On this week’s episode of shameless virtue signaling, guest stars, including Apple and Microsoft, took out an ad in The Dallas Morning News falsely accusing Texas of discriminating against gay people for investigating the sexual mutilation of children as part of the “transgender” movement.
Here’s what Governor Abbott’s letter to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services actually said.
“As OAG Opinion No. KP-0401 makes clear, it is already against the law to subject Texas children to a wide variety of elective procedures for gender transitioning, including reassignment surgeries that can cause sterilization, mastectomies, removals of otherwise healthy body parts, and administration of puberty-blocking drugs or supraphysiologic doses of testosterone or estrogen.”
Puberty-blocking drugs. We are talking about pre-pubescent children here.
But a bunch of companies including Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Ikea, Johnson & Johnson, PayPal, Capital One, and Electronic Arts decided to take out their “Discrimination is bad for business” ad.
Funny how they didn’t decide to take out that ad in the People’s Republic of China.
The ad falsely claims that medical experiments on prepubescent children are “age-appropriate healthcare”. No doubt they think the same thing about China’s forced sterilizations.
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