Does this story out of Oklahoma sound at all familiar?
Three men and a woman were executed, and a fifth victim was injured in a shooting at a marijuana farm in Kingfisher County.
The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation has not released the victims’ identities – authorities say next of kin notification is pending because of a significant language barrier – but said they were all Chinese Nationals.
The fifth victim was taken to a hospital with multiple gunshot wounds, but their condition has not been released.
Authorities identified the suspect as Wu Chen.
We’ve had plenty of south-of-the-border migrants and immigrants involved in the drug trade, but immigrants from Asia are a growing demographic as we saw in the previous drug farm hit in California.
The Riverside County Coroner’s Office has released the identities of the seven Laotian nationals killed in a shootout at an illegal marijuana growing operation in Aguanga earlier this month.
The male victims were identified as Khamphour Nanthavongdovane, 53, and Vikham Silimanotham, 64.
The female victims were identified as Phone Chankhamany, 54, Khamtoune Silimanotham, 59, Souphanh Pienthiene, 48, Thongpath Luangkoth, 47, Samantha Sourignasak, 44.
According to Sheriff Chad Bianco, were the victims are believed to be Laotian nationals.
California’s decision to legalize drugs has made it into a hub for smuggling drugs across the country. And those involved are foreign nationals.
Of roughly 14 million pounds of cannabis grown in California, some 80 percent is sent out illicitly to the rest of the country, according to state estimates, where the product can command vastly higher prices than in California.
Detectives say Chinese nationals are the largest group that operate illegal growing farms in the Inland Empire, followed by Mexican Nationals and then people from Laos third.
We’re starting to look like Mexico or Thailand with foreign drug operations on our soil complete with criminal networks and mass killings.
Is this why we have Chinese police stations?
How much longer can we exist as a NATION if this insanity is allowed?? Maybe it’s time to BAN CALIFORNIA!!! Think of the time, money, and LIVES LOST during the “War on Drugs” that was just crapped on by the illegals invading our Nation and DEMOcrats/rinos who profited from it!! While it’s sad for the families of these victims, it should send a wake up call to CA officials – you either get your mess fixed or I would be highly in favor of our Armed Forces doing the “dirty work”! Of course, you’d have to “weed out” those in the Armed Forces who are customers!!! ANY ILLEGAL who commits a crime should be IMMEDIATELY DEPORTED – charged, tried, and if convicted – OUT YOU GO BEFORE THE SUN SETS!! AND ALL THEIR CONNECTED “chain migrants”!!
Cannabis users ought to grow their own weed and remove the incentives which tempt
these poor Chinese immigrants into becoming criminals.
All the information you need is readily available on YOUTUBE.
Get started today!
“Drug legalization isn’t working out the way it was promised.”
Neither is a come one, come all immigration policy.
The behavior of Asian gangs is quite different than the behavior of black gangs or Latin gangs.
When the wave came to legalize pot, there were promises to have legal and regulated sellers with others put out of business. I, with no claims of brilliance, said the people in the business illegally would never cede the market to the newcomers and there would be violence.
Dear Truthlaser – The rules, regulations, fees, licenses and taxes to become registered as a legal
grower are such an onerous and expensive bore that it makes excellent sense to stay secret, discreet
and illegal