Frontpage Interview’s guest today is D.C. Watson, author of the new book, “_Through These Blues. A View From Inside the Political Jihad Arena_.”
FP: D.C. Watson, welcome to Frontpage Interview.
Watson: Thanks very much.
FP: let’s begin with you telling us what the book is about and its main argument.
Watson: For a long time, I’ve paid close attention to who has been saying and doing what. Why so many of our politicians and journalists are as cowardly as they are when it comes to discussing the tenets of Islam is anyone’s guess. I guess it’s just easier for them to attack the identifiers of a problem than it is to confront the actual problem. Nonetheless, if they are scared, or for some reason support this doctrine, they have been derelict in their duties to protect and inform this nation, and should be strongly “encouraged” to take a different career path.
Through These Blues discusses Imams and Islamic groups, those who stand up and counter them, the proposed “Ground Zero mosque” project, the corrupt and meddlesome United Nations, the “Rally for Rifqa,” CAIR vs. Anti-CAIR, and some descriptions of encounters I have personally had with some of these militant Islamic groups and individuals. Not all Muslims are terrible people with a desire to dominate the planet, so a question raised in “Through These Blues” is: How many of them remain Muslim only because of Islam’s death penalty for apostasy?
FP: What inspired you exactly to write this book?
Watson: I think that what inspired me most is this self-imposed grip of political correctness we have around our throats. America’s enemies see this and take full advantage of it, so losing sight of the fact that we live in freedom and that this freedom came at a price isn’t such a good option.
Of course, this includes free speech, especially when we see something that may be a threat to liberty and equality. If those whose beliefs are incompatible with our way of life don’t like what is being said, and don’t want to change course, then they shouldn’t expect a pat on the head and to be told that anything that offends them will be put to a stop.
Take Islamic jihad, for example. When the truth is told, its defenders not only cry foul and throw out claims of prejudice; they also attempt to bully and intimidate others as a way to silence them.
This game isn’t played in “Through These Blues.” To hell with their scare tactics. We can’t afford this anymore. And God forbid, if we continue to allow such a death clutch to be applied to our own freedoms, the lights are going to go out… probably sooner rather than later.
FP: How is Through These Blues different from other books about the same theme/topic?
Watson: There are many strong-willed, decent and intelligent people who have braved the threats of physical violence or being labeled as bigots, and stood up to jihadists with facts, professionalism and class. So, for what it’s worth, they have my support and respect. I suppose the difference is that I’ve been in the middle of all this for quite a while now.
I know some of the people who have received threats of death and mutilation from some of the adherents to this faith. I’ve seen the smear campaigns against them generated by “mainstream” Islamic organizations.
I know the man who had his name dragged through the mud and went through hell over a “defamation” lawsuit that never should have been filed against him. A lawsuit that was nothing more than an attempt to intimidate him and turn him from being the patriotic American veteran that he is into some quiet little rodent hiding in the corner.
I know the woman who has also been a target of death threats because of the countless hours she has put in to inform the American public about the threat of “honor killings,” which have made their way onto American soil.
After a news article reported what looked to be a threat to these same people for speaking at the “Rally for Rifqa” Bary in 2009, my friends and I went to the downtown park in Columbus, Ohio where the rally was held, and watched their backs. I’m not going to candy-coat this… we went to this rally knowing full well that we might end up trading ‘thumpers’ with anyone planning on trying to impose their will on the organizers of this event.
To sum it up, Through These Blues refers to what I’ve seen with my own eyes, and to be real about it, I’ve seen plenty.
FP: Recently, American public school students in Texas were made to wear burqas as part of one of their school studies. Any thoughts on this?
Watson: This comes as no surprise. Similar scenarios have played out in other public schools around the country and from here; it looks a lot like weak-kneed groveling under the guise of education. I’m not sure who is driving this or how high up it goes, but I have an idea.
The bottom line is that one day, these kids will enter the job market. To be competitive there, wouldn’t it be more effective if the time they spent in school were geared toward education, and not indoctrination? I don’t know of any job applications that ask the applicants if they’ve had any experience with burqas.
FP: Tell us about the efforts we see before us to criminalize the criticism of Islam. What do you think about these efforts and their chances?
Watson: I think it’s ridiculous.
For the past decade and a half, Muslim leaders from around the world, an assembly known as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, has been attempting to have any criticism of Islam or its founder outlawed through the United Nations.
Regardless of the fact that much of the criticism is supported by documented facts, they call it “defamation” or “blasphemy,” say that it hurts their feelings, and want it extinguished. The problem they have, which I outline in the book, is that much of what has been said about Islam and its originator has come straight from Islamic religious leaders themselves, the Qur’an, and the Hadith.
That said, their chances of success in criminalizing the criticism of Islam will depend on whether Western leaders have a backbone, and respect both the established laws of their nations and the rights of their citizens, or are nothing more than posers who would rather tip-toe around perpetrators who play the victim than stand up for the nations they are supposed to represent. No matter what happens with this issue, I don’t believe that people around the world who love freedom will stand for being told what they can and cannot say, especially when what they say is true. The billions of people who live in freedom have shown for centuries that to do so does not require a nanny.
FP: What do you hope readers might take away from your new book?
Watson: That they will just keep the information provided in mind as life moves forward and will always know that at this point, the political correctness grinder has rendered many elected officials and journalists useless regarding this matter, and that even if this continues we will still have ourselves, and one another to rely on.
FP: D.C. Watson, thank you for joining Frontpage Interview.
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