Recent Articles:
Running interference for jihad instead of asking the real questions.
Texas Terror Enclave Exposed
And why it is allowed to exist…
Iran & David Duke Salute Presbyterian Church USA
Christian anti-Semites launch attack on Zionism.
Christians Fight for Middle East Religious Freedom Watchdog
A campaign to add a new State Department envoy hits a bump.
Islamist-Interfaith Alliance Battles Foreign Law Bans
Muslim Brotherhood front groups and their allies launch an assault on U.S. law integrity.
Farm Subsidies for the Muslim Brotherhood
How American taxpayers’ money is used to fund Islamist groups.
Obama Blames U.S. for ‘Extremism’
Key lines from the president’s SOTU address that expose his delusional foreign policy.
Iran vs. Israel at Davos
The Islamic Republic announces its terror economy is open for business — will the West succumb?
New York Times Discredited on Benghazi
Senate Intelligence Committee confirms no protests, Al-Qaeda involvement.
Date Set for Iran Deal
While White House smears critics as warmongers.
Al-Qaeda vs. Al-Qaeda Lite in Syria
A jihadist-on-jihadist quagmire erupts.
Yes, Al-Qaeda ‘Infiltrated’ Libya
The game of semantics meant to mislead us.
Egypt Declares Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Group
But the organization continues to find safe haven in America.
Egypt & Russia: Cold War Alliances Revived
A fitting arms deal for Obama’s post-American world.
A New Reign of Terror in North Korea
Why the regime may be on the verge of collapse — and how global terrorists may benefit.
An Islamist Thanksgiving
While America celebrated, Muslim extremists and their supporters gathered in Illinois.
Georgetown’s Interfaith Sham
Nazis, 9/11 Truthers and Muslim Brotherhood supporters.
Sharia on Tour
Muslim Brotherhood front groups with terrorism ties are coming to a city near you.
The Brotherhood on Campus: Your Tax Dollars at Work
The National Endowment for the Humanities’ disturbing funding activities.
How Soviet Intelligence Promoted Christian Marxism
And how the strategies are still in play today.
Inviting CAIR to Church
More churches team up with Hamas-linked group to learn about Islam.
CAIR Honors Leading Interfaith Islamist
Success that any Muslim Brotherhood entity can appreciate.
Rand Paul Wins Michigan Straw Poll
Could Christie catch up?
Blaming the Crusades for Jihad
Ibn Warraq reveals the ancient scourge of Islamic imperialism — and why Christians get the blame.
The Islamist-Interfaith Coalition’s War on the NYPD
The latest devious distortions of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood network.