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[Order Jamie Glazov’s new best-selling and critically-acclaimed book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Having written four books about Barack Obama, I read Jamie Glazov’s new book, “Barack Obama’s True Legacy,” not expecting any surprises. To my surprise, I was pleasantly surprised.
Glazov, the editor, assigned subject matter experts to review Obama’s policy decisions as president, with a focus on foreign policy. This strategy provides a depth of reporting not found in other assessments of the Obama presidency, my own included.
It’s unlikely that future Obama historians will know more about the Muslim Brotherhood than Robert Spencer, more about communism than Trevor Loudon, more about Benghazi than Clair Lopez, more about Israel than Daniel Greenfield or Dov Lipman, or more about Russia than J.R. Nyquist, just to name a few.
The opening chapter by John Drew sets the tone for what follows. Drew first met the future president when Obama was a student at Occidental College in Los Angeles.
The Obama Drew meets is a closeted homosexual and an uncloseted anti-colonialist and wannabe communist revolutionary. “There’s going to be a revolution,” Drew remembers Obama saying. “We need to be organized and grow the movement.”
The President Obama we meet in future chapters is more discreet, and yet his policies suggest that the young man Drew met never really changed his outlook about communism or revolutionary Islam.
I do the book an injustice by summarizing each chapter, so let me focus on the one chapter I found most intriguing, “Obama’s Russia Collusion” by J.R. Nyquist.
Nyquist begins with a question most Obama biographers have chosen to overlook – why were Obama’s mother and his presumed father taking a Russian class? This is the class at the University of Hawaii in which they reportedly first met.
The year was 1960. The Cold War was at its peak. The Soviet Union was our avowed enemy. The Kenyan Barack Obama was, as Nyquist points out, an African socialist; the mom, Ann Dunham, a cultural Marxist.
Both openly disdained capitalism and tolerated America only for the perks. “Perhaps they were learning Russian because their ideals aligned with those of the ‘socialist motherland’?” Nyquist asks.
Perhaps, too, Obama was groomed from the beginning to fulfill the pro-Soviet ambitions of his parents. If so, the choice of CPUSA member and possible KGB agent Frank Marshall Davis to be Obama’s mentor was part of the plan.
Nyquist analyzes President Obama’s seemingly schizophrenic Russia policy through the eyes of an Islam-friendly socialist who was possibly “the secret creature of the Russian communists.”
This admittedly sounds like the stuff of a Le Carré novel, but Nyquist relates a story that, if true, adds considerable credence to his theory.
In 2010, Nyquist recorded an interview with American physicist Tom Fife who lived and worked in Russia in the 1990s. As Fife told the story, he was at a party hosted during that decade by a Russian physicist and his wife, “an apparatchik of some sort within the Communist Party.”
The wife, who had been drinking, explained that America would soon have a black president who had been “groomed” to be just that.
“She said he had a white mother and he had a black African father,” Fife continued. “She thought that this was great because then he wouldn’t have any slave baggage to go along with it.”
According to Fife, the woman said his name was “Barack,” which was Arabic for blessing, and that “he’ll be a blessing for our world efforts; a blessing for world communism.”
The idea that Obama has been groomed by a communist-Islamist alliance is not as fanciful as it sounds. In 1979, Vernon Jarrett, a widely syndicated black columnist then with the Chicago Tribune, reported on a conversation he had with attorney Khalid Al-Mansour.
Jarrett, by the way, was the father-in-law of intimate Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett. As a young reporter and fellow traveler in Chicago, Jarrett had as mentor Frank Marshall Davis. Small world.
According to Jarrett, al-Mansour had been encouraging Arab leaders to take a more active role in black America. This effort would include “giving financial help to disadvantaged students.” For the record, 1979 was the year Obama began his studies at the pricy Occidental College.
In March 2008, al-Mansour made the news once again. During an interview on a NY1 show “Inside City Hall,” venerable black New York politico Percy Sutton matter-of-factly told host Dominic Carter how he first became aware of Barack Obama.
According to Sutton, he had been “introduced to [Obama] by a friend.” Sutton described the friend, Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, as “the principal adviser to one of the world’s richest men.”
Sutton was referring here to Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal. Reportedly, al-Mansour asked that Sutton “please write a letter in support of [Obama] … a young man that has applied to Harvard.” The well-connected Sutton obliged him, and the rest is history.
In my 2020 book, “Unmasking Obama,” I tell the story of the media’s desperate – but successful – effort to kill the Percy Sutton story before the 2008 election. The fact that Al-Waleed bin Talal and al-Mansour were both overt anti-Semites would not have played well in the final weeks of the campaign.
Future historians would do well to ignore the reporting of the legacy media altogether. For those interested in the real story, “Barack Obama’s True Legacy” would be a much better place to start.
Jack Cashill’s new book, “Untenable: The True Story of White Ethnic Flight from America’s Cities,” is now available in all formats.
This article first appeared in WND.com.
our worst nightmare was installed, not elected
Which one is out worst nightmare, Obama the Communist or Biden , his demented puppet whose strings are pulled by Obama apparatchiks?
The answers- neither. It is the willing media that lemming- like ,are marching The United States into oblivion.
The media. The colleges and universities and schools 1 – 12, The teachers and professors. The unions, most government workers.
It’s endless and we are in real trouble unless there is a real effort or revolution to round up all of the traitors, throw them in prison or in front of a firing squad. Many traitors should die to save America.
We are in real danger of freedom and real democracy dying. Simple as that Who is going to save us? Like in our revolution, many people will have to die to save our country and freedom. And it’s not just about the USA.,…..It’s about freedom in the whole wide world..
They are all tools of the Obama apparatchiks.
The media is the downfall of this country and are duly responsible for most of the hatred and violence in this country. If we had a fair and honest media ,America would be back on track to greatness but it is just the long arm. of the Democratic Party and the weaponized government !!!! Until Americans stand up and say enough is enough and takes this country back, we are going down the deep s–thole !!!
“The bourgeoisie (middle class) is many times stronger than we. To give it the weapon of freedom of the press is to ease the enemy’s cause, to help the class enemy. We do not desire to end in suicide, so we will not do this.” ~ Vladimir Lenin
“The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses.” ~ Vladimir Lenin
Agree!!! Worst nightmare ever was!!!
Based on persistent reports it sounds to me like our first black president is a sissie.
Famously, Newsweek magazine proclaimed the Kenyan to be America’s “First Gay President.” Obviously, the Kenyan has been on the “down low” for a very long time. Big Mike, too.
Michelle Obama has said in public speeches both that she was a single mother (that was a Freudian slip) and that she and Barack had artificial insemination because they couldn’t conceive. It’s hard to conceive the child of a gay man who won’t sleep with you.
Big Mike was never pregnant, and didn’t have any kids…artificially, or by way of the gay dude, Obummer.
Worse. A full out traitor (if he was actually born in The USA which I don’t think is true.
He hates the USA and is totally bent on destroying us.
Obama’s true legacy: I have said it several times. “he was and is a LIAR. He lit the the National Christmas tree 8 times without screwing it up.”
I think the Communist leanings of Obama reach back at least to his grandparents. It was his grandfather who had them live in a suburb of Seattle that had a Communist as a school principal, join a notoriously leftwing church known locally as “the little red church” and who got Franklin Marshall Davis as a mentor for Barry. There is also mystery concerning why he picked up and moved the family from, I believe, Kansas to Seattle. Barrak has a very unclear history and I suspect Paul Kengor and David Garrow still have much to learn about the guy, as do the rest of us.
For a guy whose “dad” is Barack Obama Sr., he sure looks an awful lot like Frank Marshall Davis!
Well, his mother did pose for nude photos for FMD on several occasions. It’s not an unlikely possibility that there was sex involved too.
The communist dictators and the Islamic dictators have been installed in the United Nations and are now their biggest “donors” this gives them world power.
Why did the working class supporting left wing suddenly become the ones to mandate big pharma vaccines?
Answer, the World Health Organisation is owned by the United Nations and cannot be separated from the global pharmaceutical industry, it funded the Whuhan laboratory which made convid.
The only way to end this hysteria is to defund the UN.
OGUS* made SARS2 (with Shi et al also), SARS and MERS (and Lyme…many more). The research publication trail is clear as are the patents, grants. DOD covered a lot of the research all deemed “countermeasures.” Fauci couldn’t patent SARS because the PTO told him it was “natural.” It wasn’t. Fauci aid to have the patent process confidential, and SARS was patented. In order to do any work with SARS scientists have to be vetted, sign a bunch of paperwork, the project very clearly delineated and be reviewed before anything is submitted for publication. SARS is NOT natural.
*OUS = Occupational Government of the United States.
Another book Democrats will want burned for daring to offend them with the Biter truth about Obama
When Obama was President he was terrible, in many very treasonous ways.
As has been revealed in the book by Jamie Glazov which had the title JIHADIST PSYCHOPATH , for on pages 38,39 the reader is informed about the subversion of the United States of America by reckless unchecked mass immigration that “By importing so many masses of people who hate America and seek to destroy its way of life, the Left succeeds in severely damaging the United State and making it more vulnerable to attack This explains why President Obama worked so hard to flood the US with Muslim refugees and why the Left is now fighting Trump’s efforts to protect America from refugees who hail from terror –infested nations.”
It was a Soros/WEF plan from the get-go. Angela Merlkle, also a WEF Young Global Leader, was first out of the gate to destroy Germany and the rest of Europe with Islamic immigration. Once that worked it’s magic, America and Canada were next.
My question is, why are all of the world leaders so keen of doing the business of a Nazi collaborator who still holds obviously Nazi outlook? Why do they only empower the middle eastern leaders of formerly Nazified Islamic countries? The only conclusion I can draw is that they really like and support Nazi ideology. Ever listen to the WEF’s Yuval Harari? The guy can’t give a single speech without praising the philosophy and deeds of Adolph Hitler. And the moron is a gay Jewish professor at an Israeli university. If the Nazis ever returned he would be first in line for the crematorium.
It might be of interest to a few people that during the summer month of August in the year of 2010 I had attended a lecture in a church about the subject of Islam. The guest speaker was a man who in times past was a Muslim and a Hezbollah member as well as an Iranian citizen. Now he’s Christian and an American citizen. After the lecture, during the question and answer part, he was asked “Is Obama a Muslim?” The speaker replied that “I don’t know if he is a Muslim but his deception is Islamic.” Then he added about Obama “Whenever he talks he sounds just like a Muslim.” Moreover the guest speaker further said about Obama “He is going to hurt this country.” As just keyboarded above that lecture was hold in the year 2010 and since then Obama had ,indeed, hurt America by and through his words , actions , politics and polices .
obama was an empty suit and a chameleon, which is why he was easily groomed – a useful idiot who was untouchable because he was half black. He may or may not be a moslem, but he sure had moslem sympathies.
I would say that the lecturer was also practicing taqqia on you. Muslim Hezbollah members aren’t just allowed to become American Christians who give public lectures. They murder those people. It’s like saying “ex-KGB.” No, once Hezbollah, always Hezbollah. Once Ummah, always Ummah. I have no doubt he spoke the truth about Obama, though. Why not? He’s got nothing to lose.
Not so, many Muslims convert and become Christians.
Some get persecuted, sure, but some are wise enough to escape suvh threats. How do I know? I run an internet ministry bringing the Gospel to Muslims.
When Obama was in the Office of President, he was the one who actually should have had been in impeached.
For example In the book written by the scholar on Islam and Islamic terrorism Jamie Glazov , which has the title of JIHADIST PSYCHOPATH on page 9, the reader is informed that “America’s suicidal disposition in the terror war reached a crisis level under Obama when American officials actually started seeking advice and direction from precisely those forces seeking to destroy the country
…With Obama in the White House , therefore ,the enemy was in effect , advising Americans and formulating their policy on how to promote their cause.”
This is an absurdly of madness. This reveals the Obama was, as President, far worse than grossly incompetent, Obama was traitorous to both the American people a as well as to the United State of America. Obama was therefore an affront and disgrace to the office of Chief Executive in the White House.
Therefore, the former President Obama in his Islamic subversion of America is not even limited to being a traitor to The USA but in his insidious he way and is dangerous to all the other nations of the West.
In addition, the sad and tragic reality is that Obama still has much insidious and subversive power in the White House .and therefore in the American government. because he has his useful idiot ,Joe Biden to use as his tool to use to subvert the US Constitution and impose Sharia law, and socialism in America.
Regarding the awfulness of Obama when he was president of the USA, some of it had been exposed by a former Revolutionary Guard of Iran who defected to America. For in his book TIME TO BETRAY its author, Reza Kahlili gives his first hand and testimony and observation when he had revealed to his readers, on page 335, that at first he was a bit naive about Obama for “I had high hopes that the Obama administration would be tougher on the Islamic government of Iran, especially given what they knew about the regime’s nuclear activities. However, his first overture to the mullahs disappointed me. He sent greetings for the Persian New Year in which he urged better relations between American and Iran. He then repeated this in letters to Ayatollah Khamenei. To me, this was a sad case of not learning from history. Once again American politicians refused to see that the mullahs were not men of reason, and that their animosity toward America was rooted in the interpretation of a prophecy that called for the annihilation of the West and all non-Muslims. I knew the regime would see Obama’s entreaties as assign of weakness, and that this would embolden them to take radical steps.”
Barack Obama may accurately be seen as the personification of the twenty –first century phenomena known as the “Red/Green Alliance.”
Isn’t it interesting though, that a life-long Islamo-communist like Obama would happily retire with hundreds of millions of capitalist dollars, several houses and a lavish lifestyle on the party circuit? Communism is for the people, not the Communists.
The many evils that Obama did are most despicable
One of them is exposed in book written by the scholar on Islam and Islamic terrorism Jamie Glazov , which has the title of JIHADIST PSYCHOPATH on page 9, the reader is informed that “America’s suicidal disposition in the terror war reached a crisis level under Obama when American officials actually started seeking advice and direction from precisely those forces seeking to destroy the country” Naturally for them likewise involves destroying the State of Israel.
…With Obama in the White House , therefore ,the enemy was in effect , advising Americans and formulating their policy on how to promote their cause.” Which of course includes antisemitism.
This is an absurdly of madness. This reveals the Obama was, as President, far worse than grossly incompetent, Obama was traitorous to both the American people a as well as to the United State of America. Obama was therefore an affront and disgrace to the office of Chief Executive in the White House.
Therefore, the former President Obama in his Islamic subversion of America is not even limited to being a traitor to The USA but in his insidious he way and is dangerous to all the other nations of the West.
In addition, the sad and tragic reality is that Obama still has much insidious and subversive power in the White House .and therefore in the American government. Because he has his useful idiot ,Joe Biden to use as his tool to use to subvert the US Constitution and impose Sharia law, and socialism in America.
Valarie Jarrett, a married, Iranian Islamic woman with a family, actually lives in the Obama house. No, that’s not weird at all. Obama’s Kalorama mansion is located just 1,000 feet from the Islamic Society of Washington and 2 miles from the White House. Two guesses who is pulling Puppet’s strings.
I agree that she is sinister. However, though she was born in Shiraz, Iran, she is not Iranian by blood. Both of her parents were black. Her father was a doctor that did voluntary work there.
In 1978 I taught English at the then Pahlavi University in Shiraz.
Obama is the Devil.
He may have been joking, but I cannot get past Obama’s cryptic comment when he was interviewed by Stephen Colbert in December 2020 about a theoretical scenario for remaining in power beyond eight years.
“I used to say if I can make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front-man or front-woman, and they had an earpiece in, and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff, and I could sort of deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony, I’d be fine with that. . .”
Obama is NEVER kidding. He has zero sense of humor. The closest he comes to humor is sarcasm. Like when he joked that he was tired because he had visited all 57 states ( he was slyly referring to the 57 member states of the OIC – Organization of Islamic Cooperation). He likes to troll people and like any narcissist, thinks he’s so brilliant that no one will get what he’s up to.
Just remember they had kids singing Praises to Obama and the M.S. Media were kissing his Rings and that made movie about him and his Wife(Southside with You)and it Bombed
He was introduced to Michelle Obama by Valarie Jarret, who worked with her at a low-work “Jesse job.” Jesse Jackson gave her the job as a political favor to her father, a union leader.
.Obama was a member of Jeremiah Wright’s “down low “club at Trinity United Church of Chicago. Wright was a life-long Muslim who suddenly “saw the light” of Christianity and decided to practice liberation theology and label it Christianity. Actually, it was a weird combination of Islam, Communism, and black liberation theology. He ran a club for young gay men who wanted to make it big in politics. He teamed them up with willing beards to marry in order to look palatable and “Christian” to voters. That was how the Obama’s were matched. A team effort by Jesse Jackson, Valarie Jarrett and Jeremiah Wright. Gotta love that Chicago machine.
As soon as I was made aware of Obama spending years in Rev Wrights congregation that was the END of my support for him. It was very., very telling who Obama was! Wright preached his hatred for America openly saying America deserved 911. His comment was the chickens came home to roost!! He preached God damned America and Obama sat though many of these sermons. So nothing here surprises me of where the real Obama came from.! Also when he was President and ISSIS was marching boldly through open deserts he NEVER tried to take them!
“I’m Going To Fundamentally Transform This Country”(B.H Obongo,Election night,2008).Nuff Said???
He can o ly win through vote fraud. Democrats and MAGA will never vote for him. He may run but he will not get there.
Oh for God’s sake. DeSantis is the only conservative running and I will be happily voting for him. He has a lifetime of deeds which demonstrate his love of country, adherence to the rule of law and respect for people. And he never said he would invade Mexico. That’s just moronic. He said he would protect US sovereignty against the many border jumpers, including drug gangs, human traffickers and Chinese military disguising themselves as military. You must be tuned to the WEF’s Vivik Imaswamy channel.
I also have my eye on DeSantis due to his military history and handling of Florida. Doing some research however, it appears he and Ramaswamy have taken donations from Soros.
I do believe Mexico must take more responsibility concerning the drug cartels and trafficking. If we want it to end someone needs to step up to the plate since Mexico’s President is not.
The Democrat regime needs to end . They have mastered the art of lying . The problem with this is the media coverage and voters not researching the candidates.
Another topic is the art of theft ……. I am not racist but it appears that since Obama was POTUS, BLM has popped up (remember it is equity not equality) and most of these thefts have been by blacks. This tells us nothing will be done whether theft or other crimes ….and they speak of racial profiling. ?? Our historic monuments have been destroyed in the name of George Floyd, et all, who are criminals. Ironically it all became worse when Obama entered the government. I still question whether he was actually a citizen of the U.S.
Unfortunately I live in Pa. Observing Fetterman, Casey and Shapiro continue to play the parts of the unconcerned leaders of our state.
The father of Obama, if we are to believe, was a Kenyan muslim, his mother a European American and they lived in Hawaii, they married, Obama was born.
She divorces the Kenyan muslim and marries an Indonesian muslim, where she MUST have converted to islam if she didn’t already in Hawaii as it it is The Law in Indonesia.
Wee Barry went to school, as a muslim as now both his parents were.
So if he converted to Christianity from islam then he is an apostate and yet we see Obama speaking in Cairo Egypt, his FIRST foreign speech once he became President and yet all the islamic Clerics in the audiences applauded him rather than placing a Fatwa on him.
So he changed his Christian name from Barry Sothero to Barack Hussian Obama once he became Born Again which is rather the other way around as muslims would change their name from Barack to Barry once they converted to Christianity.
So the entire scene stinks to high heaven with this grifter called Obummer.
I am still waiting for an explanation from the obamas. What happened to the chef? Who killed him? Did “Big Mike” do it? Who? Who killed the cook? It certainly wasn’t over bad chicken…bad meat, maybe, but not chicken.