Recent Articles:
You won’t learn about Indigenous slaveholders from our textbooks.
California’s Reparations Committee Owes the Reagan Family an Apology
The president didn’t coin “welfare queen” – the progressive media did.
Russia’s Perpetual Culture of Death
Few people have suffered so much.
Women for Abortion, March!
The revolutionaries couldn’t even mask their driving passion at this year’s gathering.
Was Bill de Blasio’s Mom a Commie?
Yikes, the recent reports of Bill de Blasio as one “Warren Wilhelm Jr.” were news to me (even as news of his name change was first reported several years ago
BLM Founder Patrisse Cullors, Marxist Abolitionist
Black Lives Matter founder Patrisse Cullors has been in the news a lot lately because of controversy over her income and financial dealings, including recent
Death of a Defector: Ion Mihai Pacepa, RIP
This article originally appeared in On February 14, 2021, the world quietly lost one of the most intriguing, enduring figures of the Cold
So Why Not Cancel Leftist Karl Marx?
Reprinted From the American Spectator. In a cancel culture targeting everyone from Confederate to Union generals, Columbus to Winston Churchill, Francis
Bernie’s Billionaires
“We have no reason to create millionaires,” declared Fidel Castro to his Politburo. “We fight not to create millionaires.” Castro, for the record, was
Radical Son: The Rise of Chesa Boudin
On October 20, 1981, the guys and gals of the Weather Underground finally did it. They at last carried out a criminal act that not only led directly to deaths
Comey Was a Commie?
Reprinted from The American Spectator. In college, I was left of center,” explained James Comey in an interview with New York magazine, “and
The Today Show Celebrates Communist Holiday
Reprinted From The American Spectator. On Friday morning I was sitting alone gumming a bowl of oatmeal in the breakfast area of a Hampton Inn in Pontiac
Women Who Lied About Sexual Assault
Remember the Scottsboro boys?
When Progressives Colluded With the Kremlin in a Presidential Election
How close America came to being officially pro-Moscow.
Going Red for International Women’s Day… and Its Useful Idiots
Reprinted from
The ability of the communist left to consistently dupe an ever-wider group of suckers never ceases to amaze. It’s
Women’s Marchers, Unite!
Communist comrades came through, big time — at the Washington rally.
Tom Hayden: From SDS and Viet Cong to Progressives for Obama
Mission accomplished.
Communist Party Feels the Bern
Communist Party Feels the Bern
My Hunt for Bernie’s Grandfather
My Hunt for Bernie’s Grandfather
Obama Atones for America’s Sins in Cuba
Obama Atones for America’s Sins in Cuba
The Elian Gonzalez Travesty: Where Was Hillary?
Marco Rubio should remind the world.
The Truth About Dalton Trumbo Before His Biography Debuts
Reflections on a dedicated Stalinist.
Arthur Miller — Communist
Reprinted from
October 17, 2015 is the centenary of the birth of Arthur Miller, one of the literary left’s shining lights and
Thou Shalt Not Kill: When the Communists Murdered a Priest
The murder of Fr. Jerzy Popieluszko, thirty years ago….
Death of a Communist
Paul Robeson Jr. gets a pass from the press.