The way things are going in Old Joe Biden’s America, the most surprising part of this story may be that the Rocky Mountain Vibes, a Pioneer League baseball team in Colorado Springs with an anthropomorphized s’more featuring a smiling toasted marshmallow for its mascot, scheduled a Family Night in the first place — one that was sponsored by pro-life organizations, of all people. Were there no drag queens in Colorado Springs who could have come and set up a stripper’s pole at second base? But the guardians of acceptable opinion ultimately prevailed: the Vibes, marshmallow men to the last, canceled their Family Night just hours before game time.
Fox News reported Friday that Family Night was canceled “due to objections to two organizations partnering on the event.” One of those organizations was Save the Storks, which states: “Our mission is to create a story of hope and empowerment for every woman facing an unplanned pregnancy.” Gee, who could possibly object to such an organization? Save the Storks itself is sure that UCHealth “was behind this shut down.” The Rocky Mountain Vibes play in UCHealth Park. UCHealth, however, denied that it had any role in canceling Family Night, and the Vibes themselves cheerfully avowed that the cancelation was all on them.
The team explained:
While we value all our sponsors and ticket holders, they do not make decisions regarding the nature of our post-game entertainment, or groups that come out to our stadium to raise awareness for their causes. The Vibes made this decision after seeing the proposed assets from the partner in question because they felt that the partner would hinder the team’s mission in providing fun and affordable family entertainment. Any statement placing blame on any outside party for cancelation of tonight’s events is inaccurate. The Vibes made this decision internally and stand by their choice.
That’s right: the Vibes were actually tone-deaf enough to state that partnering with a pro-life organization would “hinder the team’s mission in providing fun and affordable family entertainment.” Do they really think, even in Colorado Springs, that all their fans are woke Leftists who are deeply committed to keeping abortion legal and just can’t enjoy baseball if they know some pro-lifers are enjoying it as well? Save the Storks CEO Diane Ferraro noted that 3,000 tickets had been sold for the Vibes’ Family Night.
This is a team that has won 30 games and lost 48 in a low-level independent baseball league. Attendance for the Vibes’ Thursday night game was 1,351. On Wednesday, $1 Hot Dog Night, the Vibes drew 1,401. On Tuesday, $2 Ticket Night, they drew a whopping 1,907. A night with 3,000 people in the stands would be a huge night for the Vibes. But no, those are the wrong kind of people. If you’re pro-life, the Rocky Mountain Vibes do not want you watching their baseball games. You’ll hinder the team’s mission in providing fun and affordable family entertainment. Only those who sacrifice to Moloch can enjoy real family entertainment, you see.
Ferraro said before Friday night’s game, “We are encouraging our supporters to request refunds for their tickets and not attend an event that no longer welcomes families.” Julie Bailey of Pikes Peak Citizens for Life stated, “We’re very disappointed. We’ve been working on this several months. We’re just very disappointed. This is just a reflection of the culture we’re in.”
That it certainly is. Every month seems to be Pride Month this year, but back in June, which is officially Pride Month according to whoever decides these things and imposes them upon the rest of us, the major league Milwaukee Brewers hosted Drag Queen Night. The event featured such luminaries as “Beth Ann Bodyworks” who, some time ago, posted a brief video on his Instagram account. It showed a Trump supporter saying, “No one knows the amount of pain a baby feels being ripped up limb by limb during an abortion” before switching to “Beth Anne Bodyworks” himself gleefully kicking and stomping on a baby doll.
Now that’s family entertainment in Old Joe Biden’s America. The Brewers knew that some people would protest, but only people who didn’t matter culturally. They knew they had to bow to the woke and burn incense to their gods, and they did. The Rocky Mountain Vibes likewise know, or think they know, that they can offend pro-lifers all day long and at night, too, and it won’t cost them anything. Offend the woke, however, well! That’s a different matter these days.
On Friday’s Ex-Family Night, the Vibes beat the Ogden Raptors, 12-11. Is there no justice in this world?
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