Recent Articles:
Amid immigrant turmoil, Swedish politician reveals what he really thinks of his country.
Is the Islamic State the Islamic ‘Reformation’?
What if this is as good as it gets?
Is Jihad Un-Islamic?
Wishing something doesn’t make it true.
‘Dialoguing’ with the Muslim Brotherhood and the KGB
European politicians embrace the enemies of democracy.
Sweden’s Totalitarian Face
Dissidents flee.
NATO’s Next Secretary General: Jens Stoltenberg?
Why the former KGB ally is not fit for the job.
Arctic Jihad
Radicalism climbs to Europe’s northernmost regions.
The Folly of Open Borders
Time for hard questions to be asked about the future of European civilization.
Breivik’s Confession and the Media’s Silence
Where is the press’s apology?
My Life as a Public Enemy
Norway’s national witch hunt against a dissenting voice.
Muslim Riots and Leftist Willful Blindness
The train wreck of mass Islamic immigration in Europe — and the mass denial about it.
Top Norwegian Prof: Critics of Mass Immigration Mentally Ill
Suggests “curing” with anti-psychotic drugs in the drinking water.
The Uniqueness of Western Civilization
Uncovering the secrets of the West’s success.
Academics or Agitprop Artists?
When “scientists” smear human rights promoters as “fascists.”
Importing Islamic Nightmares — While Denying Them
The horror caused by mass Third World Muslim immigration will not go away by censorship and self-delusion.
Internet Hate and Double Standards
The Norwegian Left’s perverted world of respectable standards.
The Norwegian Left’s KGB Romance
And its collaboration with Islamic totalitarians of today.
Geert Wilders Still Going Strong
Islam critic and his supporters face down left-wing mob.
Islamic Terrorism Caused by Poverty?
How many more lives will be lost before this leftist dogma is sent to the ash heap of history?
Is Anders Behring Breivik the Nordic Che Guevara?
Two notorious figures united in bloodthirstiness.
Irrational Fear of Islam?
Why “Islamophobia” is a meaningless term mainly used to harass and intimidate non-Muslims.
Muslim ‘Offenses’ Are About Power, Not Words
Why, even if we removed all “offensive” cartoons and movies on the planet, members of the ‘”religion of peace” would still riot.
The Pro-Islamic Aspects of Breivik’s Manifesto
What the Oslo killer openly borrowed from jihadists.
Monitoring Islam-Critics in Norway
A well-funded effort is underway to crackdown on the counter-jihad movement.
Inside the Brussels Conference on Free Speech and Human Rights
The movement to set Europe back on the right path continues to grow.