[](/sites/default/files/uploads/2015/03/Hamas-CC-photo-from-Wikimedia-Commons.jpg)The Gazan-based terror group Hamas, like other terrorist groups such as ISIS and Hezbollah, has long recognized the importance and impact that social media plays in influencing the public’s perception of the group and its policies. To that end, they have taken to Twitter, Facebook and other social media outlets to disseminate their propaganda. But social media has a tendency of charting its own course with unexpected results and Hamas got a bitter lesson in this yesterday.
A Hamas experiment utilizing Twitter that was supposed to highlight positive aspects of the terror group’s policies went horribly wrong when pro-Israel and pro-democracy advocates, including yours truly, decided to take the terror group up on its offer to answer some pointed questions relating to the organization’s activities.
The Twitter event was titled #AskHamas and the journalist in me couldn’t resist asking the criminal group some blunt questions about various aspects of its training, tactics, uniforms and recruitment efforts.
#AskHamas When placing a bag over a condemned man’s head, do U offer a choice of paper or plastic like by TraderJoe’s pic.twitter.com/haMOYtSKKC
— Ari Lieberman (@LiebermanAri) March 12, 2015
#AskHamas Did you borrow your wardrobe from the KKK and if so, have they asked for their clothes back? pic.twitter.com/qgNZNlbuFU
— Ari Lieberman (@LiebermanAri) March 12, 2015
#AskHamas Do U actually believe U can defeat #Israel and if so, have U contemplated increasing ur medication dosage? pic.twitter.com/b2d1nLaOuS — Ari Lieberman (@LiebermanAri) March 12, 2015
I also asked them if they could provide me with information relating to arch-terrorist Mohammed Deif’s status – is he alive or dead – and if he was alive, would they be willing to provide me with a street address:
#AskHamas Is Mohammed Deif still alive and if so, where is he? Please provide street address.
— Ari Lieberman (@LiebermanAri) March 12, 2015
Furthermore, while I’m aware that Hamas opposes gays and routinely throws them from rooftops, I wasn’t sure about how they felt about cross-dressers since many of their operatives dress as women:
#AskHamas Is crossdressing something Hamas frowns upon & if so, Y was the pictured Hamas operative dressed as a woman pic.twitter.com/Q3IEjTV5v5 — Ari Lieberman (@LiebermanAri) March 12, 2015
I also wanted to clarify how Hamas felt about recruiting donkeys into the group since the organization has been known to utilize suicide donkeys. Thankfully, none of these episodes resulted in injury to Israelis though the donkeys didn’t fare too well. I’m sure PETA would have a lot to say on the matter:
#AskHamas Are donkeys permitted to join Hamas? pic.twitter.com/EdZVACl2TP
— Ari Lieberman (@LiebermanAri) March 12, 2015
In response, I was expecting at least the perfunctory “burn in hell” or “die infidel” response, or at least something along the lines of “we don’t recognize questions from the descendants of apes and pigs,” but I got nothing. I was completely ignored which only proves to me that the Hamas folks are not only bloody, maniacal terrorists, they’re also humorless.
Follow Ari Lieberman at @LiebermanAri.
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