[Order David Horowitz’s new book, Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America: CLICK HERE.] Which American president changed the White House
The Terrorist Caucus in the House
[Order David Horowitz’s new book, Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America: CLICK HERE.] Representative Ilhan Omar is a Minnesota Democrat who
The Vigilante From South Bend
Pete Buttigieg is the latest star to emerge from Democrats’ 2020 pack, which is no surprise since he exhibits all the tropes we have come to associate with
Reparations Shakedown
Order David Horowitz’s new book, Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America: CLICK HERE. In 2008, the election of Barack Obama was universally
Religious Freedom Is the Bulwark
Order David Horowitz’s new book, Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America. Socialism – the bloody, discredited 19th century fantasy that killed
The New Zealand Morality Play
If the horrific massacre of 49 Muslims at prayer in two New Zealand mosques shows us anything, it is how askew the moral universe has become since the attacks
Christine Ford, Justin Fairfax and Me
Reprinted from American Thinker. When it was reported that the law firm of Ballard Spahr was representing Justin Fairfax, the Virginia Lieutenant
Democrats in Blackface
Governor Ralph Northam’s photo in his 1984 Eastern Virginia Medical yearbook: [[{“fid”:”13267″,”view_mode”:”default”,”fields”:{“format”:”default”,”
“White Skin Privilege” – a Racist Idea
The hottest political fad in America today is “Get Whitey.” Across the country re-education sessions are routinely held in businesses, professional offices,
Alan Dershowitz: An Emblem of our National Crisis
The iconic figure in the battle to preserve this great democracy.
The Dartmouth Speech They Tried To Suppress
Before I had even arrived, I was attacked as a racist, sexist and bigot.
A New Face and a New Mission For Republicans
My address to a gathering of Colorado legislators following the mid-terms.
Dartmouth Nightmare
It’s worse than you might think.
A Florida Lynching & A Broken Friendship
When a vote for Trump provides a license to destroy a man’s character and credibility by any means necessary.
An Ideology That Is Racist, Sexist and Anti-Christian Threatens Our Democracy
And the rot is deeper than you think.
Sorry for Blurting it Out, But Christine Blasey Ford is a Liar
And her story isn’t credible.
Character Assassins at the Washington Post
And the fake news media.
I Gave a Speech to 1200 State Legislators at ALEC
And now 78 leftwing organizations are attempting to cut off its funding.
Why We Need a Convention of the States
An opportunity to make America free again.
Trump’s Character and Trump’s Presidency
A question for Never Trumpers.
Happy Birthday, Karl Marx. You Were Wrong – and Worse
A response to the Marxist poison in our media.
How “Identity Politics” Is Designed To Destroy Us
The Left’s resurrection of the totalitarian faith.
Democrats’ Hatred of Trump Is Going to Bring Them Down
Reflections on the State of the Union.
Mouth Control, Not More Gun Control, Is What We Need
While the left side of the political spectrum responded to the mass shooting in Las Vegas with fevered calls for gun controls, which even Democrats admit would
The Left in the University
Introduction to Volume 8 of the Black Book of the American Left.