A leading scholar analyzes the phenomenon of Jihad-Denial and the reluctance to recognize the true threat we face.
Where Does Naomi Wolf’s Hypocrisy End, Or Does It?
By calling Phyllis Chesler a Zionist agent, Naomi Wolf shows herself to be a sad emblem of the pathetic state of the Left and of its pseudo feminist wing: ignorant, arrogant, bigoted, anti-Semitic, anti-American and an embarrassing fifth column for the Islamic barbarians of the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas.
Brandeis, Female Mutilation and the Falsehoods of a Faculty Petition
The twisted and callous agenda of those who squeezed President Lawrence to disinvite Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
Valerie Jarrett’s Influence on Obama
Dr. Paul Kengor exposes the Radical-in-Chief’s single most important adviser — and her sinister agenda.
John Kerry and Saudi Women Driving
The Left’s betrayal of the millions of persecuted Muslim women suffering under Islamic gender apartheid continues.
Suicide Killers
Filmmaker Pierre Rehov’s documentaries on the Palestinian Intifada hit Frontpage’s online store.
Miley Cyrus, Saturday Night Live and Double Standards
Who we can — and who we can’t — pick on in our society.
Oslo @ Twenty
An upcoming conference in Los Angeles examines the costs and consequences of the peace process.
Iran Threatens Rape of One of Obama’s Daughters Over Syria
Plain Islamic doctrine at play — will U.S. media’s willful blindness continue?
William P. Clark, R.I.P.
In memory of the American who defeated Soviet Communism.
Choosing Life in Israel
Author David Hornik tells a moving tale about his personal choice to leave his native United States and live in the Jewish State.
Iran-Israel Alliance of Nations
A new group of Iranian and Israeli activists seeks to promote better relations between the two nations.
The Last Israelis
Noah Beck’s apocalyptic novel confronts the doomsday scenario of a nuclear-armed Iran.
Europe’s Last Stand?
This week The American Freedom Alliance hosts a major international conference in Los Angeles.
Soviet Crimes Against the Jewish People
A new initiative sets out to document the historical record of Soviet Jew-Hate and its consequences.
Crucified Again: The Islamic Jihad on Christians Exposed
Raymond Ibrahim’s new book gives a voice to the voiceless Christians suffering under Islam.
Muslim Mommy Dearest
The sick and twisted jihadist world of Zubeidat Tsarnaeva.
The Devil in History
Scholar Vladimir Tismaneanu sheds light on communism, fascism, and some lessons of the Twentieth Century.
Bullies: How The Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America
Ben Shapiro’s new book documents progressives’ penchant for demonizing their opponents — and their disdain for honest debate.
Martyred in the USSR, Militant Atheism in the Former Soviet Union
A new documentary sheds light on the vicious terror inflicted on Christians by Soviet communism.
Through These Blues
A view from inside the political jihad arena.
KinderGarden Of Eden: How the Modern Liberal Thinks
Author Evan Sayet explains why the leftist yearns to remain in a state of permanent infantilism.
Dear Father, Dear Son: Two Lives…Eight Hours
Larry Elder discusses his new new book about his dad that will touch your heart in unexpected places.
Christianity, Islam, and Atheism: The Struggle for the Soul of the West
Author William Kilpatrick discusses how atheists and secularists enable Islamic jihad.
Muslims Against Hamas
A brave new group sets out to shine a light on the darkness of a vicious regime.