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[Editor’s note: Below is General Mike Flynn’s Foreword in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Several weeks after the highly questionable 2020 presidential election appeared to put his vice president, Joe Biden, on the path to the White House, Barack Obama told late-night talk show host Stephen Colbert that he would like to have a third term by proxy: “I used to say if I can make an arrangement where I had a stand-in or front-man or front-woman and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff and I could sort of deliver the lines while someone was doing all the talking and ceremony, I’d be fine with that because I found the work fascinating.” [1]
Early on in Joe Biden’s calamitous presidency, it became clear that Biden was indeed someone’s proxy, and that someone was likely Barack Hussein Obama. Even if Barack Obama is not actually directing Biden’s actions from his basement, the Biden administration established itself immediately as the instrument for the resumption of the Obama agenda. What befell America during the Biden presidency was what Barack Obama envisioned for our nation and what he spent eight years setting into motion. Donald Trump did a great deal to reverse the disastrous direction in which the country was heading, but Biden’s team worked energetically to undo all that Trump accomplished.
And so, by May 2021, the United States of America faced a number of crises that appeared suddenly, were largely self-inflicted, and which threaten its survival as a free nation more severely than at any time since the bombing of Pearl Harbor. All of these crises were entirely foreseeable, and completely preventable. And, all of them are the direct result of the socialist, internationalist, and statist policies of Barack Obama.
After having attained the White House by means of an election that was full of irregularities, which were never fully investigated and buried beneath the media’s insistence that only paranoid conspiracy theorists and diehard partisans thought that the election was anything but free and fair, the Biden administration set out to pursue a number of policies that could lead to nothing less than the end of the United States as a republic of laws governed under the Constitution.
Ignoring Congress, despite the fact that both the House and Senate had Democrat majorities, Biden immediately signed over fifty Executive Orders to reverse numerous Trump policies, relax border and immigration controls, subject the nation once again to onerous economic burdens designed to fight the phantasm of “climate change,” exacerbate the hysteria and restrictions of freedom presented as measures to fight the coronavirus, and promote a far-left social agenda. Biden also restarted Obama’s objective of “fundamentally transforming the United States of America” with a culture war waged from inside the White House against Americans. Obama had made Americans poor. Biden would leave them even poorer.
Daniel Greenfield states in this book that “Obama powered a historic economic shift that took power away from workers and gave it to Silicon Valley, that took American jobs and shipped them to China, and that took jobs from black teenagers and gave them to illegal aliens.
He oversaw a historic power slide away from America to China, Russia, and the Islamic terrorists of the world laboring to build their caliphates.” During the opening months of the Biden administration, China rapidly became a massive threat to America’s economic wellbeing and standing in the world. Biden’s team emboldened the Communist Chinese to step up their activities toward economic, military, and technological domination of the entire world. This emboldening of China took place as Biden’s team ended the Keystone Pipeline project that had enabled the nation to attain energy independence during the Trump administration. Gas prices soared, and Americans once again experienced gas shortages of a severity that had not been seen since the 1970s. This was the logical outcome of Obama’s energy policies, which mandated the voluntary weakening of the United States and its increased dependence on foreign powers.
Obama had opened up the borders to demographically transform the country; Biden would go even further beyond that to build on his former boss’s legacy. Biden’s administration also worked to weaken national security by opening the southern border. As Matthew Vadum says in these pages, “An insecure border and growing disrespect for the nation’s immigration laws is the ugly legacy that President Barack Obama left behind.” Biden’s team has determinedly taken Obama’s open-borders policies as a blueprint, in a matter of months transforming a relatively quiet southern border into a hellhole of drug and human trafficking, with a massive humanitarian crisis caused by a lack of facilities to accommodate the influx Biden’s team had invited.
As could have been predicted, jihadis also took advantage. The rapid fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban in August 2021 was the foremost example, but Biden’s presidency also increased the jihad terror threat within the United States. In April 2021, US Border Patrol agents announced that they had arrested two Yemenis who were on a terror watch list as they tried to enter the United States. [2] Significantly, shortly after announcing this, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) removed the press release from its website. [3] Apparently the CBP preferred that Americans not know just how serious the crisis at the border really was.
All of this and much more represented a reimplementation of Obama-era policies and programs. And Biden’s team didn’t stop there. Immediately repudiating Trump’s deep and unshakeable support for Israel, the Biden administration returned to Barack Obama’s stance of hostility toward Israel, with blithe disregard for the wellbeing of America’s most reliable ally in the Middle East. The Washington Free Beacon reported in March 2021 that the administration was determined to fund the Palestinians with no regard whatsoever for what they planned to do with the money, up to and including the financing of jihad terror activity: “the Biden administration privately confirmed to Congress last week that the Palestinian Authority has continued to use international aid money to reward terrorists but said the finding won’t impact its plans to restart funding.” [4]
While betraying Israel as Obama did, Biden’s team is also following in his footsteps in providing aid and comfort to one of the most formidable enemies America faces on the world stage: the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Biden administration appears prepared to make virtually any concession in order to induce Iran to return to Obama’s disastrous nuclear deal, which—contrary to media myth—did nothing to hinder Iran’s nuclear program, and a great deal to empower it.
All this is taking place amid unprecedented threats to our First and Second Amendment rights to the freedom of speech and to bear arms. The social media giants and the media have colluded with the Biden team to whitewash the numerous crises into which Biden has plunged the nation, and to silence dissenting voices, most notably that of former President Trump, who have tried to alert the public to the gravity of what is really happening. The social media giants feel free to restrict Trump’s speech and that of other Americans because of legal protections that were put in place during the Obama years.
And so, by November 2021, after enjoying four years of relative peace and prosperity during the administration of Donald J. Trump, the nation faces chronic unemployment and inflation, a border crisis, grave threats to our constitutional liberties, increased violence and lawlessness from the leftist groups Antifa and Black Lives Matter, a weakening dollar, the emboldening of our enemies worldwide, and even worse on the horizon. Biden’s handlers are either catastrophically stupid and incompetent, or actively working to weaken the United States. In either case, the result is the same.
This is the world Barack Obama has made. This is his legacy.
General Mike Flynn was National Security Advisor to former President Trump and is the best-selling author of The Field of Fight.
[1] Alexandra Del Rosario, “Barack Obama Explains to Stephen Colbert the Satisfaction of Being President, What A Third Term Could Have Looked Like,” Deadline, November 30, 2020.
[2] “Yemeni Nationals on Terror Watch List Arrested at California-Mexico Border,” CBSLA, April 5, 2021.
[3] Robert Spencer, “Is Customs and Border Protection Covering Up the Arrest of Two Yemenis on the Terror Watch List?, PJ Media, April 6, 2021.
[4] Adam Kredo, “Palestinians Funneled Hundreds of Millions to Terrorists, State Dept Report Reveals,” Washington Free Beacon, March 22, 2021.
Sam says
A stitch in time saves nine. Too late now.
“If I had been properly supported in 1919, I think we might have strangled Bolshevism in its cradle, but everybody turned up their hands and said, ‘How shocking!’” — Winston Churchill
THX 1138 says
Maybe if Churchill had been given support Bolshevism could have been crushed but Bolshevism was only one instance and manifestation of a deeper philosophical battle.
The eternal battle between reason and unreason, good and evil, individualism and collectivism, liberty and tyranny, and crucially the battle between altruism and self-sacrifice and rational selfishness and self-preservation.
The metaphor of AIDS is appropriate. Bolshevism or Marxism are like Kaposi’s Sarcoma, a common and deadly cancer that erupts in AIDS patients, but the underlying cause of the eruption of K,S, is not the K.S. virus itself but the HIV virus. If you don’t eradicate the HIV but only the K.S. another opportunistic disease will appear and kill the patient.
“There is no difference between the principles, policies and practical results of socialism—and those of any historical or prehistorical tyranny. Socialism is merely democratic absolute monarchy—that is, a system of absolutism without a fixed head, open to seizure of power by all corners, by any ruthless climber, opportunist, adventurer, demagogue or thug.” – Ayn Rand
Intrepid says
Must be tough to write the same boring garbage day in and day out, and basically get nowhere.
Pontificating but solving nothing, and expecting everyone else to do the heavy lifting.
Basically your Objectivism For Dummies course consists of the following:
Judeo-Christianity is Leftism……bad
Judaism and Christianity are oriental…..bad
Christianity prepared the ground for modern totalitarianism….bad
Medieval Christianity was a totalitarian system…..bad
God and magical thinking…….bad
Christian Dark Age….bad
Renaissance and enlightenment …..good
Greek philosophers……good
Christian philosophers…….bad
selfishness “properly defined”, rational selfishness….good
Repeat ad inifinitum
And there we have the simplistic world according to our rezidentura fraud…..THX
Americans are very tolerant and don’t care how others live their lives. But they will take it personally when someone like you consistently tells us our lifestyle is wrong. And that is why you fail everyday.
Cal Thoen says
You’re obsessed with this guy.
Intrepid says
He is obsessed with trashing Christians.
Mo de Profit says
Actually the underlying cause of AIDS is promiscuous sodomy.
Brian Ozzy says
I understand that gnome Fauchi pushed the “HIV causes aids” disinformation for years while he pushed his poisonous AZT brew with disastrous results. It has since been conclusively proven that HIV is not the driver of aids as patients often had one or the other without having both.
Just another of the murdering Dr. Fauchi’s bumbling stuff-ups!
Banastre Tarleton says
All true, the writing is on the wall, insomuch, America is infected with the cancer of Leftism, and while they don’t have an overall majority, they are a serious minority and growing due to the Left’s control of schools, the MSM and Hollywood
This is not something that can be fixed by an election even if the radical Dems HAD NOT corrupted the system beyond repair .The fact is the country is simply too polarised to live together and a national divorce is the only sensible solution .This hard truth is slowly dawning upon all sensible and pragmatic folk ; the alternative is rebellion and civil war ,
But those who know history recognise that when a time of crisis approaches that has a number of possible outcomes, it’s often the worst, nightmarish scenario that often results …the fact is that history often has a sinister momentum and a tendency to turn bad very quickly .I hope this is not the future for America, but I fear it is ! Remember how quickly the former Soviet Union collapsed back in 1989-91 ?
Annie45 says
Another part of Obama’s legacy is his reprehensible mistreatment of
General Flynn himself. During the Obama administration when Flynn
spoke loud and clear against the threat of Islam, Obama – the Muslim
world’s BFF – had him fired. And it was Obama who generated the
grueling and expensive for Flynn proceedings culminating in charges
that prevented Flynn from continuing as Trump’s National Security
Advisor. The treacherous Obama made sure of it.
It is heartwarming to know that General Michael Flynn is now free –
thanks to President Trump – to help keep us fully informed of Obama’s
evil legacy.
Steve Chavez says
John Brennan, a Communist and a Muslim, was in charge of conducting worldwide operations against Communists and Muslims but he, AND OBAMA, were instead aiding and abetting their Comrades and Brothers.
Spingerah says
A communist & a Muslim?
I don’t know about that!
Paul Revere says
He said it himself on numerous occasions!
D P S says
I would only add the Republicans, too, helped cover up the election irregularities. They still “pooh-pooh” any mention.
THX 1138 says
The Republican Party RINOs (and 90% of the Republican Party are RINOs) are morally lower than Obama.
Why? Because if you elect and pay bodyguards to protect you from and reverse the policies of a sociopath like Obama and his Democrat-Sociopath Party but they betray you, they are actually helping Obama and his sociopaths, they are morally more evil.
John McCain was morally lower than Obama or Hillary, he supported them and made their evil possible. John McCain went to Vietnam to fight communism only to return to America and vote for Obama’s socialism!
Mitch McConnell is the same, he is in bed with his CCP wife and the CCP destroying America for his thirty pieces of silver!
Intrepid says
You are morally lower than dirt. What are you going to do about the RINOs you despise.
LJMJR says
There is dirt on mountain tops
sly311 says
Judas Pence now in the running for POTUS. Sad sad slime ball.
Kasandra says
Well, Obama did promise the “fundamental transformation” of the U.S. AFTER his election, didn’t he? According to, I believe, J. Christian Adams, Obama packed DOJ with radical Leftist people placing them in career positions. We’ve been seeing the consequences ever since. Thanks Obama.
Steven Chavez says
Obama was a KGB RECRUIT in the ’80s as were millions os Americans with the help of the CPUSA, now leaders in the Democratic Party.
This BLACK SUPREMACIST is a DIVIDER and now attacking anyone WHITE and even Conservative Blacks and getting away with it. What if the same was done to Blacks?
Russian Collusion? Most Democrats have been colluding with the Russians since Vietnam. Now they’re promoting COMMUNISM using their latest recruits like BLM, The Party for Socialism and Liberation, ANSWER, and the CPUSA, the real leaders who hide in the shadows.
WHEN’S STRAIGHT PRIDE MONTH? Imagine the physicals attacks on their Parade ? Hate Crimes?
saf says
I believe McCarthy had no idea how infiltrated into Government the communist were … they had definitely overtaken the media at that time… the Communists have been pushing their Plato based idiocy before the French Revolution! I purchased a book that was published in 1803 and inscribed with a note that stated a lad’s parents forced him to give the book away for what liberal nonsense was written within. Tragically so many now have subscribed to that worldview. fools.. they believe the mega rich will be the only ones to pay for the world. Global misery.
sly311 says
But not for Soros and Murdoch children.
Steve Chavez says
I spoke with KGB defector, Stanislav Levchenko, and he said the Soviet goal was to infiltrate ALL levels of government and that McCarthy was right.
The KGB used their World Peace Council to create the peace movement during the Vietnam war with the help of the CPUSA. They then teamed up again in the ’80s to take over Central America. Daniel Ortega still rules Nicaragua and Communism and spread all throughout the Americas. Millions of Americans were recruited. THEY ARE NOW TODAY’S TEACHERS, professors, Hollywood, MSM, Tech, city/state/national leaders, and filled Congress, all Departments, and the White House. THEY’RE JOB TODAY is to recruit the NEXT GENERATION OF COMMUNISTS WE SEE IN THE STREETS.
Here’s one based in Albuquerque. At least they admit they’re Communists! They started the anti-Columbus crusade and now they’re going after the White invaders, Thanksgiving.
Mike says
Great article, General. Thank you.
-diane french says
Barack struts around in his basement- wearing his sweats and gleefully watching his evil work destroy the United States- He has proven beyond a doubt that he is a vain- narcissistic- psychopath drunk with his FAKE POWER- he has never earned any award or office in his life- He does not know that this feeling of superiority and world power is TEMPORARY- Godless Communism FAILS EVERY TIME IT IS TRIED. He lives in constant FEAR OF ONE MAN- Donald Trump. how pathetic- His legacy will mirror that of other psychopaths in history who left millions dead in their wake. He is only confident now because he has turned Washington and the Deep State into a freak show of incompetents and traitors. they will all meet their end soon
Beez says
Obama is also gay. And YES, it IS important! He lied about being gay, “same sex marriage,” and his religion, because he has none – he worships himself). The man is utterly devoid of morals, integrity, and mental/emotional stability.
He’s a spoiled, lazy, man-child with the maturity of Nero, the Roman Emperor. He’s a walking enigma, which is the reason this country is collapsing into chaos while he fiddles by imposing his decadence and madness on Americans.
George says
Which half of Hussein Obama do you think he hates more, his white half, or the black half?
Steve Chavez says
Obama SLAPS his White Half every morning and before bed.
George Zimmerman was called a White-Hispanic. With that same reasoning, Obama and Kamala should also be called White-Negros…. RIGHT?
staffsgt7 says
I have been saying that Obama has been Biden’t puppet master since Biden cheated his way into office. I remember what Obama said, and I also did homework before he even got selected in the first primaries – he was/is a moslem not a Christian and that was verified when Rev. Wright said he never baptized him. Also they were not great church goers.
I also wonder why no one bothered about the photoshopped birth certificate vs the real one his brother showed us. Or that their kids have disappeared back to their real parents. Or that Biden is really very demented and Jill should be shamed in public for being a useful idiot to Obama and caring more for her status as First … ok, I cannot give the title of Lady to her. And that also goes for Michelle Obama – those two are not ladies – first, second or last!
saf says
these communists in power will never let their stolen power go. There will never be another President who is for America and her Bill of Rights and her Constitution. The non-weapon coup was the Great Takeover of all Government. Obama laid the groundwork. placing Communists in charge of all institutions and Government Agencies. Yes they are Global and yes, they will destroy those who are against them. Sad is the day that Americans placed goods over freedom. It is a sad thing that the Communist Manifesto has been fulfilled. The final job will be to eliminate God, and Churches and those who will never accept the Communist world view.
Our Lady of Fatima foretold that if the Consecration of Russia was not fulfilled as she wished, the world would fall to the errors of Russia. The false consecration by a Communist Pope was not done in the manor prescribed by Our Lady. Woe be unto mankind for what the future holds if far more terrible than what they are doing to our innocent children. Pray.
saf says
and the minions who do as they are told.. rewarded with a professorship as Lori Lightfoot and Angela Davis and Bloomberg and others…. if not a professorship then the “great Book Deal” Here in Georgia where 400 thousand illegal ballots were cast… which aided the win of the illegitimate Biden, our Secretary of State Raffensperger got the book deal… and titled his book “Integrity” what a slap in the face of the voters in Georgia! Just a terrible is Cuomo in New York who placed Covid sick people in Nursing homes to inflate deaths as did others, thus enabling the vote cheat with mail in ballots. The Communists reward their minions quite well and with so many willing to lie cheat steal … America is in terrible danger from them.
Steven Brizel says
Obama was the first president who was not proud of being an American and who belittlled everything great about America, suppressed dissent and appeased terror, This administration is staffed with Obama staffers and suppprers whp set policy and then throt out Biden as their public face
Ugly Sid says
That twinge in your ventricle is Obama’s dagger. He kept it hidden in his toga till you glanced away.
Consider that you’ve been honored with an instance of Cultural Appropriation by the Senator from Ethiopia. In the hood, he’s Black Brutus, a recognized player, with big Ofay connections.
Walter Sieruk says
When Obama was President he was terrible, in many very treasonous ways.
As has been revealed in the book by Jamie Glazov which had the title JIHADIST PSYCHOPATH , for on pages 38,39 the reader is informed about the subversion of the United States of America by reckless unchecked mass immigration that “By importing so many masses of people who hate America and seek to destroy its way of life, the Left succeeds in severely damaging the United State and making it more vulnerable to attack This explains why President Obama worked so hard to flood the US with Muslim refugees and why the Left is now fighting Trump’s efforts to protect America from refugees who hail from terror –infested nations.”
Steve Chavez says
YES, and 40 MILLION will be given amnesty by Biden and he won’t care how many of us scream. With those numbers, our country’s direction and leaders will be chosen by people who will always wave their flag WHILE BURNING OURS!
Biden will do it soon so the Democrat machine can register them in time for the 2024 election. Some are saying that if you’re in the country, you have the Right to Vote so they don’t even have to become citizens. DEMOCRATS WILL WIN FOREVER!
Walter Sieruk says
It might be of interest to a few people that during the summer month of August in the year of 2010 I had attended a lecture in a church about the subject of Islam. The guest speaker was a man who in times past was a Muslim and a Hezbollah member as well as an Iranian citizen. Now he’s Christian and an American citizen. After the lecture, during the question and answer part, he was asked “Is Obama a Muslim?” The speaker replied that “I don’t know if he is a Muslim but his deception is Islamic.” Then he added about Obama “Whenever he talks he sounds just like a Muslim.” Moreover the guest speaker further said about Obama “He is going to hurt this country.” As just keyboarded above that lecture was hold in the year 2010 and since then Obama had ,indeed, hurt America by and through his words , actions , politics and polices .
Walter Sieruk says
The many evil that Obama did are most despicable
One of them is exposed in book written by the scholar on Islam and Islamic terrorism Jamie Glazov , which has the title of JIHADIST PSYCHOPATH on page 9, the reader is informed that “America’s suicidal disposition in the terror war reached a crisis level under Obama when American officials actually started seeking advice and direction from precisely those forces seeking to destroy the country
…With Obama in the White House , therefore ,the enemy was in effect , advising Americans and formulating their policy on how to promote their cause.”
This is an absurdly of madness. This reveals the Obama was, as President, far worse than grossly incompetent, Obama was traitorous to both the American people a as well as to the United State of America. Obama was therefore an affront and disgrace to the office of Chief Executive in the White House.
Therefore, the former President Obama in his Islamic subversion of America is not even limited to being a traitor to The USA but in his insidious he way and is dangerous to all the other nations of the West.
Walter Sieruk says
The sad and tragic reality is that Obama still has much insidious and subversive power in the White House .and therefore in the American government. Because he has his useful idiot ,Joe Biden to use as his tool to use to subvert the US Constitution and impose Sharia law, and socialism in America.
Walter Sieruk says
When Obama was in the Office of President, he was the one who actually should have had been in impeached.
For example In the book written by the scholar on Islam and Islamic terrorism Jamie Glazov , which has the title of JIHADIST PSYCHOPATH on page 9, the reader is informed that “America’s suicidal disposition in the terror war reached a crisis level under Obama when American officials actually started seeking advice and direction from precisely those forces seeking to destroy the country
…With Obama in the White House , therefore ,the enemy was in effect , advising Americans and formulating their policy on how to promote their cause.”
This is an absurdly of madness. This reveals the Obama was, as President, far worse than grossly incompetent, Obama was traitorous to both the American people a as well as to the United State of America. Obama was therefore an affront and disgrace to the office of Chief Executive in the White House.
Therefore, the former President Obama in his Islamic subversion of America is not even limited to being a traitor to The USA but in his insidious he way and is dangerous to all the other nations of the West.
Walter Sieruk says
Regarding the awfulness of Obama when he was president of the USA, some of it had been exposed by a former Revolutionary Guard of Iran who defected to America. For in his book TIME TO BETRAY its author, Reza Kahlili gives his first hand and testimony and observation when he had revealed to his readers, on page 335, that at first he was a bit naïve about Obama for “I had high hopes that the Obama administration would be tougher on the Islamic government of Iran, especially given what they knew about the regime’s nuclear activities. However, his first overture to the mullahs disappointed me. He sent greetings for the Persian New Year in which he urged better relations between American and Iran. He then repeated this in letters to Ayatollah Khamenei. To me, this was a sad case of not learning from history. Once again American politicians refused to see that the mullahs were not men of reason, and that their animosity toward America was rooted in the interpretation of a prophecy that called for the annihilation of the West and all non-Muslims. I knew the regime would see Obama’s entreaties as assign of weakness, and that this would embolden them to take radical steps.”
Walter Sieruk says
Barack Obama may accurately be seen as the personification of the twenty –first century phenomena known as the “Red/Green Alliance.”
Steven Brizel says
Obama sought to transform the US into a permanent one party state and to use the federal government and its agencies as a weapon against dissent . Whenever serious questions were raised as to his economic poliicies and after the midterms of 2010, Obama played the race card as a way of demonizing conservatives
Obama, Biden and every one of their hires should face a mass row of cottonwoods with ropes dangling from them.
Here is another book that Liberal Democrats will want added to their Books to Burn Lists the Nazis sure did and I am sure the Commies did as well
Andrew Blackadder says
If Obama converted to being a Born Again Christian then from which religion did he to convert from?.
If he did indeed become a Born Again Christian then why did he change his Christian name, Barry Sothero, to a full on islamic name like Barack Hussien Obama, which was his African muslim Fathers name, after he became that Born Again, and he was registered as a muslim while in school in Indonesia and it is illegal in that South East Asian islamic Nation for a muslim Man to marry a non muslim woman therefore his Mother must have converted to islam in order to marry his Step father, who was a Indonesian muslim, thereby making any children muslim also….Perhaps she converted before to his African Fathers islamic faith and so she was maybe a muslim when she moved from Hawaii to Indonesia, which is a very islamic country in some parts.,
So did Barry/Barack convert to being a Born Again Christian from the muslim faith and if so, and it appears so, then he has committed haram in doing so and that could mean the death penalty so why were all the muslims in Cairo cheering him on when he made his first stop as President to a country like Egypt while showing his anti Israel attitudes when they would be calling for his head because he committed apostasy… After all, he did say the beautiful sound in the morning is the adzan, the muslim call to prayer…. This was THE biggest Con Job ever played on the American public and he is still pulling the strings behind Old Joe and they fear Trump because he knows how Deep that Swamp is that they all swim around in and hopefully Trump will get back into the Oval Office and lock them ALL up and set the Jan 6th ALL free.
Haji Obaidullah Osmani says
War is not a solution, but regional laws are important, and for Muslims, the voice of the morning is very beautiful and liked for molimen, And thanks to all those who have given refugees to Muslimsږ