I’ve never heard of Joseph Fried before, and it was only a few days ago that I became aware of his four-month-old book Debunked: A Professional Auditor Reviews the 2020 Election. But it turns out that this veteran MBA and CPA, who recently retired from his own auditing firm and now writes at Substack, has given us what must surely be the definitive work on the topic. Having “professionally conducted and reviewed hundreds of audits,” he brings his decades of experience in that field to bear on the administration of the 2020 presidential election in each of the six swing states that were awarded to our current dotard-in-chief, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. Throughout the book, Fried’s objective is to “analyze the major claims of fraud or irregularity, the credibility of those claims, the available evidence, and the threshold audit standards the states applied, or should have applied, relative to those claims.”
I don’t know the first thing about the work of an auditor. But Fried is a very good teacher. Among much else, he explains that a recount is not an audit – the latter must be performed by independent professionals – and that a mere recount doesn’t preclude the need for an audit. Nor does a court’s ruling on procedural grounds negate an auditor’s findings.
In some cases, an election result cries out for an audit. One test is statistical likelihood. The 2020 election, as it turns out, failed this test spectacularly. A few examples: for almost sixty years, the winner of the electoral votes from Ohio and Florida has also won the nationwide election – but in 2020, no. Since 1898, any candidate winning those two states plus North Carolina has taken the presidency – but, again, not in 2020. For forty years, nineteen bellwether counties around the country have correctly predicted the ultimate winner of the presidential sweepstakes – and who won eighteen of them in 2020? Trump.
There’s more. Not in 150 years has a candidate whose vote total jumped as much as Trump’s did from one election to the next ended up losing the election. Never has any incumbent who received over 75 percent of the votes in his party’s primaries (Trump won 94 percent) lost the general election. Rarely has a president lost a re-election bid even as his party picked up seats in the House. Then there’s the blatantly obvious difference in voter enthusiasm between Trump – with his epic campaign rallies – and Biden, whose events sometimes seemed to draw more journalists than voters. Then there’s what is apparently a suspicious variation in turnout rates between otherwise very similar cities: for example, 84 percent in Milwaukee, but only 51 percent in Cincinnati.
None of this, Fried underscores, proves anything. But all of it points to the urgent need for a legitimate audit. So do a number of other problems in several widely distributed jurisdictions. For instance, several Democrat-run states, purportedly seeking to make the voting process safer (because of COVID) and easier (especially for minorities, who, it was claimed, somehow had special difficulties in navigating the process), dramatically broadened the use of absentee ballots and relaxed (or entirely removed) ballot signature requirements. Some states even sent out unsolicited ballots to every registered voter. All of these actions were blatant invitations to massive fraud. Republicans who protested were condemned as racist reactionaries – even though most countries in “progressive” Western Europe ban absentee ballots entirely for resident citizens, and those that do allow them are much stricter in distributing them.
Some states hired election workers who weren’t able to operate the computers involved. In many locations, there was large-scale “vote harvesting” – the practice, by political operatives, of going door-to-door to collect voters’ completed absentee ballots and then delivering them (perhaps intact, perhaps not) to the appropriate polling place. And a number of state governments – often at the last minute – made illegal changes in election procedures.
For a responsible auditor, there are other questions to be asked. Were voter logs updated? Were ballot requests logged? Who emptied the drop boxes in which absentee voters deposit their ballots? Who, after the ballots were received, maintained chain of custody? Who had access to the computers used in ballot processing? Where were ballots stored? Who witnessed ballot counts?
After Election Day, there were reports around the country of specific cases of election fraud. A New York Post reporter interviewed a New Jersey Democrat who professed to run a ballot-harvesting operation whose participants collected voters’ completed mail-in ballots, took them out of their envelopes, discarded the ones containing votes for Trump, replaced them with new ballots marked with votes for Biden, then sent them in to be counted. The man running this scheme told the Post reporter that he knew of anti-Trump postal workers who’d thrown out ballots en masse in Trump-friendly neighborhoods.
There were also some abstruse mathematical observations. A mathematician named Edward Solomon noticed unusual patterns in the Georgia and Pennsylvania votes: in some precincts, the total vote and the Trump vote had a much lower percentage of co-primes (i.e., numbers that don’t share a common factor other than one) than would be expected. Some co-prime patterns were oddly repetitious: one Trump vote to 18 for Biden; one Trump vote to 24 for Biden. Solomon found this suspicious. Similarly, scientist Douglas Frank, studying the election results by county in several states, noticed that while the voting pattern by age was pretty much the same in each county of a given state, that pattern differed significantly from state to state. What did that signify? Some observers cited violations in the vote tallies of Benford’s Law, which states that in a large batch of random numbers there will be a certain distribution of their first digits (for example, about 30% of the numbers will begin with 1; 18% with 2; 12% with 3; and so on); but Fried considers this test “too unreliable” to take very seriously.
Then there were the post-election observations whose import could easily be grasped without an advanced math degree. In several swing states there were sudden late-night jumps in voting tallies, all of them massively favoring Biden, and many of them occurring after a mysterious period during which vote counting, or at least vote reporting, stopped. In no fewer than 353 counties in 29 states, there turned out to be more registered voters than voting-age citizens.
In a series of six chapters, Fried goes into detail about the way in which the election was conducted in each of the six swing states that Biden won. Some highlights:
Arizona. In the Grand Canyon State, the focus of observer skepticism was Maricopa County (Phoenix and environs), by far the state’s largest county. Election observers reported that many signatures on ballots were not checked, and that the signatures on many ballots were written in the same hand. A pattern recognition expert found that 97 percent of the signatures on Maricopa ballots received before Election Day were legible, but only 3 percent of those received afterward were – a detail from which one might reasonably surmise that the latter signatures had been forged by ballot harvesters who were rushing against the clock. Shiva Ayyadurai, an engineer and entrepreneur who’s known as Dr. Shiva, uncovered a widespread failure in Maricopa to reject ballots with bad or no signatures. Last year, a study by Dr. Shiva, commissioned by the Arizona Senate, showed that up to 204,000 Maricopa ballots bore fake signatures.
After Election Day – when Arizona was awarded to Biden, with a reported tally of 1.67 million to Trump’s 1.66 million (four years earlier, Trump had won the state with 1.25 million votes to Hillary Clinton’s 1.16 million) – the State Senate ordered an audit of Maricopa. The county promptly sued to block it and conducted a “self-audit,” a concept that Fried dismisses as “ridiculous.” When the Senate’s audit finally did get underway, Maricopa election officials and the county’s Soros-funded sheriff tried to squash it – refusing to cooperate with the auditors, denying them access to routers, and blocking their attempts to verify signatures. Attorney General Merrick Garland and Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs joined in this effort, while Democrats on Capitol Hill and in the Department of Justice complained that the auditors’ attempt to investigate charges of ballot harvesting amounted to “voter intimidation” and Members of Congress Carol Maloney (D-NY) and Jamie Raskin (D-MD) accused the auditors of embracing “conspiracy theories.” This full court press worked: the audit was abandoned (Fried calls the whole thing “disgraceful”) and the mainstream media dutifully reported that the auditors had certified Biden’s win.
Georgia. Trump, who in 2016 won Georgia with 2.09 million votes to Hillary Clinton’s 1.88, was named the loser in 2020, with an official total of 2.46 million votes to Biden’s 2.47 million. At a post-election press conference, Garland Favorito, an expert in information technology who is the president of VoterGA.org, presented the sensational results of his study of the Fulton County (Atlanta) results. “It takes at least one second to scan a ballot,” said Favorito, “but there are over 4,000 ballots with precisely the same timestamp – to the second.” Favorito identified over half a million “phony or unauthenticated ballots” – a figure 45 times the size of Biden’s margin in Fulton. A video showed that after ballot counters had been sent home from the State Farm Arena, workers pulled boxes out from under tables and took out ballots, which were then scanned, apparently several times apiece, over the next hour and a half, resulting in a huge jump in Biden votes. Several observers signed affidavits attesting to having witnessed this bizarre occurrence.
But county DA Fani Willis showed no interest in Favorito’s findings. Instead, she was “trying to prosecute Trump” for “pressuring” Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to, as Trump put it, “find votes.” Willis’s implication was that Trump wanted somebody to fabricate votes for him; in fact, the actual phone call transcript shows that he was aware of, or strongly suspected, widespread fraud and wanted it uncovered. But Raffensperger, rather than cooperate with this effort, bad-mouthed Trump to the Washington Post; and though he’d been shown evidence of massive fraud – a contractor hired by his own office had reported monumental failures in election integrity, including a “massive chain of custody problem” – Raffensperger bragged on 60 Minutes about Georgia’s “honest” election. To compel a response to his charges by election officials, Favorito filed a lawsuit – but Raffensperger, in an amicus brief, argued, ludicrously, that election results are final, and a judge dismissed the case on the grounds that Favorito had no legal standing.
Michigan. In the run-up to the 2020 election, Jocelyn Benson, Michigan’s Democratic Secretary of State, sent out ballot applications to everybody on the voter rolls – a blatant violation of state law that an appeals court nonetheless upheld. Millions of these applications weren’t used, at least not by the individuals to whom they’d been addressed. Since Benson (also unlawfully) waived signature tests – a move that Trump successfully challenged in court, although the ruling came too late to matter – there was little chance of illegitimate ballots being identified and discarded.
People who were present at Wayne County (Detroit) polling stations and at its ballot-counting center reported deliberately slovenly methods that seemed designed to let fraudulent ballots slip through. One poll worker reported being instructed to pre-date absentee ballots – and ordered not to ask voters for ID, or look for deficiencies in ballots, or inspect signatures. At that counting facility, there was, by multiple accounts, visible collaboration among election workers, local officials, Democratic activists, and – believe it or not – masked BLM members, with GOP election observers being harassed, intimidated, removed, or denied access to the premises. Indeed, Democratic poll workers were given written instructions on how to “distract” Republican poll observers. Fried quotes several affidavits that paint a picture of a Zimbabwe-style atmosphere at the counting center. After the election, a videotape surfaced in which a supervisor ordered ballot counters to keep poll watchers at a distance – i.e., too far from the vote count to be able to tell whether or not it was being done fairly.
There were problems elsewhere in the state, too. In a study of four counties, Dr. Shiva discovered that “the more Republican the precinct…the fewer the individual votes for Trump.” After the election, in which Biden was awarded the state with 2.80 million votes to Trump’s 2.65 million (four years earlier, Trump had eked out a narrow victory over Clinton, with 2.28 to her 2.27 million votes), a former political candidate named Jacky Eubanks went door to door in Macomb County and found that 17.6% of those who’d supposedly voted absentee had not, in fact, done so. If this was representative of a statewide pattern, it could mean that almost a million invalid ballots were counted as legitimate. How did Dana Nessel, the state Attorney General, respond to Eubanks’s findings? By threatening her with legal action; to save her own skin, Eubanks agreed to sit down and shut up.
Nevada. Having gone for Clinton in 2016 by a margin of 539,000 votes to Trump’s 512,000, Nevada was called in 2020 for Biden, with 703,000 votes to Trump’s 670,000. As Fried notes, three months before the 2020 election, the state legislature’s Democratic majority made “emergency” changes in its election law – mail-in ballots for all; legalized ballot harvesting; and unguarded ballot drop boxes – that read, in Fried’s words, like “an invitation to fraud.” One journalist observed that unrequested ballots were “piling up in post office trays, outside apartment complexes, and on community bulletin boards in and around Las Vegas”; a postal worker, pointing out that “thousands of them” were piled up at the post office, commented: “something stinks here.” Among the other fishy elements of the Nevada vote was the story, told independently by two IT workers, of machines on which the vote counts had changed overnight. Sensational – but a lower-court judge totally ignored their testimony, and the state Supreme Court tossed the case almost instantaneously on appeal.
Pennsylvania. In 2016, Trump’s Keystone State win – 2.97 million votes to Clinton’s 2.93 – was an instant legend. Three years later, the state legislature passed Act 77, which relaxed rules for absentee voting and permitted ballot harvesting. After Election Day, several rather eye-popping testimonies emerged. A number of hidden-camera videos recorded patently illegal conduct – including the destruction of election records – on the part of election workers. One of the videos showed two Delaware County election workers discussing the need “to destroy and/or hide 2020 election information requested under Pennsylvania’s ‘Right to Know’ laws.” The county District Attorney closed his “investigation” into these videos without taking action. Delaware County, as it happens, was the last in Pennsylvania to report its vote totals – and before that report came in, Trump was winning the state.
There were other suspicious tidings. A former U.S. attorney in Philadelphia claimed that Attorney General Robert Barr had blocked his effort to probe election fraud. Jesse Morgan, a truck driver who worked as a subcontractor for the U.S. Postal Service, claimed to have driven “hundreds of thousands of completed ballots” from New York to Pennsylvania, where “his truck disappeared – with the ballots.” While the vote tally was underway in Philadelphia, a municipal judge ruled, preposterously, that keeping Republican observers over thirty feet away from the ballot counters was reasonable. He was overturned by a state judge – whose ruling the Philadelphia sheriff refused to enforce. The state Supreme Court, by a party-line vote, then reversed the state judge, forcing GOP observers to stand at a distance from which they couldn’t observe anything.
When Pennsylvania’s ballots were counted, the total number exceeded by 202,000 the number of registered voters. Steven Miller, a professor of mathematics at Williams College, found that around 90,000 of the absentee ballots purportedly requested by Republican voters had either been requested by persons other than those GOP voters or had been completed and sent in by those voters but never counted. This number exceeded Biden’s winning Pennsylvania margin. (He was awarded 3.46 million votes to Trump’s 3.38 million.) Miller’s findings caused outrage among American academics – not at the appearance of massive fraud, but at the spectacle of a fellow academic, and presumably fellow lefty, calling out Democratic Party malfeasance.
Wisconsin. Having famously lost their state to Trump in 2016, Wisconsin Democrats worked vigorously before the 2020 election to ensure a win. The Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC), fearing that the Green Party would siphon away Biden votes, removed the third party from the ballot – an outrageous action that was, incredibly, upheld by state courts. A big, splashy pre-election event thrown by the Democratic Party in a Madison park plainly amounted to a very audacious case of ballot harvesting; but when Trump supporters complained about this and other irregularities to the Wisconsin Supreme Court, Judge Jill Karovsky sneered that their charges “smack[ed] of racism” and accused them of “want[ing] us to overturn this election so your king can remain in power.”
Then there was the vote harvesting in Milwaukee, which TruetheVote (TTV) described as “an organized crime,” with ballots being given to left-wing NGOs, then deposited (presumably after alteration) in drop boxes. As if all this weren’t low enough, across the state, in what clearly looked like a case of “criminal conspiracy to commit election fraud,” nursing-home patients – including those with dementia – were pressured to vote, with 66 nursing homes consequently evincing 100% turnout. Complaints by patients’ relatives led to criminal charges against five of the six WEC members.
The most important figure in Wisconsin’s 2020 election – which was officially won by Biden, with 1.63 million voters to Trump’s 1.61 million, four years after Trump had taken 1.40 million votes to Clinton’s 1.38 million – was not a Cheesehead but a Californian. In what looked suspiciously like a payoff scheme to gain control of the election process, Mark Zuckerburg’s Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) spread millions of dollars around to public officials in Milwaukee, Madison, Racine, Kenosha, and Green Bay. In all of these cities, as a result, control of the polling and vote-counting was illegally transferred from county clerks to CTCL representatives. The CTCL official who was sent to Green Bay – Michael Spitzer-Rubinstein, a former Obama staffer from New York – counted late ballots, a violation of the law.
When the numbers came in, there was much to raise eyebrows. Across the state, ballot rejection rates were far lower than in previous years. There were more than 23,000 questionable voters – those without a DMV record, those with non-matching birth dates, those with name mismatches, and so on. Shadiest of all, the voter turnout in Madison increased over one thousand percent from 2016 to 2020.
At the direction of the state legislature, the Office of Special Council (OSC) set out to investigate the election – only to be stonewalled by election officials, the state Attorney General, and the voting-machine companies. The OSC was able to come to some conclusions, however. On Election Night, at least in Green Bay, it determined, voting machines had been connected by Internet to “a secret, hidden WiFi access point at the Grand Hyatt hotel,” with “the WiFi, machines, and ballots” under the control of “an agent of a special interest group.” Since OSC auditors were refused access to the votes cast in Madison and Milwaukee – 19 percent of the state’s total ballots – the audit was incomplete. Nevertheless, the corporate media declared the vote legitimate. A Washington Post article dismissed claims of fraud in Wisconsin, even though the report on which it was based had begun by stating that it was “almost certain” that the number of illegal votes in the state had “exceeded Joe Biden’s margin of victory.” The OSC, by the way, was shuttered last August.
Yes, Trump’s lawyers have lost dozens of election challenges in courts – but it’s rarely mentioned that he’s lost most of them “on the basis of procedure or process.” Of the thirty cases decided on merit, notes Fried, Trump won 22. Yes, election-security “experts” were quick, after Biden’s 2020 upset, to dismiss concerns about election fraud as “conspiracy theories.” Yet as Fried points out, it takes weeks after an election to discern where there has been fraud. (Fried also reminds us that several dozen so-called intelligence “experts” similarly attested that the Hunter Biden laptop was part of a Russian disinformation campaign.)
Debunked is a terrific work, deserving of attention from every American who cares about the legitimacy of our elections. Fried is the perfect guide through the 2020 presidential election – sober, judicious, meticulous in his examination of evidence, neither quick to declare fraud nor to declare lack of it. He distinguishes carefully between fraud and irregularities, and between evidence and proof, and devotes a useful short chapter to the dishonest reporting methods of journalists who routinely pretend that Trump’s claims of election irregularities have been shown to be “baseless” – “conspiracy theories” spread by “election deniers” who are a “danger to democracy.” As Fried conclusively demonstrates, the question marks raised by all the apparent shenanigans that he itemizes make it impossible to say with any confidence that Joe Biden really won the White House – at least not until the elections in all six of the states that Fried discusses here have been subjected to a real, complete audit.
Joe Biden says
“ Fried quotes several affidavits that paint a picture of a Zimbabwe-style atmosphere at the counting center. “
C’mon man, I know you guys don’t like me but you got to admit I learn from the best.
Jim "UberBitch" Acosta says
Uh, Mr. President,
Nobody likes you. However, everyone in your orbit uses you for every inch they can squeeze out of you.
You’ll go down in history as the most useful idiot to ever sit in the Oval Office.
angelo barbato says
It’s now official. [ to my way of thinking ] America is a banana republic.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Bruce! There is such a thing as probabilistic proof, by that type of proof the election was almost certainly stolen.
BeijingYankee says
Election Integrity 0
Organized Crime 1
walt says
This is more affirmation for what anyone with a functioning brain already knew.
Joe Biden is not the legitimate president of the US and his handlers know it too.
Everything he has signed should be voided and he should be tried for treason along with every single person who had a hand in the steal.
Mark Suckerburger is a wimpy little tool of the communists and should be tossed into the gulag.
Lightbringer says
The damage that Biden has done will live long after he is gone, whether that be today or tomorrow. Many lives have been lost in the US, in failure of the US to act and protect people from natural and man-made disasters, and in US-caused foreign wars. Removing him from the Oval Office will not bring them back to life. He has turned long-term friends into enemies. They will not trust us again so quickly. He has strengthened our enemies, especially China. The balance of power will not be restored so quickly. So even if he were to be dragged out of the White House today and Trump restored, Trump would have to clean the Augean Stables worldwide before he could really get to work to make America great again. I would say that Obama’s mission has been accomplished. The fundamental transformation of America.
Ugly Sid says
Joseph Robinette Biden
Beautiful Dreamer says
Excellent summary of the many ways the Big Steal went down in 2020. To date there have not been significant reforms, except in a few counties and 2022 election fraud was as prevalent if not as obvious. The answer is for citizens to insist on reform on the county level.
Anne says
The CCP has their fingers on everything for Global domination.
David Ray says
They definitely have their fingers pulling the stings on puppet “Big Guy”.
It cost ’em several million to buy the Oval Office, but considering the dividends their reaping . . . money well spent.
(Hillary is STILL fuming over her her missed grifting opportunity. The Clinton Holyland Foundation is now on life-support as a consequence.)
Beautiful Dreamer says
Audits cannot happen if election officials illegally destroy election data and materials. Law enforcement officials that refuse to properly investigate and prosecute fraud, including US AG Barr, US Attorney McSwain, former PA AG now Governor and beneficiary of fraud Shapiro, and Delaware County Soros-bought, sleezy DA Stollsteimer are all responsible for the 2020 election debacle in Delaware County, PA, which handed the state to Biden, and may have swung the entire nation to him as well. However, we will never know, because unelected Delaware County Bureaucrats destroyed the evidence, and they remain in their positions, counting the votes and calling the shots in the county.
Danimal28 says
“Unknown to MAGA people there is a war going on between…”
We’ve known this since 2015 when Trump came down the escalator. Respectfully.
Kasandra says
I’ve got the best proof of fraud possible and didn’t have to review voting patterns or even leave my house to get it. There is no way that, in the universe in which I live, Biden, a dim, brain addled, corrupt, lifelong politician who can’t speak a coherent sentence and didn’t campaign, got millions of more votes than the, like him or not, truly consequential Barack Obama did in 2008. That is simply not possible.
Algorithmic Analyst says
That’s one of the strong probabilistic points 🙂
Ugly Sid says
But Biden’s public oratory was was so prolific and persuasive that twenty-six million more Americans flocked to the polls in 2020 than in 2016.
With steel trap intellect and golden throated erudition the Biden Landslide rescued America.
What other explanation is there?
James Stagg says
Good sarcasm, Sid!
David Ray says
Rimshot!🥁 👍
Whoa! Heeeey!
TruthLaser says
That sort of deduction could be based on a concept that used to have support in America called “the wisdom of the people.” Lincoln’s recognition of the capacity of the people to be fooled still supported the notion that there were limits to their gullibility..
Algorithmic Analyst says
Good point, thanks.
Dr Dan says
Our country has been taken over by the deep state.what will it take to get it away from them?the swamp did not want to be drained!we will probably need another revolution to get our country back from the people who cheat at elections with no moral compass. They won’t stop cheating!
commonsense says
This catastrophic election outcome could have been averted if the pusillanimous Pence actually did the only real job he was responsible for as vice president – ensuring that the electoral results were valid. He failed miserably.
Anne says
Pence didn’t go by the Constitution, and do his job, now he wants to pretend he is righteous and run for President.
Don Kosky says
The problem with trying Biden for Treason is to assume that he was in on the steal. He obviously benefited but I don’t think he was part of it. I believe leftist ops and NGO’s (Soros and Zuckerberg funded, and others) stole the election. They didn’t need Biden, but since Biden has been in office the question is “Is he compromised?”. I think he is. Let’s proceed with the audits. (Come on GOP House of Representatives, this is your duty)
David Ray says
I thought the same until his Freudian slip “I’ve arranged the most expansive & inclusive voter fraud team in history!”
His handlers nearly had a stroke, and vowed never to tell the doddering idiot anything of consequence ever again.
Guy Crawford says
By nominating Joe Biden, the 2020 election was an object lesson by the DNC showing the country that regardless of the candidate, they will win.
Pipercat says
And then there is Fetterman.
JM in Florida -- now in Illinois says
You lose credibility when you say a non-wacko group (here, Neocons, no friends of mine), wants Nuclear War. No sane person wants Nuclear war
itsy_bitsy says
Behind him is China!
Logan James says
Almost every sentence, every statistic has been known now. Most of this is old news- at least for those of us who did our homework two years ago.
LindaLS says
Most people do not have that level of detail about what went wrong. I did a certain amount of background reading, but I appreciate Fried pulling things together. Something must be done — but I don’t know what.
World@70 says
So! Is anyone surprised?
Algorithmic Analyst says
I knew something was wrong late election night. I was just about to go to sleep, sure in the knowledge that Trump had it locked up. Then suddenly the counting in the swing states was halted for dubious reasons, and the betting odds went from about 4 to 1 in Trump’s favor down to about 2 to 1, in a matter of minutes. That spells FIX.
Trump was ahead by 700,000 votes in Pennsylvania, with almost all the votes counted. When I woke up the next morning, somehow Biden was ahead. I don’t think there has been a swing like that in our history.
David Ray says
Not a swing like that without the help of over 2000 mules i.e. drop-box stuffing felons.
Freud in a Slip says
The really sad part is that the 2024 election will follow the exact same pattern. We do NOT live in a free country. The United States of America is NOT a democracy. We are a constitutional republic in name only. We have a one-party communist dictatorship that calls itself the Democratic Party. The occasional Republican majorities that are allowed from time to time are illusions given the numbers of RINOs (embedded Democrats) in the GOP; illusions crafted to reinforce the appearance of voter choice and fair elections. I’m afraid the cold civil war that has been raging for 30 years is going to turn hot.
Don Davenport says
You can be sure the shenanigans will prevail again in 2024. I won’t waste my time voting anymore.
Ugly Sid says
Which may be the intention.
There is no leaving the game. Your uniform is your skin.
Your skin is in the game if there is life in your body.
David Ray says
Assuming the fetal position & quitting has never been a road to victory.
Freud in a Slip says
The only hope for the republic is to vote Republican in such a lopsided way that no amount of voter fraud in the Dem controlled cities can overcome the landslide. In the battleground states, Trump got 55 to 60% of the vote statewide but Democrat fraud gave Biden 80 to 85% of the vote in the big cities. Once a state goes 70 to 75% for the GOP, the big city would require more than 100% for the communists to steal the election. Those numbers vary of course depending on the percentage of the state’s population living in the big city. In any case, continuing to vote, even when it seems pointless, makes the communist fraud harder to commit and more glaringly obvious when it happens. Don’t give up on voting just yet.
LindaLS says
I have Fried’s book on Kindle. I agree with Bawer. It is excellent. Buy it. Read it. Spread the word.
The world needs to be concerned about this, as Biden is bringing us to the brink of WW 3.
virginia macdonald says
omega4america.com is an interesting website that discusses ways to clean up voter rolls. This could be the key to the whole thing!
Robert D McGovern says
I know in my heart and mind that the 2020 Presidential election was stolen. We have a fraudulent administration in place and they are doing as much damage to our country as possible while they are still in power.
Lightbringer says
They are damaging the entire world as much as they possibly can.
David Ray says
And the chickenshit woke in Maricopa pulled the same fraud in 2022. The fraud was so brazen as to border on the surreal.
(I expect the courtier press to care less; it’s when listless fools on our side shrug their shoulders over it, that I get livid.)
Dr.Ernesto says
You can argue about who won the 2020 election, but the loser was clearly all of America.
Steven Miller says
You write: “When Pennsylvania’s ballots were counted, the total number exceeded by 202,000 the number of registered voters. Steven Miller, a professor of mathematics at Williams College, found that around 90,000 of the absentee ballots purportedly requested by Republican voters had either been requested by persons other than those GOP voters or had been completed and sent in by those voters but never counted. This number exceeded Biden’s winning Pennsylvania margin. (He was awarded 3.46 million votes to Trump’s 3.38 million.)”
I am the person referenced above, and this is not what I found. What I was asked to do was to assume that the people surveyed by third parties were representative of Republican voters with requested ballots and responding accurately to questions, and if these assumptions held to confirm the extrapolated number of ballots that might have been sent in but not counted. This is very different than finding 90,000 ballots were not counted – this is all conditional on the two assumptions being correct, and if they are not then the conclusion may not hold. Additionally, this analysis says nothing about what might have happened to requests from Democrats, Independents and others.
Steven Miller says
I am the person referenced above in the Pennsylvania analysis, and what is reported above is not what I found. What I was asked to do was to assume that the people surveyed by third parties were representative of Republican voters with requested ballots and responding accurately to questions, and if these assumptions held to confirm the extrapolated number of ballots that might have been sent in but not counted. This is very different than finding 90,000 ballots were not counted – this is all conditional on the two assumptions being correct, and if they are not then the conclusion may not hold. Additionally, this analysis says nothing about what might have happened to requests from Democrats, Independents and others.
Don Davenport says
Its over. The vote fraud is to embedded and widespread to do anything about it. In many cases such we saw in Arizona, the ones responsible for running the elections are the ones committing the fraud.
Sorry to say, but don’t waste your time voting. Your vote matters as much a drop of water squeezed from a syringe on a raging bonfire.
As Stalin once said “Those who cast votes decide nothing. Those who count votes decide everything.”
Ugly Sid says
What we need is a confident, very loud lout, on our [ the American ] side to the exclusion of any other consideration regardless of the slights, threats and certainties of cowardly injustices from the Left.
We need our own bully in the bully pulpit.
I am unwilling to surrender do not authorize others to do do it for me.
Fire Girl says
How could anyone not discern between the side that legitimately. questions the outcome of the 2020 election armed with credible facts and those supporters of Biden whose side blocks true audits and have No facts or credibility? What do they tell themselves?
Andrew Blackadder says
Lets us never forget that Adolf Hitler was also Elected, legally, though with a Coalition and look how that turned out.
America today is following that lead.
Spurwing Plover says
Biden stole the 2o20 election and anyone who don’t believe it is either total idiots od totally misinformed by the M.S. Media bottom feeders and gutter dwellers
Joe says
Just because certain states were crucial in previous elections does not make them crucial forever. In the 1960 election the critical state was Illinois.
Which counties are bellweather counties change. In the 1940 election the Republican Candidate, Wendell Willkie, received more votes than any man who had ever run for President. Of course that doesn’t include his opponent FDR who won by over 400 electoral votes. The Republican primary results ignores Trump kept all rivals off the ballot.
The Republicans lost so many seats in the midterm elections of 2018, picking some up in 2020 isn’t an endorsement. Trump lost the President, the House, and the Senate in one term. The only other President to have done that was Herbert Hoover so clearly the American people did not think Trump was a very good president.
Wisconsin electoral commission kicked the Green Candidate off the ballot. There’s some truth to it but not a lot. The Green Candidate was removed from the ballot because her home address was not accurate. When the Green Party appealed they missed the deadline. A million ballots had already been sent out.
Finally, the claim that Trump won 22 of 30 court challenges decided on merit is nonsense. The Epoch Times used research without the permission of the researcher and included cases that had nothing to do with Trump in its tally. Furthermore, none of those cases proved election fraud.
Read something else.
Big Al says
Check out the upcoming forensic audit of Fulton County, GA.
2020 Fulton County Counterfeit Ballot Inspection Case
Bird of Paradise says
Bidens latest’s polls are at 38% wait for the Crash
Walter Sieruk says
A “Biden victory ” ? How absurd , complete balderdash ! Joe Biden is terrible in handling the US economy and every other important subject.
Biden is guilty of either extreme incompetence or outright treason.