Recent Articles:
Why Ben Carson Is Right
Why Did Oil-Rich Arab Countries Abandon Muslim Refugees?
Why Did Oil-Rich Arab Countries Abandon Muslim Refugees?
Islam’s Self-Destructive Seed
A reflection on an eerie prophecy by Mohammed.
Not Destroying ISIS
The true reason there are no “moderate” Muslim armies killing ISIS terrorists.
The Islamic Terror Orchestra
Singing to the tune of “Allahu Akbar.”
Are CNN and MSNBC Now Our Government?
A disturbing look at how leftist indoctrination passes for news.
The Islamic Tactic of Terror and Lure
A look at a Muslim doctrine that employs two polar opposite weapons against unbelievers.
Islamic Values vs. Judeo-Christian Values
Is Western civilization really successful because of Islam?
The War on Former Muslim Women
The high price that heroes like Ayaan Hirsi Ali pay for telling the truth about Sharia.
Benghazi, Lies and Videotape
For the first time in U.S. history, an American administration not only buys Jihadist excuses for terrorism, but facilitates them.
Jihad Migrating to Red States — With Obama’s Blessing
The president eases immigration requirements for those linked to terror.
The Islamic Grinch Who Stole the Olympics
Why the Olympics strike at the heart of Islamic ideology — and why jihadists yearn to annihilate them.
All the President’s Women
Why almost all the Obama scandals have female faces behind them.
Obama’s True Legacy: Not Healthcare
The one thing that Obama has truly succeeded in.
Is Illegal Immigration Good For Mexico?
Why the open borders lobby is destroying the hope for change south of the border.
The Nice Muslim Family Next Door
Do the “nice” Muslims you know indicate something about the real Islam?
When Will the U.S. Honor Real Mideast ‘Women of Courage’?
Why does the State Department refuse to support the beleaguered defenders of America and Israel?
Hillary Hiding — on The Darwish Gang
Why the Benghazi hearings just can’t get a Secretary of State to tell her tale.
What Egyptians Are Afraid to Know
Why the Egyptian public needs an honest discussion of what Sharia really is.
Immigrants’ Dilemma in America
How the Left is changing the perspective of new immigrants for the worse.
Obama’s Allegiance to the Unholy Alliance
How the president became the savior of both Islam and socialism.
Why Obama Blamed the Video
The president’s “bridge builder” legacy goes up in smoke.
Mr. Obama, the Future Belongs to Truth Tellers
Why apostate Muslims in the U.S. fear the president.
An Islamist at the DNC — on The Darwish Gang
Dwight Schultz, Amani Mustafa and Pastor Reza Safa mix it up on Frontpage’s television show.
Embracing Sharia at the DNC — on The Darwish Gang
Dwight Schultz, Amani Mustafa and Pastor Reza Safa wonder why the Democrats are bowing before Islamic Law.