How environmentalists are out to kill hundreds of thousands of jobs.
Krugman Fails Climate Science 101
An embarrassing attempt at environmental journalism.
The American Worker’s Loss Is GE’s Gain
GE’s business strategy depends on Obama’s lavish corporate welfare — but only Chinese workers benefit.
Ozone Back in the No-Zone
Obama’s EPA tacitly admits its regulations are job-killers.
‘Green’ Crime Pays Dividends
Environmentalists celebrate lawlessness as heroics.
Tempests in a British Teapot
Is the UK’s News Corp. hacking story really newsworthy in the US?
Can the Tea Party Save the Light Bulb?
Not likely.
Do July 4th Parades Turn Kids Republican?
A Harvard study attempts to politicize patriotism, but American exceptionalism isn’t dead yet.
Obama’s Crude Politics
Why did the president authorize a release from our emergency oil reserves?
Ethanolics Anonymous
Even with subsidies gone, the ethanol industry will still nickel and dime Americans.
Boehner Cracks on War Powers Act
The speaker of the House gives Obama a free pass, when he should have held the president accountable.
GOP Forces Dems to Choose on Debt Limit
The failed debt ceiling vote had as much to do with November 2012 as it did August 2011.
The Deranged World of Cynthia McKinney
The former congresswoman denigrates the U.S. and feeds conspiracies of Israeli control over the U.S. government.
GOP Presidential Candidate Field Suddenly Shapes Up
Who benefits most from the bow out of Huckabee and Trump?
We Need a Hearing on Fed’s Role in Gas Prices
The government makes more on every gallon sold than anyone in the supply chain.
Gingrich Jumps into the Race
The former speaker of the House indicates the possibility of a new “Contract With America.”
Egyptian Christians Under Attack
Muslims attack Coptic Christians in Egypt — while the new “enlightened” government looks the other way.
The Left Celebrates the End of the War on Terror
Progressives bestow intriguing perspectives on our post-Osama world.
Twisting the Meaning of Twisters
The left shamelessly tries to use last week’s devastating extreme weather in the south to “prove” their case for global warming.
Born in the USA
Obama’s shrewd political plan in waiting so long to end the “speculation” about his birthplace.
WikiLeaks Goes After Gitmo
The whistle-blowing website’s blatant anti-Americanism reveals itself once again.
America’s Spiraling Stock
The nation’s credit rating faces a bleak future if fiscal sanity isn’t restored.
Palin Comes Back Swinging
The former governor steps back into the spotlight with a fiery, anti-establishment speech in Madison, Wisconsin.
Tensions High over Budget Deal
Will an unlikely coalition of fiscal hawks and far-leftists derail the bill?
A Budget Deal and a Disaster
Republicans lose a major political leverage point.