Recent Articles:
Physicians in national survey say they face momentous choices.
Taxed into Long-Term Care
A costly expansion of ObamaCare is in sight.
Universities Abandon Western Civilization
Lady Gaga replaces Plato and Aristotle on academic curricula.
It Pays Not To Work
Staying home and collecting a government check has never been so appealing.
Brazilian Oil and Re-election Schemes
Another Soros connection with Obama’s favorite oil producing country uncovered.
Hard Truth on Jobs
Some losses will be forever.
Bad Tidings for the GOP
Registered voters give Obama and the Democrats good grades.
How Regulations Work: Ready, Fire, Aim!
Why too many regulations make us less, not more, safe.
The Obama Economy: History Repeats Itself
Imitating the wrong historical period.
Obama’s Loyal Allies
The news media is gearing up for battle in 2012.
The Truth About Teacher Pay
Total compensation exceeds private-sector pay by about 52 percent
New Expansive EPA Power Grab
The vague but encompassing concept of sustainability is the goal.
Eric Holder’s Lawlessness
A long list of questionable legal decisions.
Taxes and Elections
The number of millionaires and their incomes have fallen sharply.
Bureaucrats Paid for Not Working
Obama’s egregious executive order diverting federal money to unions.
Defining the Middle Class
Progressives wrongly portray a middle class with suppressed earnings.
The Auto Industry Talks Some Sense into the Obama Administration
An agreement on car mileage rules can save money and jobs—thanks to industry.
Millions to Lose Health Coverage
Washington rule-making in ObamaCare leaves families without coverage.
Best & Worst in 2011 Education
Developments ranged from more charter schools to disruptive unions.
Taking the ‘Family’ Out of Family Farms
Government is meddling in parents’ and kids’ right to choose.
Barack and Teddy
Obama has many of Roosevelt’s worst instincts and policies.
$57 Billion Security Failure
The Transportation Security Administration is letting down the millions who fly.
Electric Car Promise “Undoable”
The Energy Department plays politics; says more than 1 million electric cars in U.S. by 2015.
Climategate 2
The truth cannot be contained.
Playing Fast and Furious with Drugs
President Obama is aggravating the drug shortage.