Recent Articles:
What East Germany’s government did to its athletes – and the dark lessons.
Cleaning Out Joe Biden’s Dirty Garage
Will the Big Media ever take a real look into Biden’s mishandling of classified documents?
Disney’s Sad Descent
The end of family-friendly entertainment and trust.
Iowa Votes
Why caucus results show that nothing is certain in the race for the Republican nomination.
Left-Wing Media Has No Shame
Why good people no longer pursue the presidency.
Crazy in California
Can parents allow their children to chose their gender?
Obama Could Learn from Ronald Reagan
Time to turn to policies that work.
Blame Obama
If the buck stopped with Bush, why not with Obama?
Memo to Arnold and the Media
There are no illegitimate kids, just illegitimate parents.
NLRB vs Boeing — Tyranny vs Freedom
Shocking dictatorial practices in the US.
The Day of Reckoning Arrives
Fanatical Islam learns it is on the losing side of history.
The Party of Nero
The Left plays its welfare state fiddle, while ignoring the flames of a looming debt crisis.
The Unbridled Idiocy of Government Spending
82 federal programs for “teacher quality”?
A Fool with a Badge Is Still a Fool
Is Sheriff Dupnik trying to draw heat away from Pima County law enforcement by implicating conservatives in the Arizona shooting?
Repealing Obamacare
The biggest expectation of the new Congress.
Anywhere But Here
Build the Ground Zero mosque somewhere else.
Today, Brown is Golden
A stern rebuke of the Democrats’ national agenda.
Terror in the Skies Requires Real Action on the Ground – by Michael Reagan
Mr. President, we can’t afford any more of your on-the-job training.
The Haze of Copenhagen – by Michael Reagan
Why the global climate conference is not in America’s interest.
Harry Reid, Uncensored – by Michael Reagan
The apologies the Senator owes.
A Half-Hearted Afghanistan Strategy – by Michael Reagan
The pitfalls of a publicized end date.
Forgetting the Cold War’s Heroes – by Michael Reagan
Both Europe and America are failing to educate their children.
Obama’s Afghanistan Test – by Michael Reagan
Avoiding failure has to be a non-negotiable.
Newspaper Profitability – by Michael Reagan
Today, as you read this column in your favorite newspaper, I hope that you can appreciate the irony of where I am choosing to voice my opposition to President Obama’s expressed “happiness” to look at proposals to provide federal funding to help “rescue” the struggling print segment of the Fourth Estate. Just what we need…more […]