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In February, I attended a local Republican Liberty Caucus (RLC) meeting. I had been rushing over from another event, so I came in towards the tail end. Being a candidate for US Congress, I was given the opportunity to say a few words in front of the group. In the midst of my speech, I observed someone in the small crowd who seemed familiar to me. Following the meeting, after speaking with a couple of people, I headed outside. I soon was approached by the gentleman I had noticed. He said my name. I immediately knew who it was – Corey Shearer.
Corey Shearer is the Florida Outreach Lead for Emgage, an Islamist group that disguises its extremist agenda as political advocacy. The group’s former South Florida Director Syed Ammar Ahmed, once joked that he “should have threatened to blow up” a school he had participated in a debate at. The group’s founder and former Chairman Khurrum Wahid is a South Florida lawyer who represents high-profile convicted terrorists and, reportedly, was placed on a federal terrorist watch list, himself, in 2011.
Emgage has infiltrated the Democratic Party in a very big way, but so far, the group has had little to no interaction with Republicans. Seeing Shearer at the RLC meeting is a major concern.
I asked Shearer what he was doing there. He told me that he had come with a couple of “black Republicans” and was hoping to bring people together. I asked him if he was a Republican. He answered me nervously, “No, but I have been thinking about it.” It was a lie.
Prior to coming to Emgage, Shearer was a local leader in the Democratic Party. He has happily posed for photos with Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Charlie Crist. He repeatedly refers to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis as “Governor DeathSantis,” and just this past October, he labeled both President Donald Trump and Governor DeSantis “jerks,” “racists” and “xenophobes.” He retweets Nancy Pelosi, and in November, he wrote, “I come from a PROUD Democratic family.”
During our brief conversation, Shearer told me that he was upset about the cancellation of a conference that was to take place in January, organized by the South Florida Muslim Federation, a radical Muslim umbrella organization, of which Emgage is a member. I had led the effort to shut down the conference, as, following the October 7 brutal massacre perpetrated by Hamas on 1200 Israeli civilians, a number of the event’s advertised speakers championed Hamas.
Shearer repeatedly brought up one of the conference’s featured speakers/moderators, Naima Khan-Ghany, to me, praising her as “a good person.” This past July, she was thrown off both of the committees she had served on within the Broward County School Board. In May, I had provided the School Board member who had appointed Khan-Ghany to her positions, Jeff Holness, proof that she had been using her social media to spread the most vicious of antisemitism, including a video calling Jews “Satanic.”
Shearer, himself, has promoted the group Islamic Relief, an entity that has been banned in several countries. Israel has labeled Islamic Relief a front for Hamas.
I informed the local RLC leadership about Shearer’s background and was assured that he would no longer be welcomed at RLC events.
This was not the first time I had witnessed an attempted infiltration of the GOP by Islamists.
In September 2011, then-Executive Director of the Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Nezar Hamze tried to become a Committeeman for the Broward Republican Executive Committee (BREC).
CAIR has foundational and financial ties to the terrorist organization Hamas. CAIR was founded, in June 1994, as a member of a worldwide Muslim Brotherhood umbrella group, the Palestine Committee, which was led in the US by then-global head of Hamas, Mousa Abu Marzook. Over a decade later, CAIR would be named an “unindicted co-conspirator” for a federal trial dealing with the funding of millions of dollars to Hamas. CAIR had previously used its website to raise money for the defendant in the trial, the Holy Land Foundation (HLF), a fellow Palestine Committee member, under the guise of support for the victims of the 9/11 attacks.
Prior to the start of the BREC meeting, this author and others handed out printouts discussing the background of CAIR. As well, this author had the pleasure of being able to pose questions to Hamze in front of the crowd. I asked him if he was willing to support then-US Congressman Allen West, who was a local star in the Republican Party and who CAIR had previously vilified. I asked if he would denounce terrorism and his organization which was associated with terror.
Following questioning, the members of the Committee took a vote to approve or disapprove of Hamze becoming a Committeeman. Hamze was voted down 158 to 11, the first time a prospective Committeeman had been voted down. Then-BREC Chairman Richard Denapoli announced, “Mr. Hamze, your membership has been denied.”
In both instances, this author aimed to enlighten GOP leaders and thwart infiltration.
Yet, what about scenarios where party leaders remain unaware? There have been serious cases of this taking place, like that of then-Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) leader Sami al-Arian, who was invited, along with his family, to the White House by the George W. Bush Administration, in an effort to court Muslim votes.
It is incumbent upon Republican Party leadership to recognize the nefarious intentions of such individuals and others, ensuring they don’t become prey to Islamist intrusion, as their Democratic counterparts have already experienced and continue to experience without hindrance.
Beila Rabinowitz, Director of Militant Islam Monitor, contributed to this report.
john blackman says
america has been betrayed by its elected representatives , any one who courts or associates with a muslim political or otherwise should be charged with treason . there is no such entity as islamism , they are all tarred with the same brush . that they are in congress means that the barbarians have won born out by the antisemitism in the rank and file of the higher education and democratic elites . it is only a matter of time before the white flag will be raised and the caliphate will be proclaimed . .
John D Childs says
I’d like some advice on how to make the parliament of Australia aware of the infiltration of jihadists, Muslims into Australian political committees and seats in our senate and lower house.
There’s a virtual signalling advance in the name of multiculturalism and dei .
David Ray says
The RINOs infiltrated a long time ago (once called “Rockefeller” Republicans).
Bush43 saw the left trying to steal his election, and took action.
Bush43 saw the left stealing Trump’s election, and saw no evil. 🖕
THX 1138 says
Who needs Muslims to destroy America when you have Republicans.
There is no more distinction between Republicans and RINOs than there is between Islam and Radical Islam.
When 90% or more of the Republican leadership are RINOs then the Republican Party is the RINO party.
Intrepid says
How hard do you have to try to be this stupid. I guess not very. Stupidity and ignorance seems to come naturally to you.
But since you aren’t a conservative or Republican I really don’t think you are in a position to comment on my political party.
Stick to your weak-kneed Objectivist theories that accomplish nothing but certainly makes you feel better. I guess you think posting the same tired screeds day after day about how wonderful Randism and Pekoffism are is actually doing something.
I suppose you need something, anything, to fill the time. You are truly the worthless wonder.
BLSinSC says
One reason I keep posting that islam is not a “religion” but a political ideology that is in direct conflict with Our Constitution and should not be afforded a place within the USA! I’ve never heard the Baptist, Methodists, or Snake Handlers demand that everyone convert to THEIR religion or DIE! The USA should be very, very careful to no allow the muslims to gain much more authority! They do enough damage as is!
Alkflaeda says
As a Briton, I think that Americans should be looking very closely at the provisions for separation of Church and state, to make sure that they exclude theocracy by any group, not just churches. And, if need be, seeking clarification or amendment either from legislators or SCOTUS.
RAM says
Grover Norquist has been in the same category, fronting for Muslim interests.
Rob A says
This article doesn’t surprise me at all. After all, republican aren’t all that bright. Proof? How many elections have the republicans allow the dems to steal and were too feckless to do anything about it? Why is it that republicans meekly compromise with democrats knowing that for democrats, compromise means you agree with them? Why are republicans easily stultified into silence whenever the dems play the race card on them?
Sadly, most republicans are ignorant of their own party’s history. If they weren’t, the dems race card would be totally ineffective and the equivalent of someone pointing their finger at you and saying “this is a stick up. Gimme your money!
Robert L. Kahlcke says
Speak for yourself.
Robert L. Kahlcke says
Resulting in Outstanding Operatives of The Democrat Communist Criminal Terrorist Organization.
Spurwing Plover says
Russia is mass deported Muslims maybe America should do the same without the phony UN Human Rights getting involved
Jan VI says
Thank you for this article, Mr. Kaufman, and for your work against these deadly infiltrators!
Richard Sanders says
A thoroughly shocking aspect concerning Muslims who have come to the U.S.A. is how their women continue to accept the male dominance preached by Islam and the cruel corporal punishment for disobeying that hierarchy. The soft brained perspective manifested by R.I.M.O.S regarding all social aspects of ISLAM is appalling. Such people are knowingly or unknowingly aligned with far left, socialist to Communist political “evolution” of Our Constitutional Republic and should recognize these elements as being destructive of their children’s freedom and happiness. It is most regretful that people can blindly allow the inclusion of any movement preaching HATE into their group. Dispense with your SUICIDAL TENDENCIES G.O.P. and Get “RIGHT” for OUR AMERICA.