A trenchant point from Geert Wilders via Gary Fouse’s blog.
Geert Wilders thinks it is completely ridiculous that so-called refugees from Afghanistan apparently enjoy having vacations in that country, while they had a residence permit in the Netherlands because their lives were not safe there (Afghanistan). So-called because that was, apparently, pure nonsense.
The term “refugee” means very little these days.
Democrats in the United States have invented absurd concepts like “climate refugees” and refugees fleeing high crime rates.
A real refugee is running in fear for his or her life. If you’re comfortable going back to your homeland, are you still a refugee?
Beyond the Afghans, this is a common issue with migrants clamoring for asylum in the United States.
Sometimes the situation reaches complete absurdity.
Northern Arizona University runner Luis Grijalva qualified for the Tokyo Olympics for his home country of Guatemala at a track race last month.
But since then, whether he would actually make the trip was up in the air. That’s because the 22-year-old is a recipient of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, which makes traveling abroad difficult.
It’s hard being an illegal alien and then trying to go and compete in the Olympics for your actual country which, for some inexplicable reason, you can’t return to.
Even countries that are genuinely bad, which can legitimately generate political and religious refugees, tend to produce far more economic migrants. What percentage of Afghans leaving their country are genuinely afraid of the Taliban and what percentage hope to cash in on the migrant flow.
That’s why the majority of those Afghans in Biden’s airlift were not visa recipients, they were guys who were in the right place at the right time.
America’s refugee process is badly broken. It’s a punching bad for terrorists, drug dealers, and smugglers. And our asylum system is an open door that lets people in, right before they go back home on vacation.
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