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While I’m not saying that every sentence that begins with “as a… I” is going to be a self-contradictory stew of hypocrisy and lies, but every sentence that begins with “as a Catholic” or “as a Jew” seems destined to assert the opposing position.
President Biden on Tuesday said that he is not big on abortion as a practicing Catholic but defended the reproductive rights that were previously granted under Roe v. Wade.
“I’m a practicing Catholic. I’m not big on abortion, but guess what? Roe vs. Wade got it right,” Biden said at a fundraiser with about 100 donors in Chevy Chase, Md.
Biden isn’t big on abortion? Really?
Stymied by Congress, Biden Seeks to Rally Voters on Abortion – New York Times
“Make no mistake, this election is about freedom on the ballot,” Biden said Friday at a Democratic National Committee event, where he collected the endorsements of several abortion rights groups.
Sounds like a man who is not big on abortion, but is big on suing nuns over birth control.
Hours after the Little Sisters of the Poor won—again—at the Supreme Court on Wednesday, Joe Biden pledged to fight like hell to roll back conscience protections for Catholic nuns and other religious employers who object to providing contraceptives.
The first version of Obama Care’s contraceptive mandate offered a narrow exclusion only for churches. But Vice President Biden “argued internally for a stronger exemption than what was in the initial rule,” according to “Reclaiming Hope,” a memoir by Michael Wear, who worked on faith issues in the White House.
As a Catholic, Joe Biden is leading the war on Catholicism.
Greg says
With all due respect, Joe Bite-Me is not leading the war anything except, perhaps, dirty Depends. No, the globalist Pope Francis, himself, is leading the war on Catholicism.
Beez says
No, the globalist Pope Francis is leading the war on Christ. and all his true followers.
Greg says
You’re right: The Pope’s apostacy is against the Christian faith, not merely the Catholic Church. Instead of the church at Sardis, Jesus might just well have addressed His following words to today’s church at Rome: “I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead. Be watchful and strengthen the things that remain, that are ready to die; for I have not found thy works perfect before God.” (Revelation 3:1b-2).
Jeff Bargholz says
True, but Alzheimer Joe’s handlers are leading the federal government’s war against Catholics and jihad to promote unholy islam.
Jeff Bargholz says
Blasphemous Biden is as much a Catholic as the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.
Algorithmic Analyst says
lol, good one 🙂
Kynarion Hellenis says
Biden’s life is not one of Christian faith. J. Vernon McGee used to say he was not a judge, but a fruit inspector. Good trees bear good fruit and bad trees bad.
Kit_Jefferson says
The members of La Cosa Nostra are practicing Catholics as well,
Jeff Bargholz says
Real ones, unlike Blasphemous Biden.
Cat says
At least they appreciated cannolis, wine, and despite being violent seemed to have some agreed upon code of behavior and maybe even patriotism for their adopted country. Also, they were very good for movie plots.
I cant imagine a movie about the current revolting crop of criminals.
Jeff Bargholz says
It would flop, that’s for sure. Nobody except gutter scum would want to watch a movie about gutter scum.
Algorithmic Analyst says
That’s an interesting point. Are there any good movies about the Bolsheviks in Russia during the transition from Lenin to Stalin? That’s the most analogous class to the handlers.
World@70 says
Didn’t ole Joe kill off all of his enemies along with any of his allies he thought might try to disagree with him? So maybe there wasn’t anyone left brave enough to make that movie.
Jeff Bargholz says
I’ve never heard of such a movie.
Have you seen “The Death of Stalin” yet? If not, you need to watch it. It’s super funny and well made and acted.
JAM says
I’m not a Catholic but I don’t think is says much for the Catholic church not to call out the likes of Biden and Pelosi for their defense of abortions and homosexuals. That’s not a faith I could follow.
Jeff Bargholz says
Abortion is the most evil practice on Earth. but homosexuals are no big deal.
The Bible in Leviticus reads that it’s an abomination for a man to lie with another man as he would a woman but it’s important to know that “abomination” doesn’t mean evil, cursed or even wrong. The real definition is “an object of dislike or hatred.” Few people know that, apparently. In Romans, the Apostle Paul said that homosexuality is contrary to God’s natural order and results from rejecting God. That’s just Paul’s opinion and the fact that homosexuality is abnormal doesn’t make it unnatural. It sure isn’t supernatural. In Corinthians homosexuality is listed as one of the sins that will prevent a person from entering the Kingdom of God but God forgives all sins.
Homosexuality is no big deal. They’re our brothers and sisters and it’s dishonorable to hate them.
Horace Yo says
They are obviously coming after our children, always have been. They are promotomg and pushing homosexual behavior and trans mutilations on children. Tolerating, never mind approving of them is joining in their corruption and mental and their venereal diseases and is a recipe for the absolute destruction of any country and then the world. Leave our children alone. Stop secret sexualizing children.
Jeff Bargholz says
No, only the unhinged activists and warped monsters in the homosexual demographic do that. The majority of them are repulsed and embarrassed by that predatory behavior. They consider those pride parades to be obscenities, which they are. Go to gays against groomers and walk away (from the dirtbagocrat party. I know some homosexuals and all of them are appalled by groomers and mutilators.
Beez says
It’s dishonorable and sinful to hate anyone, and to the extent that Christians “hated” them for 2000 years, Christians should admit the sins of past generations of Christians.
That said, homosexuals engaged in the acts God deemed abdominal to him and which were also physiologically unnatural. These acts were all the worse if forced. Moreover, God’s revulsion in this matter, wasn’t limited to homosexuals, and Jesus seems to have regarded hypocrisy as one of the worst sins possible.
God forgives all repented sins, but repentance and confession to God is a condition precedent to God’s forgiveness. If the bible is the inspired Word of God,” I think we should not dismiss Paul’s writings quite so cavalierly as his mere “opinion.”
Beez says
*abominable to him …
Jeff Bargholz says
Are you sure? The law giver tribe of Leviticus said male homosexuality is an abomination and that verse isn’t attributed to the word of God, which Moses heard with his own ears.
Strangely, lesbians aren’t mentioned in the Bible.
Jeff Bargholz says
Homosexuality is definitely contrary to God’s natural order, although they’re created by God just like the rest of us. The natural order is procreation and being born without defects, which is what homosexuality is, like being born blind. Both are natural.
Paul’s notion that homos are homos because they rejected God is a ludicrous and definitely his opinion. If that were true, every atheist on Earth would be a homo.
And yes, repentance is definitely a prerequisite for God’s forgiveness. Otherwise a soul ends up in purgatory to do penance or goes to Hell, depending on which Bible verses are correct. I personally don’t think God sends souls which never heard his word are damned to Hell but rather sent to purgatory.
World@70 says
Catholics and, I think many Christians believe judgement is left up to God. However they could possible agree that Joe and Nancy’s position is not in line with Church teachings.
Jeff Bargholz says
They’re actions and thetoric are contrary to the Catholic Churches Catechisms, teachings and the Bible. They’re monsters. Lying sacks of shit, too.