Raymond Ibrahim, a Shillman Fellow at the Freedom Center, was recently interviewed by Fr. Robert McTeigue of The Catholic Current podcast. The comprehensive interview, and its official description and links, follow:
We welcome back scholar and author Raymond Ibrahim to discuss Pope Benedict XVI’s famous lecture at Regensburg, and the irrationalities within Islam. What has happened since that lecture, and have we in the West learned our lessons?
- Islam Gets Concessions; Infidels Get Conquered
- The Regensburg Lecture – w/ Intro by Fr. James Schall
- Bethlehem: Christianity Dying Where it Began
- Christmas Eve Church Violence Erupts in Egypt
- Christmas Time: When the West Appeases and Islam Slaughters
- A Long Dead Christian Monastery Becomes ‘Proof’ of Muslim ‘Tolerance’
- Read Fr. McTeigue’s Written Works!
- Questions? Comments? Feedback? Ask Father!
The Pope had better remember about false religions and false gods a Fake Pope who compared Trump to Kin Herson sound to me like baring false witness and the worship of false gods