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What’s coming is as plain as day.
Our nation can hardly be said to have a southern border at all anymore. Even if the border were magically to reappear tomorrow, millions of people are already in the country without anyone knowing who or what they are. One hundred sixty-nine people on the FBI’s terror watch list were caught at the border in 2023; nobody knows how many people on that watch list got across the nonexistent border without being caught.
Four jihadis just murdered at least 137 people in Moscow. They held the same beliefs as the Hamas jihadis who murdered 1,200 people in Israel on Oct. 7. How many people are in this country right now who aspire to be the next jihad warrior? How many people are planning to become the next “martyr” and lay hold of the Qur’an’s promise of a place in paradise for those who “kill and are killed” for Allah?
No one knows, and even asking such questions is not allowed. Just last week, all of America’s many intelligence agencies received instructions to avoid using terms such as “jihadist” so as to avoid committing the cardinal sin of “Islamophobia.” Jihadists can quote the Qur’an and invoke Islamic teaching all day long, but our intelligence and law enforcement officials are not allowed to notice, or to study their motives and goals, for such study would lead them inexorably into the examination of Islam.
This means that the people whose job it is to protect us from these jihad terrorists are bound as a matter of government policy not to know or understand the motives and goals of those terrorists whom they are trying to foil. Courting Muslim votes by tiptoeing around the reality of the jihad threat is more important to our elected and appointed officials than stopping the next Islamic jihad attack.
So what is to be done? Well, we can vote the bums out, but even if we do, all too many Republicans are just as squeamish as Democrats about incurring charges of “Islamophobia,” which can be a career killer even in these post-Oct. 7, post-Moscow, post-44,000 jihad attacks worldwide since 9/11 days. What’s more, cleaning up the desperately corrupt FBI and the entire rotten intelligence apparatus is not going to be done in a day, no matter who emerges victorious in November.
No, our defense against the next jihad terror massacre in the United States is up to us, and to us alone. The military is preoccupied with studying Critical Race Theory and going to drag shows; it isn’t going to save us. The police, understaffed, underfunded, and on the defensive nationwide ever since a career criminal died of a drug overdose while in the process of being apprehended, aren’t going to save us. Everyone knows now that the feckless and politicized FBI certainly isn’t going to save us.
One thing that distinguishes America from Russia and Western Europe is that we still respect the right to self-defense. After 9/11, alert citizens foiled major jihad attacks (including the Shoe Bomber and the Underwear Bomber, who have left their mark on airport security to this day). Only Americans who are likewise alert and aware can take lawful steps to stop jihadis in their tracks, and they may be the only line of defense between those jihadis and large crowds of unaware, defenseless human beings. Of course, we are dealing with terrorists, and part of the terror that they try to instill in us stems from our not knowing or being able to know when, or how, they might strike. It could happen anywhere, at anytime, to anyone. That, however, simply makes it all the more incumbent upon each of us to keep our eyes open.
The threat we face is also a call to Americans to rediscover our spiritual wellsprings, and to understand that no one lives forever, but that to stand against evil, even if it means dying, is a prerequisite for maintaining a free society. To die with courage is a thousand times better than to live with cowardice.
But this is not a call to die. It is a call to live, to recognize what is coming, to assess our situation realistically, and to plan accordingly. For too long, Americans have been passively trusting in our institutions, secure in the knowledge that the police, and the military, and our elected officials were on the job and had our best interests at heart.
Those days are over. Nevertheless, the jihadis have not won. The left has not won. The socialist internationalist tide that has swept away so much of what we used to take for granted as Americans could still be turned back. But that is up to us. Each of us must decide, as surely as God offered the choice to the Israelites: “I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live” (Deuteronomy 30:19). Jihadis love to proclaim how much they “love death.” Let us in turn love life all the more, and stand to counter them and their inhuman totalitarian leftist allies, secure in the knowledge that in the end, life conquers death.
Biden puts on the Welcome Mat and Rolls out the Red Carpet for them
I don’t see European’s or White people, doing this BS!
Which is called, “TREASON!”
I’m not afraid. I’ll never give up and I’ll never surrender.
C’mon man you are just islomeefobik the religion of peace won’t do nothing to us.
Hey, man.
That was my rallying cry also to the nation, after islam attacked us – it’s the religion-of-peace!
Also you gotta love how I had your back in 2020. Conservatives had my back in 2000, when Al Gore tried to steal my election, but when mail-in ballots were shoveled in your direction, I took to the microphone to say I saw no fraud. (Of course I didn’t investigate or look, but so what.)
Of course I chose not to see vandalism of the White House when Clinton’s staff trashed the place.
Thanks man appreciate that.
The mile and a half Francis Scott Key bridge supporting the port of Baltimore collapsed in a March 2024 instant, throwing a wrench into global shipping patterns. Hamas-loving Democ-rat authorities say terrorism was not involved. Yeah, right!
Wasn’t terrorism if it was done by a nation-state, that would make it an act of war. Muzzies didn’t do it, Chinese (or maybe Russians) did.
Is it possible that any cargo ship, given their vast array of interconnected “smart” navigation and monitoring devices, could be hacked and driven wherever wanted? Sorta like that SEAL Team episode where they hacked the dude’s car and drove it into a truck.
Yes, it’s possibe to hack GPS systems, which could explain why the cargo ship, Dali, swerved right/starboard to hit the bridge support next to the ship lane.
I wouldn’t put it past the CCP but it wasn’t Putin’s style.
People living in cities with mosques especially, need to stay aware and avoid crowds of all types. Also, everyone staying out of crowds incl political rallies is common sense. Shop early and dine out during slower time. We will also avoid the polls because voting produces nothing of value. The candidates are all globalist puppets anyway. This country has been taken down without a shot fired.
Avoiding the polls? Sounds defeatist.
Really? With universal mail-in ballots? Waiting to vote on the final day or days is foolish, especially considering how so many polling stations are sabotaged by Dirtbagocrats.
The Left is counting on you thinking that. I vote anyway.
What do you mean, Maha? The Dirtbagocrat left is counting on me being foolish enough to wait till voting day only to find out that 57% of the machines are mysteriously not working, as in Arizona when the election was stolen from Kari Lake. The D-Bags use mail-in ballots to great effect and so should we. They don’t just sabotage the Dominion machines which were built for fraud, they sabotage the ones the ballots are put into. Not all polling stations have lock boxes and in any case, it’s much easier to tamper with ballots from a single day than a barrage of mail in ballots. Here in California, mail-in ballots are accepted for over a month.
No, going into a polling station on election day when the D-bags are killing us with their mail-in votes is foolish.
Another thing that distinguishes America from Russia is that Russia doesn’t have millions of students and young adults who are being taught that when the jihad kicks off, do whatever you can to support their efforts….
… you know, sorta like the Soledad O’Brian concept of “disrupt and dismantle” in the name of equity, and the BLM/Alphabet mantra of pay us BILLIONS or we’ll “burn it down.”
Not true. Russia absolutely does have an increasingly vast number of militant Muslims. Kadyrov has turned Chechnya into a mini Emirate and a state within a state, and Putin has tried to curry favor by boasting about how Russia has built more mosques than any country in the world. The problem is real there, it just tends not to be as clear.
With our attacks on Israel for its toe-in-the-water fight against Hamas, we will bring the future terror ttack on ourselves and e will not be blameless. First they came for the Jews, but they weren’t Jews — now they we will see their is no one around and we won’t be able to handle it.
I’m wondering if Americans will have as much ideological conviction as the Americaphobic enemy has in order to win this inevitable war.
Worse, will Americans have ANY unifying, ideological conviction, other than the common will to live; because distinction between good and bad, right and wrong, truth and lie, has been totally erased from the woke-Borg-American psyche?
True moral conviction is the strength necessary to win the physical life and death battle, to undo what this pro-Jihadi administration hath wrought.
Americans should be demanding in demonstrations of millions of people around the country that the administration change its UN resolution abstention to a retroactive veto; that Congress pass the 14.3 billion aid package for Israel; that the US ‘require’ Egypt take in all ‘trapped‘, ‘non combatant Gazans’ so Israel can clean out Hamas and terror infrastructure as quickly as possible; that the US demand and ‘effect’ unconditional release of every hostage, dead and alive; that the US stop ‘negotiating’ with Egypt and Qatar; that it impose heavy sanctions on Iran; that it stop supporting terror in America and shut down every pro-terror protest.
America is the power of the people, who still can pre-empt this looming terror war in America with your voices for an American Spring, which is now.
Then, maybe, Israel’s total victory will be the jenga piece that causes the methodically constructed Jihadi tower to crumble.
“America is the power of the people…” Oh how I wish that were true! But I don ‘t see the people having any power over the obvious invasion of who-knows-what at our southern border. The looming terror war has already begun. Just ask the citizens of south Texas.
I think a better idea is to pull out of the UN, stop all funding for it, let that worthless organization set up their headquarters in either Brussels or Dubai, or maybe Davos. Then take that stupid twisted gun barrel statue down and melt it down. The UN is as corrupt as Ukraine, and as corrupt as the Obama/Biden scum. Why do we even give them any credence. They hate us, and hate Israel, and always side with the shithole moslem scum coutries.
Egypt is a main stumbling block to Israel’s war in Gaza. its hardline refusal to help “”fellow Arabs” creates the logjam in southern Gaza and stalls Israel’s effort to finish the damn war. . (Take a look at the incredible wall Egypt has built on the border with Gaza– it makes Trump’s wall in the US southwest look puny.)
USA surges in the international Islamopandering derby.
Yeah, Putin is a nag in that derby compared to Aunt Sam.
Not to worry. Bush43 assured us that islam is the religion-of-peace.
But of course, Bush43 also assured us no vandalism happened in the White House from Clinton staffers, or voter fraud in the 2020 election, so he might not have assessed islam correctly.
When, not if, the attack comes, Bush & Sleepy Joe seem confident it won’t happen to them.
Only question is if all those Chinese infiltrators will beat the jihadists to the punch (if not outright coordinate with them.)
Remember that there’s 30 tons of ammonium nitrate missing from that rail car.
While I agree that an Islamic terror attack is likely, I’m actually more worried about the battalions of Chinese army troops that are clearly coming across the southern border mixed in with the Islamic terrorists and Latin American economic migrants.
Migrants leave. Wet backs don’t.
This is Obama’s third term, for sure. I had a friend doing counterterrorism work in the intelligence community during the Obama Presidency who retired early out of frustration that his “superiors” kept returning his work unused because the White House would just reject it out of hand for mentioning Islam. That was, oh, about a decade ago.
Well when you have jihaidists running the Biden criminal mafia white houise then yhah……….. And when it happens they’ll blame it on D. Trump and people who support him. You and me.
Good points from Mr. Spencer.
Yet, it all comes down to who represents the majority: those who love life and humanity? or those who embrace evil and the abolition of mankind?
It comes down to whether the majority who love life and humanity act, which so far we haven’t.
Mr Spencer-you are so right on! For more intelligence on this matter read: The Attack by Kurt Schlichter.
Impeach and Imprison Biden, Harris, Mayorkas, Garland, Blinken, Wray, Austin,etc. for TREASON!!!
Elections have consequences, especially stolen elections.
Where have I heard that before…….:)
Amen! And pass the ammo.
Gee whiz, the last time I checked a phobia was still an “IRRATIONAL fear!”🤦♀️
The next mass casualty attack from the Islamic community will be reported as a group of white supremacists or mentally ill Muslims that could not help themselves!! Remember the media covers for all Islamic jihad.
From Gateway Pundit:
“The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) is responsible for handling the country’s spy apparatus.
The list released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) includes terms like “jihadists” and “radical Islamists” that may be offensive to all Muslims”
God forbid we call Muslim terrorism what it is.
I am increasingly of the opinion that the only way that the US can secure its border with South America is by evacuating a strip the length of the border, then nuking it, thus giving would-be migrants a toxic radioactive wasteland to negotiate. Extreme as it is, it would only need to be done once, and would require no maintenance or staffing. Radioactivity would leech into the soil, so tunnelling would also not be an option. The other place that might benefit from this approach would be the Gaza border – the IDF should invade Rafah, then cut Gaza off completely from Israel, strengthen Israeli defences against airborne invasion, and do whatever rebuilding of the society is possible, without letting anyone across the border in the process.
Americans are blessed with the right to self defence. An extended right at that compared to my fellow countrymen. Danes may defend themselves in their homes when under deadly attack, and only with what happens to be at hand. So don’t prepare for a counter attack with a strategically placed iron bar! Firearms are out of the question, it’s just verboten.
Robert Spencer is always a serious read. But this article touches me as urgent – almost like a solemn address. Yes, he is speaking to the American people!
In Israel they crawl out from their terror tunnels. tu
In America, they will crawl out of the rat infested sewers.
In Israel, the IDF turns them into shwarma
In Biden’s America, they will still be called freedom fighters by the leftists
It’s a shame that Jihadists don’t really believe what they profess to believe. That is, if they really did love death they’d all commit suicide.
It would be a Win-Win situation. The Jihadi terrorists would all die-and we wouldn’t have to worry about terrorism.
And Australia. With our Far-Left Socialist Albanese Labour government advertising assylum seeker nirvana open for business and a cuddles wuddles appeasing relationship with Islam it’s a matter of time.
Our government is saturated with multicultural WOKE stupidity that will cost more than I want to imagine. America’s left is already in a Dhimmi mind set, a dangerous, cowardly, naiveté’.
Biden’s traitorous “no border” has already invited the evil and provides for its ongoing existence in our midst.
Most people are aware that Jihad is coming. Access to the United States has been sold out to our enemies to topple us and cause our demise.
Everyone remember history and how things used to be because we are going to see the real fundamental change of America.
Our enemies are not at the gates. They are inside the perimeter.
The announcement of de facto open borders by candidate Biden and then President Biden triggered great interest and a call to action by the intelligence strategists and overseers of organizations around the world who seek to harm if not destroy this country. Radical terrorist groups as well as the military and clandestine services of this country’s staunchest foes. Decisionmakers in entities whose success would be extremely advanced and well-served by being able to place their human assets in the optimum position to further their radical agendas or to further their countries’ interests would not be able to resist and exploit the extraordinary and exceptional opportunity presented by Joe Biden, as executed by and through his feckless Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas.
The federal government must thus act. Now. To disrupt, in maximum fashion, the very real threat that this country now faces.. Using Title 8, the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), and the legal and operational methodology developed and so effectively used by the Miami Immigration and Naturalization Service’s (INS) national security team in the 1990’s and early 2000’s to address Cuban espionage and terrorism matters. https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/eoir/legacy/2014/07/25/3395.pdf
Targeting and executing arrests against the specific cells or persons the U.S> intelligence agencies know about and thereby neutralizing the most significant threat we face– a coordinated large-scale action and/or attack.
Unfortunately, our current President and his weak sycophants will not act to do any such thing. To do so would admit that they are aware of the danger that they have put this country in and expose the extent to which they have done so. Instead, Biden and his administration will do nothing until the wholesale chaos and perhaps even carnage has actually begun. Pointing fingers at anyone and everyone to try to escape history’s judgment of the foolish and destructive political decisions and actions that have potentially placed every American’s life in danger.