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“As we wrap up the observance celebration of #Juneteenth we switch gears in honoring all those who partake in #PrideMonth. Join us later this month as we come all together for the Respect, Service and Dignity as the Division MEO team hosts the Pride Month Observance Event,” the Twitter account for the 82nd Airborne, once known for ‘Death From Above’ now known for its delightful rainbow colors.
From Juneteenth to Pride Month to a military no longer interested in winning wars.
Servicemembers, past and present, were not happy.
That’s when Sgt. Maj. Michael Grinston jumped in to threaten everyone.
“Sgt. Maj. Michael Grinston, the Army’s top enlisted leader responsible for morale and discipline issues in the service, condemned the criticism as harassment.”
Top enlisted leader responsible for morale and discipline issues in the service is these days guaranteed to be a political commissar similar to those in the USSR, except his mandate is Cultural Marxism rather than Marxism-Leninism.
“Thanks for sharing this opportunity. The comment section is a good time to refresh ourselves with discriminatory harassment: A form of harassment that is unwelcome conduct based on race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity), national origin, or sexual orientation,” Grinston tweeted.
“Army personnel are expected to treat all people with respect in all aspects of life and forms of communication, online or in person,” he continued, asserting a one-sided policy that is not enforced against leftists who promote BLM or LGBTQATGAD+.
You will wear the ribbon!
Then he asserted that policing speech and suppressing criticism of leftist agendas is required because, “Army personnel, especially those entrusted with the mantle of leadership, will lead by example and do what is right to prevent abusive treatment of others. Failure to do so brings discredit on the Army and may have strategic implications.”
Resisting the Left apparently has strategic implications. So does submitting to it.
This country was made by men who would not wear the ribbon, whether it was from King George III or the woke totalitarians fighting a culture war against America.
Sergeants Major are major kiss asses and an embarrassment. I’ve played poker with Oodles of retired NCOs who got out as E7s and E8s, rather than face the embarrassment.
Yes. It’s that bad. FWIW, I’m an old white guy that was an E5 in 1968.
Good point about political commissars. Both the Nazis and Red Army in WW2 were thoroughly (what’s the word?) infiltrated or under the control of political commissars.
And even still – some told Stalin that the Germans were collecting themselves at the border, and still Stalin was in shock for days after the invasion began…
Excellent historical point. Not many people know that. Stalin went into psychological shock for some days.
Zampolit Grinston must be so proud.
Sgt. Major of the Army and the corresponding ranks in the other services are needless positions and ought to be abolished. It did not exist until 1966 the army, et. al. getting along quite well without it before. It’s existence has given certain senior NCO’s the quaint and false notion that they my be superior to company and field grade officers. They are not.
Title should read “Top Non-Commissioned Officer”.
I’m darn glad that I retired
I’d have never made it in today’s Army!!
My impression was that Sergeants Major spoke for the post commander, a flag officer, of course. But that was certainly an opportunity to abuse the authority -if any – that was given to them. Enlisted guys were always quarreling about authority.
Seinfeld Ribbon Episode – perfect. lol
I was a Chief Warrant Officer in the Army and I would have told that CSM where he could put his threats and would have demanded a general courts martial for the SOB
A warrant. A CW4, in fact.
I was wondering about the “Chief”.
Warrant Officers make, and keep, the Army operational.
Commissioned Officers ( those without preliminary enlisted service ) know only how important they are. And are willing to recommend courts martial for anyone disagreeing.
I just clicked on this to see what you meant by “Top Enlisted Officer”. Death by incompetence.
Military courtesy is mandated and reciprocal. Respect is earned, not mandated. Tolerance is easy unless it’s being shoved down your throat with the implication that your values are secondary to theirs. So, Sgt. Major, why don’t you go organize a drag show or something. USAF SSgt., 1972.
Lets see now…People who stormed the Beaches at Normandy get Veterans Day. LGBTQ get a WHOLE month. to be honored. For what exactly ? Can somebody tell me ? Thanks in advance ?
The Military Police will be happy to hear that in the next war they will not be the first fragging targets. The political commissars have moved up the chain.
Any guesses what they can do with their ribbon?
America is not supposed to win wars. We’re not colonists. We are supposed to beat the enemy.
lol, “who doesn’t want to wear the ribbon”
Great video 🙂
“We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings to be fruitful.” C.S. Lewis