Recent Articles:
Pushing back against the intellectual and moral rot.
How Totalitarians Come to Power
Using emergencies and fear to seize absolute control.
The Civil Rights Struggle of 2021
The civil rights movement led to the end of legalized racial segregation and the beginning of the ability of African Americans to be free and equal citizens in
Are Free and Fair Elections in America Possible?
What follows is detailed and factual account of crucial importance to all Americans regardless of political party affiliation, in understanding local, regional
Public Service Announcement: A Warning of the Real Danger of Marijuana
The state Legislature passed a bill legalizing recreational marijuana in New York State, but with its passage, the public has been sold a bill of goods. It was
Are Our Children Not Essential?
For 150 years New York City Public Schools have remained continuously open and undaunted by all manner of calamities and natural disasters. Throughout our
The Politics of the Pandemic
248 years ago, the British Crown picked winners and losers in the colonial economy of America, creating an unjust monopoly over the tea trade. The Crown ruled
‘Stuffing the Ballot Box’ with Mail-in Ballots
President Trump won the 2020 presidential election by a landslide of legal votes, and 73 million Trump voters will not allow this election to be stolen by
The Stalinist Show Trial of Roger Stone
Roger Stone’s trial was a Stone-cold case of abuse of justice and due process at a time when Americans are crying out for justice. Now, after his federal
Private Property: The Final Showdown
Private property is a human right in a free democratic society. To the authors of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, property is as sacred as
Jewish Voters Beware
The study of history is the study of human nature. We learn from the past in order to protect ourselves from the present. Voters need to take heed, and looking
We Must End the Slavery of One-Party Rule
The latest of the cataclysmic social events of the past few months is the devastating summer crime wave which has started hitting hard in our black communities
WHY do Police Matter?
Have you forgotten the old T-shirts, caps, and coffee mugs from the aftermath of 9/11 that said, “We Will Never Forget?” This is an open letter to our elected
Democrats – Like the Mensheviks – Will Go Into the Dustbin of History
All it took was a spark, the tragic police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, to trigger the explosion of anger and frustration that the radical left
A Tale of Two Synagogues
Truth and freedom won the day on April 14 when Pamela Geller spoke at the Chabad event in Great Neck.
Open Letter to CUNY Chancellor Matthew Goldstein
Booklyn College lends legitimacy to the campaign to destroy the Jewish state.
Obama or Romney: Who is Better for Israel?
A debate between two distinguished voices serves as a wake-up call to all Jewish voters.
Raoul Wallenberg’s Legacy for America’s Patriots
An enduring symbol of individual initiative, freedom and the sanctity of the individual against the all-powerful state.
Letter to UCI Administrators on Rejection of Wallenberg Statue
Exposing the rampant anti-Semitic hate long entrenched at UC Irvine.
The Ugly War Against Israel on College Campuses
Organizations tasked with defending Jews succumb to the comfort zone of silence.
Challenging the Slander at Columbia’s Israel-Bashing Event
Finkelstein and Khalidi utter shameless lies against the Jewish State.