The Associated Press, in an article attributed to Zeke Miller, Colleen Long and Nomaan Merchant chose to lie about the death of a migrant boy in order to blame President Trump, even though most news outlets had already reported the truth about his death.
The AP’s malfeasance began with the headline, “Trump tries to deflect blame for migrant children’s deaths”.
The AP falsely implied that Trump might be responsible without providing any evidence for this false claim.
“President Donald Trump sought to deflect blame for the deaths of two Guatemalan children in U.S. custody by claiming they were “very sick” when they arrived, even though immigration authorities have said both children passed initial health checks,” is how the AP chose to frame its false story.
How exactly is Trump responsible for a little boy dying of the flu? Why is the Border Patrol responsible for that rather than the father?
The AP never bothers to back up its false accusation. Instead it decided to make it anyway.
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