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The Dems are marshaling their forces in the face of Kamala Harris’s waning support from voters. Particularly troubling for them is the loss of a fifth of black men’s support, given that in a tight race it doesn’t take a lot of defections to determine the outcome. So, the Party’s éminence grise, Barack Obama, went to Pennsylvania, a critical swing state, to lecture a group of black men in Pittsburgh.
Obama expressed his displeasured with black males’ lack of enthusiasm for Kamala Harris, which seemed “to be more pronounced with the brothers.” Nor did Obama like the “reasons and excuses” for their disaffection with Harris, which one imagines include issues such as inflation, crime, and the chaotic border. With condescending arrogance, Obama sniffed, “I have a problem with that.”
Worse yet, Obama exploited an insulting stereotype that black men are misogynists. Brushing away those “reasons and excuses” that trouble millions of voters of every ethnicity, Obama explained that “Because part of it [male support for Trump] makes me think — and I’m speaking to men directly — part of it makes me think that, well, you just aren’t feeling the idea of having a woman as president, and you’re coming up with other alternatives and other reasons for that.”
The blow-back from all sides was swift. “Obama’s remark,” The Hill reports, “have drawn the ire of several prominent Black Americans. Former Ohio state Sen. Nina Turner asked, ‘Why are Black men being lectured to? Why are Black men being belittled in ways that no other voting group [is]?’ Turner added ‘she has a lot of love’ for Obama, ‘but for him to single out Black men is wrong, and some of the Black men that I have talked to have their reasons why they want to vote a different way, and even if some of us may not like that, we have to respect it.’”
Senator Corey Booker (D-NJ) agreed on X: “Voting for someone solely based on the color of their skin is a shallow approach that undermines the true value of leadership and character. Judging a candidate on their principles, vision, and ability to lead, rather than rely on racial identity should be the deciding factor.”
Finally, Obama’s scolding, as The Wall Street Journal’s Gerard Baker observed, implies some unsavory explanations for all men who support Trump: “Are you an immoral, bigoted person—one of those notoriously misogynistic black men who can’t stand uppity women, or a white racist who hates foreigners? Or are you a dupe, easily misled by misinformation? Maybe you’re both. Whatever. You may not be good or wise enough to understand, but you must listen to us, your moral and intellectual superiors, and do as you’re told. You’ll thank us later.”
Obama’s insults, however, are business as usual for Democrat politicians, from Obama’s two-bit psychologizing that Trump’s supporters “cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations”; to Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” filled with “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic [sic]—you name it.”
To paraphrase Samuel Johnson, “The loudest yelps for decorum and manners come from the purveyors of vicious, question-begging ad hominem slurs.”
The point, however, is not the fact of such rhetoric in our political discourse, nor even the hypocrisy, which have characterized political rhetoric in our representative government that gives its very diverse citizens political equality and freedom of speech. The diversity of mores and standards of appropriate and inappropriate speech from the very beginning of our country made insults, slurs, smears, and shameless lies prevalent from both parties.
The peculiar arrogance of today’s Dems, on the other hand, reflects the pretensions of cognitive elites and credentialed technocrats who “follow the science” and think that “experts” should trump the voters’ interests, common sense, morals, and experience. Hence the current assault on the First Amendment, with partisan calls for intrusive government regulations to silence their political rival’s “misinformation” or “hate speech,” which of course frequently lie in the eye of the partisan beholder.
What’s more interesting is that these attitudes historically have characterized those who opposed giving non-elites equal rights and political freedom––no matter their birth, status, education, or wealth––ever since ancient Athens’s transformational development of these novel political ideals 2500 years ago.
This ancient anti-democracy tradition questioned the ability of the demos, the “masses” or the “poor,” to know what is best for the state, and so should be guided by those of noble birth, wealth, or later, philosophical training and knowledge. The “well-born” argued that––as Pindar, the celebrator of aristocratic athletic prowess, had put it about the time Athenians democracy began to develop––they have the “splendor running in the blood,” an innate capacity for excellence, virtue, courage, and wisdom that made them natural leaders. “The wise man knows many things in his blood,” Pindar wrote, but “the vulgar are taught”
The “poor” common people, on the other hand, are volatile and greedy, quick to violence, and prey to tyrannical demagogues who promise to redistribute the wealth of the rich aristocrats.
More brutal elitist prejudices characterize one of the earliest critics of democracy, conventionally called the Old Oligarch, who wrote that “Among the common people are the greatest ignorance, ill-discipline, and depravity.”
This divide between affluent elites and the middling non-elites also defined the nascent American Republic, and was a bone of contentious for the Framers of the Constitution. Indeed, the dangers of investing the masses with political power was a frequent topic during the debates at the Constitutional Convention. Edmund Randolph, the governor of Virginia, asserted, “It is a maxim which I hold incontrovertible, that the power of government exercised by the people swallows up the other branches.” Fellow delegate Elbridge Gerry agreed: “The people do not want virtue; but are the dupes of pretended patriots. . . [who] are daily misled into the most baneful measures and opinions by the false reports circulated by designing men.” Sound familiar?
In 1792, a few years after the ratification of the Constitution, James Madison defined these two conflicting factions: “One of the divisions consists of those who . . . are more partial to the opulent than to the other classes of society; and hav[e] debauched themselves into a persuasion that mankind are incapable of governing themselves . . .” Such men “wish to point the measures of government less to the interest of the many than of the few, and less to the reason of the many than to their weaknesses” so that “the government itself may by degrees be narrowed into fewer hands.”
“The other division . . . consists of those who believing in the doctrine that mankind are capable of governing themselves, and hating hereditary power as an insult to the reason and outrage to the rights of man, are naturally offended at every public measure that does not appeal to the general interest of the community, or that is not strictly conformable to the principle, and conducive to the preservation of republican government.”
In our times, of course, credentials and advanced degrees have created a new aristocracy, an affluent “cognitive elite” who dismiss common sense, practical wisdom, tradition, and faith as mere anachronisms or superstitions that dupe the masses without college credential and wealth whom demagogues and wannabe tyrants manipulate with patriotism, prejudice, bigotry, class resentment, and disinformation that reinforce their false knowledge, selfish interests, and irrational beliefs.
One can easily see how these ancient stereotypes resemble the slanders against Trump and his supporters. As Gerard Baker suggested above, “Are you an immoral, bigoted person . . . . Or are you a dupe, easily misled by misinformation? Maybe you’re both. Whatever. You may not be good or wise enough to understand, but you must listen to us, your moral and intellectual superiors, and do as you’re told. You’ll thank us later.”
One hears in these parodic questions the same arrogant bigotry of the ancient critics of Athenian democracy.
Of course, we have a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy as an ancient Athenian would understand it. But the progressive Democrats have frequently accused Donald Trump of attacking “our democracy,” their misnomer for the partial but expanding technocracy of credentialed big-government managers and “experts” who must take hoi polloi in hand, and wean or force them from their discredited Constitution, for unalienable rights and freedoms interfere in today’s technocrats’ schemes to aggrandize power and “wish to point the measures of government less to the interest of the many than of the few.”
Finally, we should remember the central concern of citizens from ancient Athens to America’s Framers––how to avoid the tyranny of both the minority and the majority. Contrary to our technocrats, “solving problems” wasn’t the point of the Constitution, but creating mechanisms that protect all citizens from those extremes.
As we hear the Dems’ campaign rhetoric and promises of new regulation and more redistribution to achieve “social justice,” always keep in mind the wisdom of Montesquieu: “There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice.”
Thank you.
Jefferson for a long time was one of my least favorite founding fathers. Then I found out he supported war in the case of the shakedowns by Barbary pirates, while others where still stuck on trying to make a country without a standing Army or Navy. Even Washington, so I started to explore other positives and gradually began to rethink my judgement of him. One of the things that stuck in my mind was his statement that he would rather get the opinion of a farmer citizen before that of a politician. No doubt many of the founders were against giving the common people much power. I think Washington was one who was a little disgusted by the poorer and less gentlemanly elements of society.
Truly part of the contract between the Republic and citizen is that public education be provided as a way for the Republic to thrive and it’s citizens able to function as a cornerstone in a republic. It was a reason Horace Mann was so essential to the development of this country and essential to the vision of the founding fathers and men like Jefferson who naturally realized the innate potential in most human beings.
Why do we read? So the malibu’s of the world can’t bull shirt us.
Indeed. Which is why tyrants seek to keep their populations ill-informed, if not completely ignorant. Ray Bradbury illustrated this well in “Fahrenheit 451.”
Good point bringing up Jefferson in regards to the Barbary Pirates. After some efforts to quell the barbarianism brought against our merchant fleet, he began to realise they were ‘of a different sort”. He sought out and obtained a copy of their book of say tannic verses and sudied it to see “what akres them tick”. He saw it.. and then changed his plan of action to quel it. Seems they are fully governed by brute force, or the threat of it. Small skirmishes did not work, as they lived to attack again next week. He then adopted a policy of total anhiliation, no quarter given, mercilessly pressing until total defeat. At one point they sued for peace, on their terms. Jefferson responded NO!.Total unconditional surrender or we continue fighting. They thought he was bluffing… and soon learned e was most certainly JO bluffing. After a few more total destruction raids, they did sue for peace on terms of unconditonal surrender. Thus “to the shores of Tripoli” are in our Marines battle march hymn.
General MacArthur took after Jefferson’s style as he was sent to deal with the Japanese. He realised their motivating force was similar to that of the mawzees. This led directly and proximally to the Enola Gay flying all the way to Tokyo and back just to deliver one small “present”. That, and the follow-up “gift” prompted the Japenese to surrender unconditionally shortly after. They still had thousands of troops scattered about the Pacific Theatre which were continuing to harm Americans and others.
And today. Israel’s Prime Minister is taking precisely that same pathway and hitting the maw zees hard fast and contually. A large percentage of their seaoned leadership are now gone. Massive stores of money and supplies have been located and destroyd or seized, and I laughed hard last week when the precise location of a massive cache of money, food, stores, war materiel, weapons was published in the newspaper in the area where it was located. Underneath a large “hospital”, of course… And so far the best they’ve been able to do in response is to send a drone bomb attack to Netanyahu’s private residence, where it merely cracked hos bedroom window.. when he and family were not even home. Fove thousahd for a new window is all the damage they could manage to do. Meanwhile HOW MANY of hamas an company top leadership have been “eliminated” these past few months?
Jefferson was a VERY wise and astute man.
The Kenyan has gone past his sell-by date. He has not aged well. Look at the photo. When The Kenyan told a gathering of black men that “you just aren’t feeling the idea of a woman” he let slip the real issue between him and them. They feel actual women where the Kenyan feels ideas. Such is the pathetic lot of a half-white communist sodomite.
Oh… if the Lincoln Bedroom could talk! Remember, it was up for sale to other Black Supremacists with direct ties to Diddy!
Inside info: Obama slaps his White Half every morning and before bed! He never talks about his White relatives.
He never talks about his Indonesian relatives, either.
It seems that the “Magic Kneeeeeegrow” has gone lost his MoJo. I’d still like to know who killed the chef. With these people, dumb accidents don’t just happen…..they’re made to happen. Big Mike, maybe? Who knows.
Judging by Big Mike, Brokeback Hasbeen Obama may be feeling the IDEA of a woman but he ain’t feeling a real woman.
“MLK’S DREAM turned into his Worst NIGHTMARE now that people are chosen, appointed, hired, and Elected based ONLY on the Color of their Skin, their LGBTQ-WXYZ Status, being a First, a DEI Agenda, Gender, and NOT the Content of their Qualifications!” sc
OBAMA, THE BLACK SUPREMACIST LEADER, started it with, “If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon!” Then he came to the defense of ALL THUGS which then led to Black Lives Matter except the Blacks that live in Chicago, where The Chicago Bulls-hitter did nothing, Baltimore, Philly, New Orleans, Atlanta, St. Louis, Memphis, etc… because their Black Lives were not important enough to promote his, AND OPRAH’S, agenda!
There are now countless youtube videos of Blacks disgusted with this RACIST MOVEMENT, and if they dare leave The Plantation, there are the Democrats who then call them names! Remember that they even called Colin Powell a House Slave, then Powell, even know Obama’s treasonous acts, endorsed him based ONLY on the Color of his Skin! OPRAH AND MICHELLE implying during the DNC to vote for her too!
HISPANIC DEMOCRATS do it too! Here in Albuquerque, the head of the Democrat Party, ANA CANALES, said of Republican Governor Susana Martinez (NM) who spoke at the RNC in 2016, “She’s a TRAITOR to her race for even being a Republican much less speaking at their Convention!” (At our local State Fair this past September, I went up to the Democrat booth with a man and a woman there with two tables full of info. I told them that I was DISGUSTED by what ANA CANALES said, “And you could even be Ana Canales.” “I AM!” OMG… so I said, “Great, I quote you all the time and now I get to tell it to your face!” I asked the man if he knew what she said about Martinez, he didn’t, so I told him and her to her face! IT WAS BEAUTIFUL! She couldn’t look at me, her face was red, I kept going… thanks to FPM which has taught me so many things which I then use in my arguments.) THEN ANTONIO VILLARIAGOSA, THE FORMER MAYOR OF L.A., said of the RNC speakers, Rubio and Cruz, “THEY’RE TROTTING OUT BROWN FACES!” Guess who the BROWN FACE was that the Democrats trotted out at the Democratic National Convention???
Find and read Thomas Sowell’s (he is 100% black african) railing address to his fellow black africans after they voted the kinyun into office as resident. No way can they call HIM “racist” He was born of a black single mother in the projects in I think it was Baltimore. Decided he was NOT going to follow the “usual path” of his peers. He is one amazing man, and told his black fellows just what horrible m sitake they had made and why they made it. I had to read it again it was SO GOOD.
those nightly visits from big mike have really taken their toll.
He did seem to be limping a bit……….butt sore.
Race, sex, sexual identity, being gender fluid, non binary, a cross dresser or whatever (who can keep up) is not a talent or a qualification for any job or political office.
That is so obvious I can’t believe I even have to write these words.
It is insulting to black people to think they should all vote the same simply because they are black.
It is insulting to women to think they should all vote the same simply because they are women.
It is insulting to black people to tell them they should vote for a black person because they are black.
It is insulting to women to tell them they should vote for a woman because they are a woman.
We should not judge people by what they are. We should judge people by who they are.
Or as Martin Luther King Jr. said, “by the content of their character.”
The very U.S. Constitution he was suppose to Uphold, Protect and Defend Not at all Surprised since the Demo-Rats have been violating the Constitution with Gun Control and other restrictions
i can’t recall a single thing OBOMB ever did for the ‘brothers’!
what has he done for blacks in OBAMAVILLE, CHICAGO, for instance??? speak out against black on black violence??? nah! speak out about chicago being a dem sanctuary city where illegals get the jobs first because they will work ‘cheap’ but then make up for miserable wages with ANCHOR BABY BENEFITS???
FBI Crime Data Revision Scandal—Their Lives Mattered
Despite the reality of increased violent crime across America, meaningful solutions continue to be pushed aside in favor of sanitized data and political agendas. In Chicago alone, headlines in 2023 continued to report violence: “Labor Day violence: 10 killed, 34 wounded in Chicago, including 6-year-old boy,” “Chicago shootings: 37 shot, 5 fatally, in weekend gun violence across city, police say,” “Chicago weekend shootings: 12-year-old boy among 7 killed, 22 hurt,” and “75 people shot, 13 fatally, in Chicago over violent holiday weekend,” This year produced many similar headlines including, “Chicago reels from bloody July 4 weekend with 109 people shot — 19 fatally,” and victims as young as five.
Obama, as well as the radicals he leads, is an openly reactionary Regressive counter-revolutionary with respect to the US Constitution.
Obama should have been impeached for treason long ago, but the RNC protected him.
By J.B. Williams
January 16, 2016
newswithviews. com/JBWilliams/williams320.htm
At the opening of the January Republican National Committee meeting in Charleston South Carolina Wednesday, the RNC Resolutions Committee was forced to vote on a RNC Resolution known as the Agema Resolution, supporting the proper Impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama for his many crimes of treason, tyranny and treachery against the United States and the people.
The nine member Resolutions Committee chaired by Carolyn McLarty of Oklahoma, voted unanimously to kill the Agema Resolution in committee, preventing the full body of the RNC from ever having a vote or voice on the measure in the full meeting scheduled for Friday January 15.
Not one member of the RNC Resolutions Committee supported the Agema Resolution to impeach what is admittedly the most impeachable administration in U.S. history. Not even known acts of treason and tyranny by the Obama Administration, not the Iran deal, or even Obama’s recent unilateral gun grab EO (Executive Order) just a week ago, was enough to cause the leadership of the Republican Party to support a resolution on impeachment.
The nine members of the RNC Resolutions Committee who blocked the measure from the full body are as follows…
Carolyn McLarty (Oklahoma) Chair
Melody Potter (West Virginia)
Paul Reynolds (Alabama)
Tamara Scott (Iowa)
Steve Scheffler (Iowa)
Pat Longo (Connecticut)
John Frey (Connecticut)
Rosie Tripp (New Mexico)
Linda Acherman (California)
I notice more than half of them are women.
One word comes to mind when hearing Obama……. Irrelevant.
Listening to him drone on would help me sleep if his voice and manner of speaking weren’t so grating.
The Leftist Government wants you disarmed because they want to do things that you would shoot them for.
Obama is also a marxist, muslim lovin Traitor.