Just — this is the first time I’m hearing on — about this protest over the weekend. So I just would have to come back to you on that.”
Obviously, the White House press secretary was not paying attention to the news.
President Biden has said that he supports more funding for police training. Yet he has nothing to say when the construction site of a training facility, partly funded by private donations, is attacked by left-wing extremists who are being charged as domestic terrorists. As far as the Biden administration is concerned, only “MAGA” Republicans, their supporters, and parents protesting woke public school curriculums at board of education meetings engage in domestic terrorism.
Dana F Harbaugh says
Search YouTube for …”ANTIFA gets Frying Pan….’
15 seconds and he’s a legend.
Dana F Harbaugh says
Where’s the Anti-Antifa network?
Oh yeah, they’re attending mandatory DEI re-education camps.
Sword of the Spirit says
Found it, love it….. Boingggg Boinggg
I want my country back! says
The Left is following the playbook perfected by the Nazis in the 1930s. Their thugs infiltrated the Communists, and committed crimes to discredit them. They likely didn’t need their assistance in that regard, but they were rivals both vying for power in a weak Germany. They also beat people who didn’t give the “Heil Hitler” salute as they marched thru the streets. Sound familiar BLM?
Antifa is a joke really as they have know idea what Facism means. They are a violent group of anarchist whose philosophy is not at all consistent with the principles of our country. I’m sure they were well represented on Jan 6 and they likely cause most of the mayhem designed to discredit Trump supporters. What the Left fails to understand is that the integrity of elections is what the issue really was, not Trump.
David Ray says
Damn good post. 🍻
Steve Chavez says
ANTIFA are the most hardcore members of Communist groups like ANSWER, The Party for Socialism and Liberation, The Revolutionary Communist Party, and advised by the oldest, The Communist Party USA and their State Chapters. They are the organizers of the protests; their signs prove it. They are not hiding it either and still; millions follow them and join in their anarchy!
HOW MANY RIOTERS, LOOTERS, THOSE ATTACKING POLICE AND OTHERS, HAVE BEEN ARRESTED, CONVICTED, AND SITTING IN JAIL???? Anyone have numbers? The ones I hear of cases dismissed…. of course, by leftist DA’s who side with them. Universities allow anarchy, damage, no arrests. (Tomi Lahren spoke at UNM in September, her speech shut down after twenty minutes when the mob entered the building, damaged walls from kicking them, pulled fire alarms, and broke numerous Code of Conduct Rules. I was there and called 911 three times till State Police came. No police reports filed. My listing of Rules broken was sent to the President, Dean of Students, and to UNMPD. Last week, I followed up again on why the Student Union Director didn’t file a police report on the damaged walls. “We fixed it internally.” I have photos of the damage. “We don’t have evidence on who did it.” “REALLY… there’s videos on Youtube. Police were shoved around, and they didn’t file reports.” I COULD TELL SHE AGREED WITH THEM! I do it just to tease them!)
Steve Chavez says
ANTIFA ABQ (Albuquerque) is led by one of the main organizers of ALL the protests: Joel Marcos Gallegos, “Marxist-Leninist” on his FB page. His group first appeared, wearing masks and black, at a speech by Milo Yiannapolis. My warning to APD resulted in the help from the Sheriff’s Department, State Police, and UNMPD. After the speech, the riot squad showed up in full gear and on horses. Damage to outside chairs and tables was extensive. NO POLICE REPORTS FILED! NO ARRESTS!
CowboyUp says
I think the State of Georgia is charging these yahoos, not the city or county. They probably won’t be skating like they would with a city or county DA.
Kasandra says
Since all but two of those arrested in Georgia were from out of state, it follows that they travelled interstate to get there. Federal criminal law (18 USC sec. 2101) makes it a federal crime to, e.g., travel interstate to instigate or engage in riot. So where is AG Garland and the FBI on this? Crickets. Too busy investigating and prosecuting a guy in Viking horns who peacefully toured the Capital carrying an American flag, accompanied and assisted by armed police and people singing and praying outside an abortion clinic, I guess.
David Ray says
It was a mostly peaceful protest:
The fires they set didn’t engulf the entire area, and the bricks usually missed hitting any bone.
Now, had they taken selfies with the cops & set no fires, they’d be in the DC Gitmo for 2 years minimum.
Spurwing Plover says
They belong in Prison doing 50 or more years no more kids glove treatments of these criminals lock them up and throw away the key
Walter Sieruk says
Regarding the Marxist Antiifa thugs and that many of them resist, in their insurrection , fight with the police .Those Antiifa hooligans who are ,no doubt , godless men are too ignorant to know that the Bible teaches “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities .For there is no authority except for God : and the authorities that exist are appointed of God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, resisteth the ordnance of God: and those who resists the ordinances will bring judgment on themselves.” Romans 13:1-2. [N.K.J.V.]
Therefore those Antifa ruffians with all their resisting the police as well as all their lawless violence and mayhem will only receive severe punishment for their evil actions.
Walter Sieruk says
A very fitting way to describe the violent Marxist of Antifia, with all their in insurrectionist bloody violence and destructive misery they inflect on other people is the description of such villains found in the Bible. Which reads “Their feet are swift to shed blood; destruction and misery are in their ways; and the way of peace they have not known. There is no fear of God before their eyes.” Romans 3; 14-18 _{N.KJ..V.]
Maha says
There should fear of severe and swift punishment in their eyes.
Mr. Klein
The title of your article is in my opinion disgraceful.
Authors of articles often – to often refer to to violent extremist as “WARRIORS”
How is that factually possible. The definition of warrior refers to something “HONORABLE”
Antifa is functioning as a terrorist in your article. By referring to them as “Warriors” you honor them, you, you say to the world these honorable men are fighting for an honorable cause.
Antifa has been around since Hitlers time. Then there was a large building with Antifa’s name with letters that must have been in excess of five feet high. There are communist oriented terrorists and your going to bow your head to them. Come on!
bert33 says
In a direct confrontation with, say, the US Army, antifa would last about 7 minutes before being fully routed, arrested, and hauled off to jail…whiny leftist angry college dropout daddy-hating girlymen who would never pass basic training getting way too much camera time and free press…
Bird of Paradise says
Who ever is Financing and supporting and arming them should be sent to Prison for Life and even Longer
Darryl says
This is the kind of violence that has only been escalating since Seattle 30 years ago. Iconizing George Floyd unsurprisingly has us witnessing ever escalating levels of actual insurrection against the basic police structure across America.
It is a successful thirty years war fought with the fanaticism of yore against the devil of the capitalist state. As NYC PD serves as an example of the atrophy, it has been a major leftist success, idiots full on board when they needed them
There is no Christ in them. Martyr them therefore without consequence.
CowboyUp says
“Weelaunee Forest?” Who Are they kidding? The area has never been called that. Giving it a fake Indian name and calling it a forest is a load of made-up crap. From 3 to 9 I lived near there, in Gresham Park. It was known as the old Smith Farm or the Prison Farm. The abandoned mansion for the Smith Farm was up near Bouldercrest Rd on the east side .of Constitution Rd, which runs E-W from Bouldercrest to Key Rd, which ran NE from Moreland Ave to further up Bouldercrest. The Prison Farm, which was part of the Smith farm at one time, was on the west side. There were also some prison farm buildings up on Key road, near the water treatment plant.
Christopher Riddle says
But It’s”MOSTLY PEACEFUL”??????????????????
WJ says
Antifa, like muslim terrorists, wear face coverings, they should be treated like terrorists, but they are working for the democrat lefties so nothing will happen to them.
Doesn’t the dictionary define Warriors as honorable?
My opinion you promote a falsehood by calling them “Warrirors”
If your afraid to call them terrorists – how about anarchist, fanatic, goon, subversive, or even deranged