What’s happening in Iran is the biggest women’s rights protest ever in the Islamic world. Yet the response from some of the leading feminists in the United States, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib, has been strikingly muted. Each one has made what can be characterized at best as a tepid, pro forma response, one that contrasts sharply with their statements and actions during the Trump administration. It looks as if each one of these women regards Donald Trump as a far greater threat to women than the Islamic Republic of Iran is.
AOC tweeted on September 23: “Solidarity with the courageous women and allies in Iran protesting for their freedom. Mahsa Amini was senselessly murdered by the same patriarchal and autocratic forces repressing women the world over. The right to choose belongs to us all, from hijabs to reproductive care.” She also retweeted a tweet from Yassmin Abdel-Magid, a hijab-wearing Muslim writer in Australia: “To be (hijabi) or not be (hijabi) is the business of no state or man. Solidarity with women resisting patriarchal control, the world over.” Tlaib, meanwhile, retweeted AOC’s statement, and Omar retweeted Abdel-Magid’s. That’s it in terms of the public reactions of this trio to the uprising for women’s rights in Iran.
Neither AOC nor Abdel-Magid was going to come close to saying something about Islamic law, although that’s exactly what the protests in Iran are all about: women there don’t want to live under Islamic law anymore. But both are far too committed to the fictional concept of “Islamophobia,” and so they both made it all about patriarchy. That’s a much safer target for them, as patriarchy exists all over, not just in Iran, and not just among Muslims. So the very publicly practicing Muslims Omar and Tlaib could retweet their statements without fearing that they would be accused of criticizing Islam.
AOC also went farther, equating the mullahs of Tehran with the pro-lifers in the United States. They’re “the same patriarchal and autocratic forces repressing women the world over,” daring to interfere with “the right to choose” in the fields of both “hijabs” and “reproductive care.” It’s a spectacular feat of illogic to equate a regime that is mowing down its own people in the streets with a Supreme Court decision that allows the individual states to determine whether to legalize or outlaw abortion, but that sort of incendiary rhetoric is how AOC keeps her rabid Left base ginned up with the requisite outrage that will drive these drug-addled slackers to the polls and to take other “social action.”
Yet AOC’s comparison, as you would expect, falls apart upon a moment’s thought. Pro-lifers, or at least the Supreme Court Justices who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade, are just like the Supreme Leader and his cohorts in the Islamic Republic. They’re both “patriarchal and autocratic forces,” you see. But from what ideological wellsprings does Iran’s patriarchal autocracy spring? AOC doesn’t dare get close to that question, for it is one of her most cherished dogmas that Islam is a religion of peace that has nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism and Muslims are victims of “Islamophobia” who must accordingly be given special consideration and accommodation. And allowing restrictions on access to abortion in some localities is, as far as AOC is concerned, equivalent to shooting women to death for daring to uncover their heads? The mind reels.
This is the same Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who in October 2020 took umbrage at then-President Trump referring to her as AOC in one of his debates with Old Joe Biden. “I wonder,” she wrote at the time, “if Republicans understand how much they advertise their disrespect of women in debates when they consistently call women members of Congress by nicknames or first names while using titles & last names when referring to men of = stature. Women notice. It conveys a lot. AOC is a name given to me by [the] community & the people. Y’all can call me AOC.”
So the “community & the people,” i.e., Leftists, can call her AOC, but if Republicans do so, they “advertise their disrespect of women.” AOC didn’t even say that the mullahs were displaying any “disrespect of women.” You may recall Tlaib, meanwhile, back in 2016 screaming and yelling at a Trump rally, until she had to be escorted out. Has she ever gotten so enraged and emotional at the mullahs? Not publicly and likely not privately, either. For her part, Ilhan Omar claimed that Trump’s criticism of her was an attack on all women. Has she said that the murder of Mahsa Amini was an attack on all women? No.
Do Omar, Tlaib, and AOC just want the Iran protests to go away because Iran’s repressive and bloodthirsty regime interferes with their “Islamophobia” narrative? Sure looks like it.
Jason P says
Interesting to see the patriarchy as their target. Here in the USA, religion, specifically the Catholic Church, is seen as the enemy of women because of their prohibition on birth control and abortion. Remember when Judge Barrett was called a Handmaid?
If the same logic was used against women oppressed in Iran, certainly the religion, especially Sharia Law, would be singled out. Instead they have to pivot to “the patriarchy.” Spencer’s got their number.
Deborah says
There is no cure for Stuck on Stupid…. it’s why George Soros supports them and it’s why they got elected by the Hate America crowd . Personally, I have nothing but contempt for these embarrassing racist women with their unseemly behavior and lack of dignity.
David Ray says
Hear, hear! 🍻
And they are stuck on seriously stupid . . . as plainly evidenced every time they speak.
Angel Jacob says
It is totally expected from the evil squad.
They are nothing but an enemy implant for muslim terrorists.
Nicolas Carras says
In my jargon, we just call these people assholes.
One Man says
Jeff Bargholz says
Me too.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Betrayal is one of their main weapons.
Intrepid says
Since when have leftist “feminists” actually cared about women?
Angel Jacob says
The evil squad is neither leftist, nor feminist. They are islamists.
They want sharia law AKA islamic fascism/terrorism/dictatorship for America.
THX 1138 says
I have no idea if the whole Squad is Islamist or not. What I do know that they do have in common is the hatred of individualism and capitalism. The enemy of my enemy is my friend for now, we’ll fight each other for power after we defeat the enemy.
“The encyclical is the voice of the Dark Ages, rising again in today’s intellectual vacuum, like a cold wind whistling through the empty streets of an abandoned civilization.
Unable to resolve a lethal contradiction, the conflict between individualism and altruism, the West is giving up. When men give up reason and freedom, the vacuum is filled by faith and force.
No social system can stand for long without a moral base. Project a magnificent skyscraper being built on quicksands: while men are struggling upward to add the hundredth and two-hundredth stories, the tenth and twentieth are vanishing, sucked under by the muck. That is the history of capitalism, of its swaying, tottering attempt to stand erect on the foundation of the altruist morality.
It’s either-or. If capitalism’s befuddled, guilt-ridden apologists do not know it, two fully consistent representatives of altruism do know it: Catholicism and communism.
Their rapprochement, therefore, is not astonishing. Their differences pertain only to the supernatural, but here, in reality, on earth, they have three cardinal elements in common: the same morality, altruism—the same goal, global rule by force—the same enemy, man’s mind.
There is a precedent for their strategy. In the German election of 1933, the communists supported the Nazis, on the premise that they could fight each other for power later, but must first destroy their common enemy, capitalism. Today, Catholicism and communism may well cooperate, on the premise that they will fight each other for power later, but must first destroy their common enemy, the individual, by forcing mankind to unite to form one neck ready for one leash.” – Ayn Rand
Ron says
Im at the point where Id prefer Islamists to the rampant homosexuality and child rape we currently have
But no. They arent Islamist. They are CIA animals.
I remind everyone that the elections where blatantly stolen. That a criminal is sitting in the White House. And that the “democrat party” along with their criminal apparatchiks in the propaganda services, the universities and the various organs of secret police have not been held accountable.
While innocent men and women whose most terrible crime was strolling through the capital are being held in inhumane conditions and tortured.
We are acting as tho it is business as usual. But it is not even remotely “business as usual”.
The country has been taken over by an unaccountable criminal class. We are at war, even if we refuse to admit it to ourselves
Steve Chavez says
SAME THING HAPPENED IN CUBA when people were rising up demanding FREEDOM from the Castro’s and Communists. Our Democrats were silent wondering what to do, THEN THEIR RESPONSE CAME: They supported the DICTATORS over the protesters and then blamed it all on the U.S. sanctions and boom, all discussion was over.
NOW THE SQUAD and Democrats support the Mullahs since they all have one goal in common: Wiping Israel off the map!
David Ray says
The ugly-as-hell bitch Talib has (or had) a map of the M.E. area with Israel removed completely & a made up Palestine in it’s place.
So I think you have a point.
Jeff Bargholz says
Ragheada Tlaibia is beyond ugly, isn’t she? She looks like a dude.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Yeah, they are all repulsive, nauseating. Ragheada does have a peculiar kind of ugliness though.
Angel Jacob says
It’s not just Israel they ant to wipe off, they hate all non-muslims equally and want to wipe us all off.
They are doing death by a thousand cuts, or drowning drop by drop.
The ONLY correct answer to islamic invasion and destruction is to ban islam.
KenPF says
All American “feminists” are leftists. The Marxist left always wants its enemies to fight each other. The alliance between feminism and radical Islam is as fragile beneath the surface as was Stalin’s alliance with Hitler. NOTE: before the alliance American leftists supported Hitler; after the invasion of the Soviet Union the switched sides in a day. Feminists think of Islam as useful; they have since September 11, 2001 … so as long as Iran keeps shouting “Deαth to America” the squad will keep their mouths shut. Now the left is pushing sexual mutilation on children. And you thought that was for radical Islamic countries only? That’s why they didn’t speak out against female genital mutilation in Islam either.
Nice folks, no?
THX 1138 says
“But from what ideological wellsprings does Iran’s patriarchal autocracy spring? AOC doesn’t dare get close to that question, for it is one of her most cherished dogmas that Islam is a religion of peace…”
And it is one of the most cherished dogmas of Christian conservatives that Christianity is a religion of peace, tolerance, individualism, individual rights, private property rights, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and capitalism — IT ISN’T.
Christianity (for now) has been crippled, shackled, imprisoned, by the ascension in the west of REASON. The Renaissance (the rebirth of reason) and the Enlightenment (the light of reason) are what made the dominance of reason over Christian superstition possible. Reason is what made a separation of Christian superstition and State possible. Reason is what made the emergence of objective, not Christian, law possible.
And it is one of the most cherished dogmas of Christian conservatives that a fetus has rights that supersede and cancel the rights of the pregnant woman — IT DOESN’T.
And it is one of the most cherished dogmas of religious conservatives that sending the issue of abortion back to the states resolves the crucial issue of individual rights, private property rights, self-ownership, ownership of the body, who has them, when do they have them, and why do they have them — IT DOESN’T. Anymore than sending the issue of slavery back to the states would have resolved the issue of slavery.
I don’t want to live under Sharia law, Christian law, Jewish law, Hindu law, Buddhist law, Zoroastrian law, or Socialist law. I want to live under objective laws; provable laws, demonstrable, secular (reality-based) laws that correspond to the facts of reality, not laws derived from a mystical, religious (or secular), supernatural, unprovable, fantasy.
It makes no ultimate difference if the mystical fantasy upon which the non-objective law is founded is secular, i.e., Transgender Law, which FORCES rational people to abandon the evidence of their senses, forces rational people to abandon the facts of reality, and OBEY the Transgender Mystical Fantasy or be legally prosecuted for heresy and blasphemy against the Transgender Mystical Fantasy. Or if the mystical fantasy is of a religious kind, i.e., Anti-abortion Law, which FORCES rational people to abandon the facts of reality and view an embryo as an actual individual with rights that supersede and cancel the rights of the pregnant woman.
Non-objective law based on a mystical fantasy (secular or religious) abandons the facts of reality and leads to tyranny over the mind, life, body, and property of the individual
JPFH says
“Christianity (for now) has been crippled, shackled, imprisoned, by the ascension in the west of REASON.”
In one sense this is true. The word “REASON” to you, actually means a self willed disregard of the Creator and Redeemer of mankind. As the west departs into secularism/atheism, Christianity is being pushed aside. This was predicted in advance by the apostles of the new testament. In what is called the last days, there will arise out of the moral, political and economic chaos, generated by a turning away from the living God, a totalitarian world government. There will be no utopian government that will arise from the decline of biblical Christianity. It certainly will not have any real altruistic motive. Get ready, it may be coming sooner rather than later. Thankfully, Jesus Christ will deal with it Himself, in righteous indignation and direct judgement.
“And it is one of the most cherished dogmas of Christian conservatives that a fetus has rights that supersede and cancel the rights of the pregnant woman — IT DOESN’T.”
I suppose it would be too altruistic to treat the baby in the womb as an individual and that the mother has a responsibility for her actions as an individual before God the creator. Your lack of any sense of altruism as a positive good, would lead you to sacrifice the individual for the sake of “rational self interest”. So Whittaker Chambers was right when he sensed, just by reading Atlas Shrugged, that Ayn Rand would be capable of sacrificing certain individuals for the sake of an elite group of capitalists.
I am not surprised that you have no moral discernment. You just pay lip service to concern for the individual. All atheists reject the foundational truth that all men are created in the image of God, and have dignity as individuals before God. That would include those not yet out of the womb. Atheism also rejects any accountability to the One who created them. They prefer to be free to please themselves in any way they want, including killing a child in the womb. They do it for self interest you see.
I want my country back! says
Good luck to the protesters in Iran; perhaps this will destroy the #1 sponsor of state terrorism before Joe Biden, John Kerry, Barry Obama and other Leftists hand deliver nuclear weapons and more pallets of cash.
David Ray says
Hear, hear! 🍻
Well observed. That pompous prick Kerry firmly assured his audience that it’d be impossible to broker a peace deal without including “Palestinians”.
The Abraham Peace accords (being squandered by this ship-of-fools administration) proved Kerry wrong.
Walter Sieruk says
The Squad doesn’t care .at all, about the basic human rights of the Iranian people. All the Squad in interested in is furthering the agenda of the Red /Green alliance.
Furthermore, one of the reasons that this cruel vicious Islamic regime of Iran that this “mullah regime” tortured and murdered that helpless defenseless young woman, Mahsa Anini because Iran is based on Sharia law and Sharia is full of ruthless oppressive brutal cruel malicious deadly misogyny
Sharia denies basic human rights is viciously harsh on all people, especially girls and women.
Furthermore, it should be made known that the actual origin of Sharia is revealed in a Time –Life book with the title MESOPOTAMIA: THE MIGHTY KINGS copyright 1995. The point is this what an outright liar Rasis is, for he said that he is “a defender of human rights.” For that future history book about the ancient pagan world of Mesopotamia informs the reader that “many Islamic laws resemble the Babylon and Assyrian forebears.” .page 150.
There is the above and other references imply that such pagan teachings were incorporated into the religion that Muhammad manufactured and then started. This further reveal that a lot of ancient paganism is part of the whole religion of Islam.
In other words, ancient paganism makes up much of Islam and it’s a hoax. Therefore, the Islamic “republic” of Iran is based in Islam and Sharia has its entire foundation build on a hoax.
Walter Sieruk says
The Squad are either all very ignorant as to how terribly that hostile cruel, brutal Islamic regime mistreats the Iran people, which is highly unlikely or it’s just much more probable that Squad couldn’t care less about the human rights of the people of Iran.
In addition former Muslim revealed an important reality when he wrote “The Islamic republic of Iran exists and operates as what every fundamentalist dreams of, an Islamic state ruled by sharia …” He further exposes that “What followed its establishment was the inevitable consequence and inexorable logic of its Islamic premise; state terrorism, a merciless tyranny.” [1]
Those two words that author used “merciless tyranny” to describe that vicious cruel brutal oppressive Islamic and murderous Islamic tyrannical regime is both appropriate and fitting. Look what it did that poor young women, Mahsa Amini, those so called “morality police” of the misogynistic tyranny abducted her. tortured her and murdered her.
[1] THE ISLAM IN ISLAMIC TERRORISM by Ibn Warraq page 347.
Terence Gain says
Yes, the Squalid have had nothing to say, much like Robert Spencer when Russia invaded Ukraine. The former is not surprising, but few of us recognized the latter. Spencer kicked me off Jihad Watch when I questioned his lack of a response.
Deborah says
Oct 5 at 6::39 pm. Helps to remember there is no word in Arabic for DAUGHTER, that’s how unimportant they are from the moment they are born. God help the women of Iran, Muhammad won’t, that’s for sure !
David Ray says
The fourth fool of that group of America-hating idiots is the rarely mentioned Pressely.
So it appears the dumb bitch shaved her head to get some attention. (The irony is her lackluster looks improved.)