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At the Knesset, former hostages who had been released in the November exchange of imprisoned terrorists for Israeli civilians held captive told what it was like for them in Gaza. The focus of the Knesset hearing was on the sexual abuse and rape of the female captives. The world, in danger of forgetting about the hostages, as all eyes are on Israel’s putative misdeeds in Gaza, needs to be constantly reminded of what is happening to those still held captive. More on their testimony can be found here: “‘Raped Daily’: Former Israeli Hostages Recount Sexual Abuse by Hamas Terrorists as Families Plead for Action,” by Debbie Weiss, Algemeiner, April 7, 2024:
In an emotional hearing at the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, former hostages held by Hamas terrorists in Gaza recounted harrowing tales of sexual harassment and abuse, as families of those still held captive pleaded for the Israeli government to do more to secure their release.
“As hard as it is to say, every girl there goes through sexual harassment one way or another,” said Mia Regev, who was freed in November after 50 days in captivity. Fighting back tears, she urged lawmakers to take action, saying, “Your job is to bring them back home.”
Sharon Aloni-Cunio, also released in November, said “the fear is endless” for female captives. “To be a woman in captivity is to be in constant fear; it can’t be described in words,” she told the Knesset Committee for the Advancement of Women’s Status and Gender Equality. “The terrorist is the sole arbiter of your fate.”
She added: “The feeling of helplessness is one I wouldn’t wish on anyone. Each moment feels never-ending and every movement of the terrorists causes stomach cramping because who knows what might happen.”
Mothers and sisters of the remaining hostages stood with their loved ones’ pictures outside the committee room, some of them wearing clothes that appeared to be stained with blood. Liri Albag’s mother, Shira, said at the start of the hearing, “She’s in hell. Does anyone understand what it means to be in hell?”
“Our daughters experience daily suffering there. They are harmed in body and soul. My Liri was, and still is — I don’t know because I have no information about her — a slave in the homes of Gazans,” she said.
“All the decision-makers — you need to understand that every day you witness the rape that happens in Gaza,” she continued. “These girls are raped daily and everyone ignores them. You close your eyes. I hear Liri every day screaming for help: ‘Mom, save me already.’ Liri’s soul is crushed, and I cannot speak about what has happened to her body.”
Yaffa Ohad, the aunt of Noa Argamani, attended the hearing instead of Argamani’s mother, who is dying of cancer. Ohad fainted during the hearing and required medical attention. Before she fainted, Ohad said since the testimony of Amit Soussana, the first hostage to go public with her testimony of sexual torture during her captivity, had “wiped the family out. The thoughts will not leave us alone.”…
Do you think that the international media will cover these harrowing stories of how the female hostages held by Hamas are being subject to nonstop sexual abuse? Outside of Israel itself, those hostages are being forgotten. The media’s bandwidth only has room, it seems,for Israel’s “genocidal” attacks in Gaza, its “indiscriminate bombing,” its “unforgivable killing of humanitarian aid workers.” Continue to remind yourself, and remind others whenever you can, of what those hostages every day continue to endure.
Not all have forgotten your women in captivity, nor any other of your loved ones. I am not alone in constant prayer for their return to you. Take comfort in knowing that God does not forget,nor forgive the evil done to his daughters. Vengeance is coming for them,and the will be severe. God’s blessings for whatever you need come quickly 🙏
vengeance? the United States punishes Jewish vengeance. But it will happen anyway with heavens help. . And the US government has put itself in the crosshairs.
Those idiots in Washington are Chinese Communist Party puppets. You can’t expect help from them. Nobody can but the Chinese!
Wrong… Communism is dead… a complete failure…
Those idiots in Washington are Luciferian Globalists who love satanic islam and Islamofascism…
Who support… the New World Islamic Economic System… the NWO…
The world banks and IMF have already converted to Sharia Finance… for a one world economy… just waiting to be implemented…
God will take care of vengeance in Heaven. In the meantime, let’s do justice on earth.
“ Do you think that the international media will cover these harrowing stories”
No, they will use it to discredit Israel with statements like “if Israel would only talk to Hamas and free Gaza then they would free everyone and live in peace”
“Forgotten”….. No they aren’t forgotten, the leftists just don’t care.
What is amazing and weird, is that so many Jews in America are still voting demoncrat. Do not complain if YOU are voting for the leftist communist, islams, who have taken off their masks and reignited Jew Hatred to a level not seen since the 1930s/40s. And the woman in this article ‘telling’ her government what they need to do (bring home the hostages) has a lot of nerve. They know this and don’t need some leftist, scolding them as if she somehow has the high ground. It is Hamas who has caused all of this, not your government who is doing ALL it can to help its citizens.
satanic islam is every bit Communism and Marxism… it’s called Islamofascism…
The world isn’t being trained to become Marxists of Communists… they being conditioned to become Islamofascists…
The call-to-action should be, “Let My People Go!,” not “Bring Them Home,” putting the onus on the kidnappers. This doesn’t preclude that every effort is being made to find hostages and bring them home, something Israel’s rational leadership are doing.
More censorship. Even you don’t know what free speech is. Most of the time, due to our lack of recourse, speech is our only outlet for stress thru injustice. Why is your censorship of comments any different than the left? More hypocrisy.
This American Christian proudly stands with Israel.
Islam = FILTH.
All thanks to Joke Biden and the moo slims of the “White House”. The White House is now a black house. Black with the dried blood of the innocent.
Death to Ham-ass and death to Iran. All I need to say for now.
The citizens of America are being duped to believe Iran is the problem… and it’s just not Iran…
satanic Shiite Iran makes up only 5% of the worlds islamic population… The satanic Sunni make up 95%…
Anyone who believes Iran is the problem has been fooled…
The Luciferian Globalists of America support the satanic Sunni world… naturally the media will always portray Shiite Iran as the Threat… to keep any focus off the Sunni world…
Just like islam loving, Nazi infested Ukraine… being made out to be the nice guys… <<< all hogwash to dupe the masses…
Sure the globalists enable them, but shia Iran has also been harboring, funding, and equipping sunni terrorism all along. So yes, they’re the epicenter of islamic terrorism and are a big problem that’s about to get a lot bigger when they develop nukes..
Their the ones to listen to not the Welcome Refugees Build Bridges not Walls band of useful idiots
Mercifully, most of the hostages are no longer alive 8 months after their kidnapping by these scums of the earth. Hamas’ refusal to negotiate shows that they have nothing left to bargain with: the ‘poor innocent Gaza civilians’ most probably got tired of keeping their preys alive, and either let them die or killed them. If only this outrage could open the eyes of those Israelis who still believe that more kindness toward their arch-enemies will turn them into friends!
I’m afraid that you’re probably right. Most of the hostages are long dead, the few left are terribly and permanently damaged. I’ve said this for the last three months. I’m afraid that the only language the Hamass murderers understand and respect is overwhelming and punitive FORCE. The IDF must now take Rafah and if that means levelling it, so be it, and FJB, the despot ridden UN and others can take a hike.
This will be coming to America… because of these satanic Luciferian Globalists that love satanic islam…
These Luciferian Globalist are helping, aiding and funding satanic islam’s expansion across this world…
satanic islam is the Antichrist Beast System… called Islamofascism…
Communism and Marxism is dead… it’s a smoke screen for Islamofascism…
satanic islam is… satan’s Death Army… bent on killing Christians and Jews !!!
It’s all Biblical Prophecy…
I worry for my daughters. My cousins have children and granddaughters who would be in harm.
The US has blinders on and refuse to hear the truth.
Yes… exactly… and it sounds as if you are actually someone who is awake fully to what is going on in this world… 🙂
Too late, it’s already in America. Imported in their thousands, plus being incubated by the Islamofascist and Marxist infested Univershitty Halls of Knackerdemia, the similarly infected schools and of course the political islamonazi shills for terror in Congress, supposed security services and other position.
America has all but fallen.
Yet we witness every day young American girls marching in support of these rapist thugs while denigrating the men that are hunting down the rapist thugs who rape and behead young girls just like them.
All these young girls are screaming in support of Hamas but never mention the evil Hamas done to young girls exactly like them who were dancing at the Nova Music Festival.
Its all too weird and upside down.
The IDF should kill every rapist including those who assisted them in doing so. That means gazan women who encouraged the raping.
I dimly recall reading about the horrible videos and photos released by ISIS that documented their depravity, sexual deviancy, rape/genocide and other war crimes. Additionally there was mention that at least one website was put under pressure to remove this evidence from their pages.
In the past few months some videos of rapes by Hamas have been made publicly available. One even has what appears to be Arabic chanting in the background. Considering what happened earlier with ISIS, these videos are initially made available in the souks. In many cases the violence takes place in well furnished flats, in one case in a high rise apartment building nestled among a few other such buildings. It is a mockery to consider they are supposedly living in refugee camps. Also, note the sarcastic and insulting nature of the videos.
Is there some way to arrange a permanent repository so that evidence is readily available to researchers and members of the concerned public?
Further to my earlier reply, here are the addresses of two of the videos of Hamas war crimes. The Arabic chanting is in the first. The captions in the second include the sentence “It isn’t rape if she a Jewish” around 42 seconds into the video. Also there is a video elsewhere with the same scene as at second 32 where it is implied that the lady is dead. Her tongue doesn’t move.
To the Moderator: If you think these are inappropriate, please feel free to delete either the links to the videos or this entire reply.
Instruction: Copy to address bar and eliminate the space.
IMPORTANT! WARNING: Violent and/or explicit video. Don’t access if you are of a sensitive nature. These videos are horribly offensive.
a. Hamas rape video 1. bz0kb.mp4
b. Hamas rape video 2. ufw4m.mp4