Most Americans want to do the right thing. Unfortunately they’re living in an era of big government that understands only mandatory compliance. And any normal American responds to pressure and intimidation from the government by standing up for their rights.
Civil rights represent a culture gap in today’s America. This is the result.
This is what actual civil disobedience looks like.
A mother-of-four from Idaho was seen on video getting arrested on Tuesday for violating coronavirus restrictions by being at a closed playground, sparking a large protest at the the local City Hall hours later.
Sara Walton Brady, 40, from Meridian, was in the shuttered playground section of Kleiner Park with her children just before 4pm along with other people to protest against the state’s stay-at-home order.
The rally was organized by the Idaho Freedom Foundation – a conservative organization dedicated, according to its website, to depleting ‘the power of special interests and free people from government dependency.’
Clearly a subversive organization. Everyone except evil ‘Fredocons’ knows only government can save us.
Now I don’t know anything about Mrs. Brady or the organization, but as a general rule, this Rosa Parks stuff is exactly how you spur a backlash. Eliciting people’s cooperation works much better than mandates backed by the threat of force. We are meant to be a self-governing nation.
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