If you’re a lefty, the usual way to run for higher office is to promise people a whole bunch of free stuff.
The 2020 Dems are promising free checks, free college and free health care. In the UK, Corbyn’s anti-Semitic Labour movement upped the ante by promising free broadband internet (courtesy of nationalization) and a four-day work week.
Here’s how audiences responded.
Jeremy Corbyn’s plan to move to a four-day working week was laughed at by audience members during tonight’s crunch TV election debate with Boris Johnson.
But the policy was given short shrift by some onlookers at the ITV event as Mr Corbyn was forced to defend the wisdom of the plan.
Mr Corbyn then tried to set out the policy as he said it would be made possible by increased UK productivity.
‘It is about reducing the working week all across the economy, paid for by productivity increases all across Britain,’ he said.
However, his comments prompted laughter from some in the audience.
That’s obvious nonsense. But so are most of the socialist promises.
Nobody in their right mind thinks that a four day work week will lead to massive productivity increases. Shorter work weeks haven’t exactly made France a booming mecca of productivity,
Just the opposite.
With Elizabeth Warren’s numbers fading over skepticism about her health care takeover plan and Corbyn’s failure to launch despite promising free everything, including free everything, are voters developing some common sense about socialism?
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