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“Dick Van Dyke, Cher and Barbra Streisand are among thousands of Malibu residents who have been forced to abandon their homes as a fast-moving brushfire rages through Southern California,” reported the New York Post on December 10, 2024. The fires, fueled by strong winds, served as a warning of blazes to come. On January 7, 2025, with meteorologists warning that fire was on track to strike Los Angeles, mayor Karen Bass flew to Ghana to attend a presidential inauguration.
On Wednesday, fast-breaking fires were turning vast swaths of the city into an inferno, with residents fleeing for their lives and embattled firefighters running out of water. When Bass returned, she refused to answer questions about the water shortage and whether she owed the people an apology for leaving the scene of a disaster. In her brief statement, Bass did not acknowledge cutting the fire department’s budget by nearly $20 million. Her incompetence was obvious to all but the willfully blind, but there’s more that people should know. The California Democrat, once on Joe Biden’s short list for a black female running mate, is a member of her party’s Castro wing.
The LA native, born in 1953, graduated from Cal State Dominguez Hills and earned a master’s degree from USC in social work. In 1973, at age 19, Bass traveled to Cuba with the Venceremos Brigade, organized by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), keystone of the New Left, and the Castro dictatorship. Bass says that she built houses, toured the country and listened to speeches by Fidel Castro, whom she heard many times on her eight trips to Cuba during the 1970s. By that time, Fidel had made it clear what he was all about.
One generation out of Spain, the white Stalinist dictator drove a formerly prosperous nation into abject poverty and his Communist regime was more repressive than his Soviet sponsors. As Cuban cinematographer Nestor Almendros (Days of Heaven) showed in Improper Conduct, Castro tossed homosexuals into forced labor camps, the fate of many other dissidents on the island. By the late 1960s, as Paul Hollander showed in Political Pilgrims, even former Castro supporters were denouncing the totalitarian regime. It wasn’t so for Karen Bass, who in 2004 gained election to the California Assembly.
In that role, Bass visited Cuba, still under Castro, who held many black political prisoners, including Eusebio Peñalver, held captive and tortured for 28 years. In her junkets to Cuba as a member of Congress, Bass never took up the case of a single Cuban political prisoner, black or otherwise, never called out the regime for human rights violations, and never called for free elections. Fidel Castro stepped down in 2008 and handed power to his brother Raul. When Fidel finally passed away in 2016, Bass said in a statement:
As Cuba begins nine days of mourning, I wish to express my condolences to the Cuban people and the family of Fidel Castro. The passing of the Comandante en Jefe is a great loss to the people of Cuba. I hope together, our two nations will continue on the new path of support and collaboration with one another, and continue in the new direction of diplomacy.
Comandante en Jefe, “commander in chief,” was the way Cubans were supposed to address Castro, a dictator for more than 50 years. Once again, Bass failed to issue any criticism of the Máximo Líder, and failed to flag any human rights violations or call for the release of political prisoners. A more servile apologist of the Communist regime would be hard to find, and that became an issue in 2020. Bass claimed she regretted the “Comandante en Jefe” statement, now wiped from the House server. Biden opted for Kamala Harris, but Bass’s experience in Cuba would still come into play.
Communist states chose people for key positions based on fidelity to the Communist Party, not on merit, experience and proven competence. Under mayor Bass, the Los Angeles fire department was headed by three lesbians, known more for woke ideology and DEI concerns than proven competence fighting fires. When the fires flared up in early January, the “historic” mayor flew off to Ghana, which should come as no surprise.
As Bass showed in Cuba, the maintenance of power overrides concern for the welfare of the people. And on the far reaches of the left, fire plays an important role. For example, in 2018, Gustavo Arellano of the Los Angeles Times recycled Mike Davis’ case for “letting Malibu burn.”
In this vision, wealthy cities were created as “thickets of privacy” against “LA’s working classes and people of color.” Such “white flight” was enabled by allowing development where it shouldn’t be and by “subsidizing those affected by the inevitable wildfire in the form of cheap fire insurance and squadrons of first responders deployed around the clock at the hint of an ember.”
So it’s “Burn, baby, burn!” all over again. As Peter Collier liked to say, the song of the sixties is over, but the melody lingers on.
Great article, thanks Lloyd !!!!!
Karen Badass sounds like a character from a ’70s era ‘blaxpkoutation’ flick…..and acts like it to boot. ~
Errata: ‘blaxploitation’
El Lider has been a “Good Communist” since 25 Nov. 2016.
All of his communist acolytes will join him, following their ‘transition’ to his current condition.
Between Mayor Bass and Governor Newsom they both were responsible for the L.A. Fires Newsom cutting off their water over useless 3 inch Fish(Delta Smelt)to appease the Eco-Freaks)and a Mayor who vacationed in Africa while the Placed Burned
And they both deserve to burn in hell for their blatant disregard for the people they are supposed to govern.
After all has been said and done California serves as a perfect example of what can happen when the Socialists gain control. It is a warning that the circumstances that led to the disaster should not be repeated to the same degree elsewhere.
Just remember, if you want more information on her just go to “URL” on the Internet.
Karen Bass reminds one of Obama. During his presidency – like Bass
in the 1970s – Obama visited communist Cuba and supported it and
praised it. Right after his tenure ended , Castro died and Bass went
on to gush over the dictator. Also, like Obama, Bass has accumulated
wealth and expensive real estate – while a likely racial shtick of “letting
Malibu burn” and Obama’s of stoking cop-killing in inner cities while
President underpins their political outlook.
Obama often visits Africa for meetings. Bass attended the inauguration
of Ghana’s President during the L,A. conflagration. Who is he? Well, he
has studied in Moscow and is closely tied to the globalist UN Agenda 30.
Jamie Glazov has spoken of 15 minute cities being built upon the ashes
of destroyed U.S. cities. In true sustainable Agenda 30 fashion, these will
be holding pens for digitally oppressed Americans.
What better place for Globalist/Communists to start than upon the ashes
of Los Angeles – America’s second largest city. The one Mayor Karen Bass
is 100% in charge of – and refuses to answer for. She is evil incarnate.
if you think the LA fiasco is bad , the book of revelation gives you a picture of what is to come . read up and make alternative arrangements while you still can . the current disaster will pale into insignificance when the 7 year tribulation comes into effect . people will drop dead in their tracks through fear . it wont have any thing to do with climate change and everything to do with the planet rejecting the gospel of jesus christ . gods grace will be in effect up until then . ignore it at your peril . politicians and the populace will continue to shift blame until they run out of things to blame . then they will blame god but by then it will be too late considering no one believes that he exists .
You sound like you have some reliable info that Armageddon is approaching forthwith. Can you clue the rest of us in? God doesn’t talk to me on such serious matters. What do you hear on the heavenly grapevine?
It’s EXACTLY what BLM, Antifa, DSA, and many other Marxist/Socialist/Progressives have been screaming for for decades.
And strangely, they usually do exactly what they paint on their banners and yell into their bullhorns.
Thanks, yes, great article. What did you make of her odd refusal to respond to a reporter and seemingly standing still rather than just walking away – in the video clip we saw? Very odd.
Also… I respectfully suggest all your readers go to any “Live” YouTube video stream covering the fires… and read the concurrently streaming chat comments section.
Nearly every post is “allah akbar”, this is what America deserves, the Jihad is coming… bla, bla, bla.
Might seem like mere online yammering, but the 24/7 video scenes are rallying the barbarians.
So is it possible that they are not just revelling in the suffering of others, but actually celebrating an effective bit of jihad?
Considering the clown car that is this administration, which includes the three Lesbo Kristins and that overpaid idiot Janisse Quiñones, Los Angeles water chief who earns $750,000 a year per year to watch LA burn, perhaps the title of this article should be ‘Bass’s Asses”
Being a sucker for the SDS and Castto’s propaganda when you’re 19 is not a big deal. We all make mistskes. That’s why they put erasers on the ends of pencils. Being a sucker for Castro’s propaganda when you’re 49 is a whole different ballgame.
I’m very glad I’m not your child.
I’m childless. I think teenagers should be cut some slack, for bad lamguage, sloppy or immodest clothing, and being suckers for propaganda
Agreed, I voted for Jimmy Carter when I was 19! I still cringe when I think about that.
When The Wall and the Iron Curtain fell, the only hardcore Commies left in the World… WERE OURS!
They aided and abetted the Vietcong, the Sandinistas, with Daniel Ortega still ruling Nicaragua and who arrests all political opponents and/or deports them, the Communist FMLN rebels in El Salvador, the Chiapan Zapatistas, and Cuba and the Castros. They are Communists hiding in the Democratic Party, but they are now coming out of the Closet in mass and proud of it!
DeBlasio also was part of the Venceremos Brigade and look how great NYC turned out.
Those Sixties thru the Eighties Communists are today teachers, professors, Hollywood, Big Tech, MSM, city/state/national leaders, and filled the halls of Congress and the White House which then appoints the same to head all the departments which are being used to go after political opponents, like Daniel Ortega…. “to save our Democracy!”
COLLEGE STUDENTS quit school to go on Construction Brigades to Nicaragua, like Bass did in Cuba, but their main mission was INDOCTRINATING THE CAMPESINOS NOT BUILDING HOUSES! (When they did build a house, they used lumber…. ah I’m reminded of The Three Little Pigs and “I’ll blow your house down.” DUH, a tropical storm or hurricane hits…. DUH that’s why they use concrete including for the roof and what should happen here but no, they’ll rebuild with lumber again.)
The STUDENTS are on fact-finding missions and then give their reports to an auditorium filled with students eager to gawk at an Island Prison which is exactly the same as Alcatraz. YES, NOT ONE WORD ABOUT POLITICAL PRISONERS, the treatment of LGBTQ-WXYZ, Blacks, The Ladies in White who risk their lives to protest with many protesters of all kinds, arrested and disappeared, and never a call for FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS!
On a Youtube Video, a group of young twenties men went to Cuba and interviewed Cubans who hated the Island Paradise. They showed a line of cars reaching down the block to get gas. A truck comes up to their car and asks if they need Black Market gas, they did. A grocery store with one choice for a can of food. They were caught and ordered to leave! “YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!”
Karen Bass was not the only mayor of Los Angeles who joined the Venceremos Brigade – there was also Antonio Villaraigosa.
I would bet that this woman has a high regard for welfare.
…and food stamps too. ~
In Europe the ethnic cleansing and power plays come by way of vast numbers of immigrant rapes; see Sweden, Rotherham, Telford, Oxford, Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, Dover etc etc etc.
In the U.S. it’s more a matter of burning the country down … literally. That happened in Lahaina on Maui. Remember Lahaina? Me neither. But I looked it up and it was in August of 2023. Since then there has been no reliable accounting of the number of lives lost. The latest official number of 102 is surely far too low. Lahaina and Los Angeles look like war zones because that’s what they are. The left is waging war on their own people from Malmö to Maui, and it’s not just psyops or false flags; it’s a real war with multitudes of dead.
The main thing in common isn’t “climate change” but leftist government that refuse to prepare … or punish criminals. Let these people run things and you and your children will pay the price.
Also a leftist, Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey who said when she was Attorney General; “America is burning, but that’s how forests grow”.
The question of WHY she would spend LA County TAX PAYERS’ money to GO to Ghana should be asked! WHY would she feel it appropriate for City Mayor on the WEST coast of the US to fly all the way to Ghana for the swearing in of another communist! I don’t recall her whipping down to Argentina when Milie was sworn in!
A felon, murderer, crook, traitor. BASS, her shit administration, every supporter, Newsom, his administration, supporters and EVERY INCUMBENT DEMOCRAT IN COMMIEFORNIA must be held accountable. FREEZE THEIR ASSETS. MAKE THEM ALL PAY. BASS, NEWSON AND ADMINISTRATIONS ARE RIPE FOR GITMO OR EXECUTION.
There is an old saying…..a tyrant will burn down his kingdom just to rule over the ashes
Bedbug leadership is always hospitable to firebugs, natural or human.
If Bass had not traveled to Ghana, and stayed at home, what kind of leadership would she have offered? What decisions could she have made better than those who did make them? Or the reverse, those decisions that were not made?
Is she a Leader? Or just some potted plant (and there are many examples) that simply sits in the chair and has the title. Fools elected her. And a Fool they received.
Incompetent democrats like her are dime a dozen in California. Throw her out of office and there will be someone just as incompetent if not more, voted in to take her place.
That’s how things work in California where the dims have a super majority. Los Angeles voters have an unhealthy fetish for corrupt and incompetent democrats. Especially if they fit the stereotypical DEI profile.
Very good article, Lloyd, as usual. Would add that ~90% of the sheeple in Palisades & environs vote for the woke regressive, DEI, dim & incompetent Dem clowns. They currently reap what they’ve sown. Karma is a bitch. Certainly don’t feel sorry for the fake woke slutty Hilton wench loosing her home. Just like in Sodom & Gomorrah, feel sorry & pray for the few ordinary & decent Americans who lost everything.
We left San Diego 35 years ago for the Rockies. Could tell then the woke socialist policies will destroy & bankrupt the once golden state. It is a shame.
The worst is the schmuck Markey from MA blaming the fires on climate change & Trump. He belongs in a rubber room.
My quiet prayer is that DEI and Wokeness soon will be the same smouldering rubble they have left L.A. in. Then I will know there really is a God.
What’s wrong with Cher? She promised she was leaving the USA if Trump was elected (the 1st time) and again the 2nd time, and her botox face is still here. Why?