[Order David Horowitz’s and John Perazzo’s new booklet: “Internal Radical Service: Abuse Of Taxpayer Dollars To Advance Leftwing Causes Illegally And Unconstitutionally”: CLICK HERE.]
Antifa, like the Democrat Party, is built on the model of nonprofit support infrastructure.
In the party, that means everything except the most direct campaign activities are outsourced to networks of nonprofits that use tax-deductible donations for everything from voter registration and outreach, media and messaging, to funding election infrastructure ‘Zuckerbucks’ style.
Unlike its Black Lives Matter allies, the Antifa networks don’t have centralized nonprofits. Antifa’s illegal activities and the criminal tendencies of its participants, many of whom are involved in a variety of radical groups, some of them domestic terrorist organizations, makes that a non-starter. However, unlike conservative groups which have been ‘debanked’ from Big Tech fundraising platforms, Antifa gains support through leftist 501(c)(3) and (c)(4) groups which includes fundraising platforms, bail funds, street medics and promotional media organizations.
Front Page Magazine had previously reported exclusively on how the International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund raises money for the perpetrators of Antifa violence through the Action Network, a 501(c)(4) with an allied 501(c)(3) that is also utilized by the DNC. We have also investigated the more general bail funds that are 501(c)(3) nonprofits and were promoted by celebrities during the riots on the understanding that they would be helping to spring the rioters from jail.
At least one Bail Project “disrupter” was also caught attending Antifa rallies and distributing its materials. And a number of those released by bail funds across the country have been linked to Antifa. While bail funds didn’t only bail out Antifa, its members tended to be some of the most flagrantly violent and confrontational, and so were more likely to be arrested and bailed out.
Antifa actions tend to be promoted by sites like Unicorn Riot and It’s Going Down. Unicorn Riot is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. It’s one example of organizations that may be described as ‘antifa-adjacent’ that are not officially Antifa, but appear to share values and goals while providing infrastructure that is utilized by members of the group.
Another example is Task Force Butler, a 501(c)(3) that claims to be an organization of veterans monitoring extremists, but some of whose members described themselves as “anti-fascists” and whose resources have been promoted by Antifa elements. Founded by the husband of a New York Times editor, it received a splashy Rolling Stone profile under the subheader, “Antifa as Apple Pie”.
Task Force Butler occupies a convenient middle ground between Antifa and the media, fitting into the niche of “extremist tracking organizations” utilized by the media to back up smear campaigns, like accusing Chaya Raichik or @LibsofTikTok of threatening the lives of gay people by reporting on the sexual abuse of children, and on the other hand its guides have been promoted by Unicorn Riot which quoted Eugene Antifa’s praise of it as being “addressed, in very general terms, to anti-fascist researchers and community safety practitioners”.
Operating more directly at riots and protests are the street medics.
When Kyle Rittenhouse fought for his life during the Kenosha riots, one of the men he shot, Gaige Grosskreutz, was wearing a “paramedic” cap. Described as a “leader among Milwaukee-area street medics”, his presence cast light on the role of street medics. While Antifa activists and the media claim that street medics are non-violent and non-partisan, Rittenhouse shot Grosskreutz after the street medic pointed a gun at him. That’s not non-violent.
Street medics often operate as adjuncts of Antifa, BLM and other leftist rioters. Many have no apparent medical training at all. Their primary function is providing support to protesters by treating them after contact with tear gas and other injuries received in confrontations with police. During riots, they will act to shield rioters from the police and even try to smuggle them past the police under the guise of treating their injuries. The police are aware of this, but also wary of the bad publicity that comes from confronting leftist activists posing as medical personnel.
Grosskreutz went into action by first disabling his phone’s facial recognition to prepare for an arrest. Street medic guides routinely advise members on how to deal with police. Despite all this, many street medic organizations are also registered nonprofits.
“‘Antifa’ doesn’t just crack heads,” a street medic claimed. “Folks who identify as antifascist also are the ones helping to operate a lot of the community aid efforts happening right now since the coronavirus. They’re the ones stepping up to fill these voids… There’s a lot of misunderstanding about the folks in the street. We’re not scary.”
Many street medic operations are 501(c)(3) nonprofits registered with the IRS despite the fact that tax codes specifically prohibit organizations that either commit criminal activity or spend all of their time engaged in protests, even non-violent ones, from maintaining a 501(c)(3) status.
But as the Freedom Center’s pamphlet, Internal Radical Service by David Horowitz and John Perazzo, has shown, the IRS routinely allows leftist nonprofits to violate tax codes and the law. Meanwhile, the IRS continues to single out conservative nonprofits for special scrutiny.
While Antifa does not have a single nonprofit, there are numerous nonprofits, including 501(c)(3) organizations that play a vital role in providing infrastructure for it at every level.
Nonprofits function as Antifa’s media, treat Antifa rioters at the scene of riots and bail them out if they’re arrested. As a decentralized domestic terror network, Antifa’s operations are every bit as diversified as its core action groups. And while there is no single coordinating organization, one of the closest things to it may be a component of a party that includes members of Congress.
The Democratic Socialists of America, whose members include Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Rep. Jamaal Bowman and Rep. Cori Bush, also has an Antifascist Working Group. AFWG states that its mission is to “organize with local antifascists in opposing the far right” and create “mass mobilizations to counter the far right.”
While that language is somewhat ambiguous, a description of one event relates how the Chicago chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (CDSA) AntiFascist Working Group (AFWG) “collaborated with other organizations, including the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), to mobilize approximately 140 antifascists against the Proud Boys (PBs).”
The only picture of their targets shows a black man, a Latino woman and a few elderly people protesting against vaccine mandates.
While the DSA is a 501(c)(4), it does include an allied 501(c)(3), the DSA Fund, that promotes its political work, including making “grants to the national organization of Democratic Socialists of America for its educational work”.
Antifa’s operations are intimately entangled with the Left. Even while committing numerous crimes, leftist thugs rely on nonprofit allies to supplement their core action groups and use tax-deductible money to cover their expenses. By utilizing allied nonprofits, Antifa can operate cheaply and avoid law enforcement scrutiny of its finances. But those operations depend on the willingness of the IRS to look the other way. Congress has the opportunity to challenge the IRS to enforce tax code regulations and end the Antifa violence that has overtaken our streets.
Antifascismo violence “has overtaken our streets”? Really? Where?
This is fear mongering of the most pathetic sort. Be afraid! Be very afraid! The Antifa terrorists are committing “numerous crimes” (?????????). And it’s the IRS’ fault!
Stop paying taxes! Oppose the government! And then whine about all the things you want government to do.
The insurrection you support
““It’s scary. You open those doors out, when the crowd is shaking the fence, and … on the other side of that fence are people that want to kill you because of the job we chose to do and what we represent,” said a Deputy U.S. Marshal who has been protecting the courthouse for weeks. He requested anonymity because protesters have identified him and posted his personal information online.
“I can’t walk outside without being in fear for my life,” he said. “I am worried for my life, every time I walk outside of the building.”
Small pods of three to four protesters dressed in black circulated in the crowd, stopping every few minutes to point green laser beams in the eyes of agents posted as lookouts on porticoes on the courthouse’s upper stories. The agents above were silhouetted against the dark sky as dozens of green laser dots and a large spotlight played on the courthouse walls, projected from the back of the crowd.
Thirty minutes later, someone fired a commercial-grade firework inside the fence. Next came a flare and then protesters began using an angle grinder to eat away at the fence. A barrage of items came whizzing into the courthouse: rocks, cans of beans, water bottles, potatoes and rubber bouncy balls that cause the agents to slip and fall.
The firework came whizzing over the fence so fast that the agent didn’t have time to move.
It exploded with a boom, leaving his hearing deadened and bloody gashes on both forearms. Stunned, with help from his cohorts, he stripped to his boxer shorts and a black T-shirt so his wounds could be examined and photographed for evidence.
He told his fellow agents he was more worried about his hearing than about the gouges and burns on his arms.
By the end of the night, five other federal agents would be injured, including another who got a concussion when he was hit in the head with a commercial-grade firework. One agent was hospitalized. Several agents have lingering vision problems from the lasers.”
get your empty head out of your behind useful idiot
You watch way toooo much FAKE NEWS
Leftists once ENDLESSLY weeded and wailed over President Nixon for auditing his political opponents.
Except for he didn’t. The IRS refused the request, and audited Nixon instead.
Now the IRS is proven to target patriots ad nauseum. Catherine Engelbrecht of True-The-Vote has been harassed over 20 times (also by the FBI & OSHA)
When Lois Lerner was caught, the bitch simply pleaded the 5th, and retired with a bloated, unearned retirement package. (No charges were filed. Leftist scum are one big happy non-binary family.)
Our government was thoroughly corrupted by the Obama administration, particularly the IRS and FBI. I will NEVER FORGET the arrogant, hateful and FEARLESS face of Lois Lerner pleading the fifth before a Congressional committee over the 501(c) scandal where it was revealed that Tea Party groups were being denied status. I really thought she was going to jail. And yet, nothing happened. That should have been the red flag that the FBI was thoroughly corrupt.
You know, looking back, Trump was really way too nice when he was in office and didn’t realize how many bad players there really were at the FBI. He should have fired the whole bunch after all the Russia hoax abuse, the endless Durham investigation to nowhere and then the FBI’s refusal to investigate the Hunter laptop. But MOST IMPORTANTLY, they refused to investigate the 2020 election fraud, which was MASSIVE. And I am speaking as Certified Public Accountant.
The 2020 election was a Marxist coup.
When Dinesh D’Souza did yeoman’s work in exposing the outright fraud, he & Engelbrecht noticed how so many cameras, trained on drop-boxes, just happened to be disabled.
Leftist trash were busy for several hours in battleground states. They stuffed those drop-boxes like Thanksgiving turkeys.
also the guy Obama brought in to clean up the IRS afterward and whitewashed it instead is Biden’s nominee to now run the IRS
Taxpayer funded destruction of America. How the Left, Progressives, Socialists and Marxists (I know, those are redundancies) figured out how to monetize guilt trips and threats of urban violence by laundering foreign and dark money via non-profit status. It makes sense, Marx always hated profit.
If any AntiFa or BLM street-trash make the mistake of targeting my home or vehicle, they’ll find out I don’t have the restraints that the cops do.
It is astounding what loose groups of terrorist anarchists like Antifa
can do to a big city – with the support of loose media-connected
non-profits, loosely connected street medics and assorted bail
fund groups – as long as those in power look the other way.
The rampaging destructive mayhem and murder is like a
nightmare. Once thriving city districts boarded up and ghost-like –
except for the miles of filthy, needle and feces-infested homeless
encampments taking their place. And all over the country too.
With those in power – from Biden’s White House to the most local
jurisdiction – all continuing to look the other way.
And if Antifa’s murderous anarchy should spill into America’s small
towns and suburbs eventually – does it sound like those in power
will care? Especially if the thugs in Antifa and their eager supporters
are not as loosely organized as we have been led to think.
well they had the muscle power of BLM and its numbers
they wouldn’t have gotten any further than the Battle of Seattle in the 90s against the WTO without BLM
Brown shirts at work.
The radical left has installed their agents in government positions.
The clean up must start from top to bottom.
We’re dealing with leftists who have zero moral values. The fraudsters, thieves, liars an violent criminals.
Antifa is a terrorist organization but will never be labeled as such because they are the “brown shirts”; the enforcement arm of the Democratic Party. We all watched in the summer of 2020 as they burned down American cities in riots that killed at least 18 people and injured literally thousands of police officers. But very few were arrested and those few were mostly bailed out; some by a fund that Kamala Harris supported. Two, of the few that were convicted in NYC for firebombing a police car, got less than two years in prison. Contrast that to the FBI bragging about the “biggest manhunt in history” to hunt down and arrest anyone near the Capital on Jan. 6. Over 1000 have been arrested and 250 already sentenced and all have had their lives ruined. Some are facing up to 20 years in prison. No fires were ever set and the only person killed on that day was Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed protestor, shot without warning by a Capitol police officer.
A few weeks ago, Antifa shot a police officer and then later set fires in Atlanta because the shooter was killed in return fire by police. Yet the idiot commentator on CNN says that setting fires is “not really violence” because it’s not harming any human beings. It’s abhorrent and disgusting that our taxpayer funded DOJ and FBI is now weaponized against the political opposition but ignores the crimes of its operatives. How is that different from how the Stasi were in East Germany or the KGB in Russia.
STAN – I agree that Antifa will never be labeled a terrorist
organization because they are the “brown shirts”
enforcement arm of the Democrat party.
And Daniel Greenfield points out that there is no single
coordinating group for Antifa and that it is a decentralized
domestic terror network. I believe this is another reason
Antifa will elude that terrorist label. Democrat globalists
would have us believe that Antifa is a spontaneous
uprising of the people when they are supposedly
subjected to some outrageous incident of racism they
insist is everywhere in American life. Recall that Biden
himself has proclaimed to the nation that “Antifa is just
an idea”.
Maybe Antifa’s diversified core action groups that
Greenfield mentions are more coordinated than seems
obvious. I’d like to be a fly on the wall at any coordinated
meeting of theirs – especially when they are discussing
whomever they answer to. Such as BLM perhaps?
Anyone who has any connections with radical leftists Bolsheviks groups like Antifa belong in Prison for Life and even longer