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Should anyone be surprised that what has been called a “wave of violence” swept the cities of Britain this past weekend?
For years, while the mass immigration of Muslims has utterly transformed their country, the overwhelming majority of Brits have stuck to form – keeping a stiff upper lip, queuing politely for buses, and biting their tongues as they watched entire neighborhoods, such as the traditionally cockney East End of London, converted to Muslim enclaves. In the months since October 7, they sat home and sipped their tea while armies of Muslims filled their streets weekend after weekend, screaming their support for anti-Western terrorism and shouting their plans to turn Britain into an Islamic caliphate. Those decent Britishers even tended to stay quiet while the few heroic members of their race who protested these outrages – men like Tommy Robinson and Laurence Fox – were abused, insulted, and unjustly arrested by a police force that has strayed far from the civilized rules of police behavior set down two centuries ago by Sir Robert Peel and has practiced “two-tier policing” – turning a blind eye to actual Muslim violence while imprisoning ethnic Englishmen who dare to criticize that violence online.
Well, eventually something’s got to give. This weekend, according to the Guardian, “bricks were hurled at police officers in Stoke-on-Trent, fireworks were thrown amid tense exchanges between an anti-Islamic group and an anti-racism rally in Belfast, and windows of a hotel which has been used to house migrants were smashed in Hull, where three police officers were injured and four people arrested. Several officers were also injured during ‘serious disorder’ in Liverpool city centre, where bricks, bottles and a flare were thrown and one officer hit on the head with a chair. Greater Manchester police said a dispersal notice had been authorised for the city centre and scuffles broke out as opposing groups faced each other in Nottingham’s Old Market Square with bottles and other items thrown from both sides.”
The Guardian further reported that protesters in Leeds who were “carrying St George’s Cross flags” (that is, the English flag) and who were shouting “paedo Muslims off our street” – an apparent reference to the widespread Muslim “grooming gangs” who are responsible for the serial rapes of thousands of English girls and whose predations have been ignored for decades by police and other authorities – were “greatly outnumbered…by hundreds of counter-protesters shouting ‘Nazi scum off our streets.’” Does anybody believe that British streets are populated by Nazis in any kind of serious numbers? To criticize even the worst aspects of Islamic ideology and practice these days is to be an Islamophobe, a racist, and, yes, a Nazi.
The Guardian wrote that the rioters – some of them crying out “Enough is enough,” others shouting the name of anti-Islamic activist Tommy Robinson, and still others demanding “Islam out!” and saying “England until I die!” – were triggered by “the killing of three young girls at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class in Southport on Monday” that have (according to the media) been falsely attributed to an asylum seeker. You would think, from the way the Guardian covered this story, that this allegedly false attribution made all the protests illegitimate. Has everyone already forgotten the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing, which killed 22 people (most of them young) and harmed more than 800 who were attending a concert by Ariana Grande? Have the other jihadist terror attacks on Britain been dropped down the memory hole, too?
The Guardian actually turned to the vile organization Hope Not Hate, which is, roughly speaking, a UK version of the Southern Poverty Law Center, for an explanation of the violence. Hope Not Hate blamed it largely on “Elon Musk’s decision to allow rightwing activists such as Tommy Robinson back onto his social media platform X.” Some blame was also cast, unsurprisingly, on Nigel Farage, head of the Reform UK Party and a newly elected member of Parliament – one of the few members of that body to oppose the Muslim-appeasing Westminster establishment. It was interesting to note that the Guardian, which, like the rest of the mainstream British press, routinely euphemizes criminal Muslims – referring to them usually as “Asians” – felt free to use the demeaning word “yobs” to describe protesters who oppose the gradual takeover of their country by a totalitarian mindset disguised as a religion.
Julie Burchill, the veteran British columnist, contributed a clear-eyed commentary on these events to the New York Sun. “Vast levels of immigration — bringing cheap labor for the rich and decreased wages for the poor — is at the core of much of this anger,” she explained, adding that the situation “is exacerbated by the two-tier policing we have had for some time here. When non-whites riot, police tend to retreat, whereas when whites riot, police tend to charge.” Among the British elites there is endless talk of racism, but those charged with this offense tend to be working-class boys, who, although “currently the most likely to fail at school and the least likely to succeed in life,” are nonetheless “told that their skin color confers ‘privilege.’ Now they’re being told by the liberal establishment that their riots are the ‘wrong’ kind of riot — but after applauding the riots of Black Lives Matter, it’s hard to put the genie back into the bottle just because he’s paler than they would prefer.”
To understand the rage of ordinary Britons is not to defend random violence. But after everything that Islam has done to bring primitive savagery to a once-civilized country, and everything that the government and police have done to ignore it, it is rather rich to read that the country’s new prime minister, Sir Keir Starmer has “pledged his ‘full support’ for police to take action against ‘extremists’ attempting to ‘sow hate’ by intimidating communities.” Communities, by the way, is British code for Muslims. B.J. Harrington of the National Police Chiefs’ Council also accused the rioters of a lack of “respect for our communities.” In Britain these days, no crime is more verboten than failing to bow down to the “communities” – whatever the members of those communities may have said or done. “Hatred has no place in our society,” said one official. Unless, of course, it’s anti-Western hatred by Muslims.
When legal and peaceful means of redress for injustice are thwarted by rulers, people will resort to violence. Witness the Mexican revolution as a classic case. There is a class component to this. In the United States we are called deplorables.
The Mexican Revolution wasn’t a revolution, it was just a violent rebellion. The French Revolution wasn’t a revolution either, it was the French Terror. The Russian Revolution wasn’t a revolution but a much more evil dictatorship taking over a less evil dictatorship.
A violent rebellion is not a revolution.
Only the American Revolution can be properly called a revolution, because it had a proper philosophical and ideological base of principles guiding it.
“A political ideology is a set of principles aimed at establishing or maintaining a certain social system; it is a program of long-range action, with the principles serving to unify and integrate particular steps into a consistent course. It is only by means of principles that men can project the future and choose their actions accordingly….
A majority without an ideology is a helpless mob, to be taken over by anyone . . . . Political freedom requires much more than the people’s wish. It requires an enormously complex knowledge of political theory and of how to implement it in practice.” – Ayn Rand
It is always amazing to me how much you think you know because you read some Randian/Pinkoff nonsense, compared how very little you actually know, because you tend to boil stuff down in your mind to those convenient sound bites which fit your abstract world view.
But in reality, which you are so big on, it’s not what you don’t know, it’s that you think you know so much that isn’t so. (Apologies to Ronald Reagan)
See T., living in an abstract fantasy world where you get to make up stuff, because you hate God, Jews, Christianity, altruism and Western religion, just makes you look like a lazy jerk. And you are definitely a lazy jerk.
That’s why 98% of what you say is so terribly wrong on so many levels. But it does appeal to the simpleminded.
There are 2 types of revolution. One by noble and intelligent men led by God. The other led by terrorists. The first was the American Revolution and the second was the French and Mexican Revolutions. A rebellion is a revolution using extreme violence. The difference is how the leaders are led. The American Revolution was led by men seeking freedom and liberty. The French and Mexican revolutions were lead by people seeking revenge. Only death and destruction follow in the footsteps of the revolution brought by revenge.
Yes. But never underestimate those rightly aggrieved by state actions under the rubric of legitimacy.. Revolutions are not born of a group with better ideas, they are the culmination of many injuries against multitudes of otherwise common citizens. People only allow so much provocation before the collectively strike back.
There can be rebellion without revolution, but both have a practical end-goal.
A revolution seeks to tear stuff down in order build something else in its place.. A rebellion seeks to tear stuff down in order to make a statement.
Either one can be violent or nonviolent / ethical or unethical..
An ethical rebellion typically wants to spark a revolution, but it may be unable to overcome a tyrannical opposing force that sees the demanded change as a threat.
IMO that’s what we are seeing on the streets of Britain. And Iran, I might add.
When the George Floyd riots were in full swing here in the US, the Left was fond of hectoring normal Americans with the words of Martin Luther King, Jr. — “Riots are the voice of the unheard.” Now, of course, when it is a ‘community’ that the Left admires (i.e., Muslim radicals), one doesn’t hear them uttering Dr. King’s words when the rioters are those sick of the soft treatment of criminals.
Send the Muslims back to their home countries.
Yep. Anti British riots by islamopithecines is just dandy in the UK but don’t dare complain about it or riot if you’re a real Briton.
We aren’t far from that in America. Pro-Hamas riots? Are you shitting me?
Jews attacked by police for fighting back against pro-Hamas rioters. Are such police not PIGS ❓
& You can find police wearing Islamic headscarves. Just in case you’re wondering how bad it is
I was wondering but not now. Shit. How bad can it it be?
How Bad? Worse than we think
Same thing in the US, fat slob cops look the other way when antifa and blm or ANY leftist bunch riot and kill. But let an old lady not have a mask on a couple years ago and she would get a beat down and arrested. fbi, cia, cops, they’re all filth
Thanks Jeff !!! I’ve read a lot of history about revolutions in Britain and I was wondering if they still had it in them.
I am praying that White Europeans have finally reached their breaking point. It’s nice to see the Britons turning on their woke masters. Here’s hoping it starts happening in Germany and France.
Wokeness is why the Olympics are such a shyte show this time around.
Germany & France endure two acts of vandalism on cathedrals, churches, religious statues, etc a DAY (not counting when islamists burned down Notre Dame)
Nothing will change in either country until the citizens find their heritage again, throw out the woke leadership, and start deporting the Muslims
Five years ago I went to a D-Day Celebration in Normandy. The people in that region still love their country and the love what the allies did to throw out the Nazis.
Unfortunately the Muslims seem to be running the Marseilles region and much of Paris. And that P.O.S. Macron is encouraging it.
Notre Dame was still intact when I was there. Two years later it burned. The authorities lied about who did it. The rebuild has turned Notre Dame into a secular tourist attraction.
It’s not race, it’s religion.
The British have all but ceded their country to Islamic rule. That’s what happens when you turn all the men into liberal sissies and put them in charge of your country.
The British are now experiencing the consequences of good intentions gone awry and unchecked liberalism.
What’s happening now in the UK was & is entirely predictable. Anyone who’s been paying attention saw it coming from years out.
Hence it’s hard to feel sorry for the Brits. The allowed their country to be turned into an Islamic sh*t sandwich and now brunch is being served.
Much like here in America, the citizens didn’t “allow” the shit that’s degrading the country. The leftists in govt did without any input from the people. The woke ideology that’s eating the brains of politicians all over the West is being forced down our throats. I’m not certain if these woke idiots are doing this on purpose or if they’re just too stupid to consider the consequences. Either way, the longer this goes on the more there is the chance of violent reaction. As for Germany, England, France and all the rest, I think they’ve already been captured and it’s just a matter of time before the Islamist state controls Europe. The woke have already surrendered their nations and I don’t think the will to take them back exists anymore.
One base to wonder how say for instance the feminists think this will work out cor them? Women’s rifts under Islam? “Shut up woman, put on TV Coleman tent burqua,get back in the kitchen and forget about abortion, education and indepence.” Under Islam you will become chattel. No rights nothing.
Think the soyboys or the 23rd tyranny battalion will come to your rescue? How about the 12th women’s regimen? Perhaps the queens queen battalion?
You better think again. What you need is toxic masculinity and those dreaded men who you have been deriding as the dearth of human kind. I would not count on their rushing to defend the corrupt society that feminism has built.
I’m a Brit living in the UK (unfortunately!) and people are now being labelled ‘Far Right Thugs’ and sent to prison for demonstrating their concern over what our country is fast becoming.
The Police and the authorities are already scanning through everyone’s social media posts to see if they can find something to send anyone, showing any aversion to the new Labour government’s policies, to jail!
A guy just down the road from me has just received 30 days in jail for something (we don’t know what?) he said online!
They are trying to silence us through fear at the moment whilst letting violence by Asian Gangs go unchecked (plenty of video evidence on Youtube to that effect).
My final (serious) question now is what are my chances of getting Asylum in America once it becomes even clearer that we are being persecuted for being white, Christian and middle class here in the UK!?)
They’re just racist thugs. Too bad they don’t have guns in UK or they could just open fire on them.
Muslims hold huge rallies to call for the death of Israel and Jews and nothing happens to them. Criticize this on Twixter or Facebook and you can be arrested
I would not be too critical on the Brits. The same thing will be here soon. Wait until just before the elections. You will get all the violence from illegals you can handle America. Be ready.
I very much doubt if Tommy R would openly reveal he’s “hiding in Cyprus” or post such a comment when he”s stated he doesn’t want to be seen to be inciting violence. So, whoever you are, you’re clearly no friend of Tommy’s.
“to understand the rage of ordinary Britons is not to defend random violence.”
That sentence represents the whole problem in our culture. The author is insecure enough in his responses to worry about being called “racist, sexist homophobe etcetera” Man up! The government has failed in its’ basic duty. That is to physically protect its’ citizens.
Scurrying around in the shadows afraid to make a stand only accelerates the demise of our culture. The previous PM is an example of money buying political favors and allowing primitive behaviors to supersede our lives. obama the magnificent turned us over to the globalists and we have fallen into the same morass.
When the Catholic and Protestant communities of Northern Ireland protest together over the issue of muslim mass immigration you know something has profoundly changed and `’enough is enough”.
It seems that every nation is suffering from distress with perplexity, violence, and corruption. The aberrant is celebrated and normalized as the world standard.
My apologies if I’ve posted this quote before, but his wisdom seems to apply to so many different topics lately. Hopefully, we don’t have to re-live the hell it took for him to make this observation.
“The malice of the wicked was reinforced by the weakness of the virtuous.” — Winston Churchill.
I’ll add another quote attributed to Churchill, “a country needs Islam, like a dog needs rabies.”
Violence is the only answer at this point. The DEI establishment, police, priest, publishers, politicians, prosecutors all, all perfectly fine for covering for Muslims literally killing and raping their young girls..
Feminists are n the side of the rapists.
Violence is the only answer at this point. Britain is going down either way. Going down in a ball of fire at least shows some heart, as if seven year old girls matter.
Quite true. The obsession with law & order has its limits. You can’t have law & order when you allow ignorant primitive savages into you country and allow them to run wild. The Brits and other European countries are starting to realized that.
But giving the number of those savages that the Brits and others have allowed into their countries and their propensity towards pusillanimous. their leaders lack the courage to do what’s necessary to save the countries and cultures.
With that in mind, the onus is on the people of those countries to take matters into their own hands and restore law & order by forcibly imposing it upon the primitive Muslim invaders.
By the way, it should come as no surprise to anyone why, with few exceptions, all Muslim countries are military dictatorships or pretty close to it. It’s a natural consequence and feature of Islamic religion and culture.
You can judge society by how it cares for its most vulnerable. The West has failed for decades.
The mass immigration, throughout the West, has made us all vulnerable and subject to persecution if we dare to state that fact. The French used to be the only “surrender monkeys” in Europe but it now appears the species has taken over Europe and the UK.
Yes, the youngest and the elders.
WAY TOO LATE!! Hopefully that will be as correct as anything Biden has done or said since he first disgraced the Senate with his first utterance of ignorance!
I know that Brits are essentially UNARMED. I’m SURE all or MOST of the mosques have ARSENALS! If it comes down to a REAL BATTLE then the Brits are facing a terrible defeat – until the MILITARY is UNLEASHED! So, when you look at a “fair fight”, shouldn’t the MILITARY take the LEAD?
Other Nations should take HEED and begin an OUTWARD FLOW of islam! The Netherlands is in the initial phase of their RESTORATION! This won’t be “nice” and quick, but if you don’t START then????
Another thought on that “cheap labor” associated with the invaders – how many of them are ALSO sucking up GOVERNMENT BENEFITS – FREE housing, medical, food, and MONEY?? I’d bet that nearly ALL of them are subsidized by the British working taxpayers! Maybe if NATURAL BORN CITIZENS were treated as well as the invaders they too could make it on low pay, low taxes, and ALL the FREEBIES!
Starmer would order the military to side with Muslims
I think the immigrants are enrolled in the Brits national health system and are given some form of stipend and, like here in the US, are being put up in hotels at no cost to them. There’s also a tremendous housing shortage due to the invaders. In short, the illegals are given all the benefits of someone who was born and lived in England for 60 years on day one. I think I even heard the govt was appealing to citizens to “share” any empty bedrooms with the illegals. The Brits are being shit on by their own govt and we’re just starting to see the backlash.
Long overdue. Don’t let up Britons. PM Keir Starmer is your typical whitebread leftist who will probably order the police to fire on British protestors. Then all hell will break loose.
Hopefully this ends very badly for the Muj…..all over Western Europe. Europe is the ultimate white people’s preserve. Muslims out. All of the pro diversity E.U. leaders must be thrown out of office.
Tommy Robinson for Prime Minister. Thank God he is on X.
The western mind set, in negating the fundamental tribal, religious, totalitarian mindset of the Middle East now finds its multicultural, inclusive rot murdering its people, way of life, and destroying their children.
What about this savagery has been avoided? Truth! When these religious psychopaths tell you their goal is a worldwide Islamic Caliphate, and they tell you how they will flood your cities, corrupt your local and national governments until you’re under Sharia law—
Unless we, who hold Western values, show strength and stop them in totality, they will continue. Anything else, they consider weakness and they will use your liberal inclusion (weakness) to destroy your country until you surrender everything.
And now, the fully metastatic, self-righteous liberal leftism, itself a savage totalitarian vision, is standing beside these marauders of evil!
There have been many intelligent voices warning of this nightmare for a very long time to which the masses have long bowed their heads in passive submission. To each western minded nation: CLOSE YOUR BORDERS! Send them back to their 7th century countries, and take back what is rightfully yours–for yourselves, your children and your grandchildren.
That would take balls. None of which exist South of a woke mindset. These are the fools who think they are immune to the Islamist consequences because they were “nice” to them.
The situation is a reflection of insanity of the so called leadership. What is going on socially is unsustainable for a society and will lead to wide spread vigilantism as people take matters into their own hands because government can not and will not to it’s job. We are witness to the collapse of western civilization as chaos takes over.
“The Magma is brewing Hotter and Hotter and The Volcano is about to BLOW!” SC
THE FADS will pass and some already have. He/him, she/her. Woke.
(Here in Albuquerque, the University of NM and Central NM community college, DEMANDED the use of pronouns OR ELSE! Then it went all the way to SANDIA NATIONAL LABS with the help of Elizabeth Keller, wife of the mayor, who studied in Cuba and Nicaragua, having to prove she’s a full-blown Communist and not a spy or a counter-revolutionary! She then passed the FBI background check to work at this TOP SECRET LAB! During Covid, an employee called a local talk radio and said most of the scientists WERE NOT TAKING ANY JABS. I called in to inform him about Keller. He didn’t know about her but that A MOVEMENT WAS BREWING IN THE LAB to fire all those who didn’t take the jab, “endangering all”, and that the use of PRONOUNS was already taking place… ALL DUE TO KELLER!)
FOUR MUSLIMS were killed in ABQ and here came the Democrats, many running in 2022, to blame ISLAMOPHOBIA! The head of the NM Islamic Center, Ahmad Assed, a radical I’ve known since the ’80s and a colleague of JOSEPH MASSAD, the radical Columbia professor who now has up to 37,000 signatures demanding he be fired, also spoke and blamed ISLAMOPHOBIA! THEY DESPERATELY WANTED TO BLAME A MAGA! They were drooling for it. THEN, BOOM, THE KILLER WAS A MUSLIM! After a frenzy of national news, even by Biden and Kamala, Assed’s sister, Samia on Democracy Now, crying that they were afraid to leave their homes and people were bringing them food, the next news conference was more like a funeral, they were so sad!
ISLAMOPHOBIA and the lack of blaming Muslims, even like the Orlando shooting of a gay club by a Muslim, blaming guns instead, and ANY CRITICISM of them, will eventually lead to what is happening in England!
WHAT ABOUT THE REAL PHOBIAS? MAGAPHOBIA AND JEWPHOBIA! They are now running into Closets while the Gays are running out of them!
Can Sandia still design and develop and test and manufacture and deliver nuclear weapons ?
Looks like they have become pretty good on pronouns now.
But can they still make Kilotons and Megatons go Boom ?
What a disgrace.
UK government has been compromised.
The islamic invasion and infestation wouldn’t be possible if the government wasn’t fully taken over by UK enemies first.
islam is a plague upon the planet, and muslims are its vectors who, in the west know of and take in a thorough, organised manner, every financial advantage possible (interest free sharia loans for one) and deliberately overbreed thanks to the western largesse designed to encourage more children. But instead of locals increasing their children, we have a flood of potentially infidel hating young terrorists and unless something drastic happens the UK like much of the west is doomed.
Why so negative? islam intends to take over every non islamic country it enters” and they are quite honest about this, but no one listens nor cares unless they deliberately allow them entry for this very reason.
As with all plagues ONLY total removal of the vectors will stop it. Let all wait and see if the white race and its non muslim supporters have the courage and the will to do so.
As this post will most likely be moderated out that in itself is proof that we have already lost.
In that case, best learn some Arabic moderator.
Islam has been the depraved psychopathic murderous berserk violent terrorist scourge of humanity for 1400 years.
Enough already.
Depraved murderous Islam must be crushed once and for all.
Depraved psychopathic murderous berserk violent freedom crushing hate-filled Islam has been a scourge on humanity for 1400 years.
Enough already.
Deport all Moo–Slums to all the Islamic ” Royal ” families and other Islamic hellholes from which they emerged.
And England and Europe and America must make laws that forbid Islam in their countries and societies and cultures.
Islam is the enemy of England, Europe, and America and the West.
Depraved psychopathic murderous berserk freedom crushing violent hate-filled Islam must be crushed.
It is that simple if the West is going to preserve protect and defend itself from the Islamic scourge.
Absolutely correct! It’s time to make these folks respect borders and return to the Middle East! Throw them out and don’t look back!
Can it happen here? The citizens standing up part, that is.
“England Swings Like a Pendulum Do, Bobbies on Bicycles Two by Two”
Sure isn’t the same place Roger Miller sang about 50 years ago.
“Westminster Abbey, the tower Big Ben. We’ll pillage and rape white British children.”
Usually when the caliphate enters, feminists, leftists, pederasts, racists, gays, remain silent.
To paraphrase Arnold Toynbee, great nations don’t die, they commit suicide. This is sad to watch.
Those Islamic terrorists jihad attacks in the different cities and towns in United Kingdom is terrible Likewise, those rioting violent despicable vile heinous vile raping Muslim migrants in the nation of the UK may serve as an example of Islamic misogyny. As revealed by a scholar of Islam “Women in Islam are considered unclean , deemed inferior ever to dirt.” [1] Therefore, since even Muslim girls and women in Islamic countries have little to no basic human rights ,how much less do the Muslim males have for females who aren’t Muslims.
Muslim ungratefulness and unthankfulness for letting them enter the England to live. This this further exposes the Muslim’s Islamic arrogant contempt for people who are Westerners and Western civilization, Western laws.
This Muslim violence may be yet better explained by one of the fables of Aesop which is entitled THE FARMER AND THE VIPER. So here it is “Once in ancient Greece there was a farmer outside on a very cold winter day walking in if field to make sure that everything is in order and as it should be. The farmer came upon a half-froze viper about to die from the bitter cold. The kind yet foolish farmer took pity on the viper and in an action of kindness put it his is vest jacket to warms and up and thus save its life. The viper warned up revived and then bit farmer through the vest jacket. So the kind but foolish farmer died a slow painful death in awful agony because he felt sorry of the viper and saved it life. The point to this fable is the no amount of kindness will change and vicious and evil nature.
So it is with those Muslim migrants who were allowed to enter Britain to live . Those violent migrants who are Muslims will not be impress and change because kindness of Westerners. This is because those violent Muslims have that ungrateful dangerous viper nature because of their venomous and violent religion which is Islam.
One of the many logic errors of the B.L.M. is that which comes from the Latin called “Ad Hominem.” That is meaning “to the man.” Many members of B.L.M. seem to believe that because some White police officers might be “racists against Blacks” than all White police officers are “racist against Blacks.” That is a false premise and a false foundation for that specific belief. Therefore, that’s an error of logic. Otherwise known as a logic fallacy.
That’s the essence of racism. The faults of the few are attributed to the many, not because of illogic but because of malice trying to recruit the illogical.
Rebecca bar Seif’s message to the British people:
I cannot understand why the authorities — starting with the Prime Minister — and the rest of the elites take the side of the Muslims in all this. They aren’t stupid (at least some of them aren’t stupid), they see what’s going on and what has been going on for years, and it must be as clear to them as it is to everyone else that large-scale Muslim immigration is a grave danger to people, to society, and to Western civilization. Their lunatic ideology of diversity above all else has blinded them to the reality that’s right in front of their eyes.
It IS deliberate. The elite see islam as an excellent population control mechanism and just love their concept of “dying for allah” which will help reduce all populations by the attrition of certain future wars. Like communists, islamists have NPs in sending off thousands if not millions of even children to die for their “cause”..
The world of is Dar al-islam will NOT be a peaceful one as muslims hate each other as much as they hate infidels, and it does not stop with the Shiite/Sunni but all of the ?60+ sects of islam who will start killing each other as soon as the last infidel is killed.
There is a muslim joke about a muslim walking across a bridge and he sees a man contemplating suicide sitting on the edge.
He walks up to the man and introduces himself and asks the man’s name.
After the reply he asks is he sunni or shiite.
Sunni!” The same as me. Allah is great”
Apparently, there are 4 schools of sunni islam, so he asks which one dos he belong to.
Receiving the reply he says: The same as me allah is great!”
Then he asks which mosque he attend and after the reply he says:
” the same as me, allah is great!”
Then he asks which imam there gives him his guidance.
Upon hearing the reply, he calls him “heretic” and kicks him off the bridge.
A fable probably but islam drops down to the ultimate unit: the family and even these units will wage a cold war always and even a hot one on occasions. The “we love death” garbage is used to justify this as muslism are ONLY controllable IFF you put them in their place harshly as then you find out that they do not love death. That worked extremely well from the 19th century into the early 20th century before suicidal western altruism and colonial guilt gave the oil back to the muslims.
What do they think will happen to them, the politicians, if they come to their senses and start deporting the plague that’s out to kill them? I think they know that will trigger all manner of terrorist attacks on their society and them personally. They’ve opened the floodgates and don’t have any way to keep from drowning. It’s suicide by stupidity.
This problem exists and persists because the politicians don’t have to live among the citizens. None of the violence will ever affect them and their families until the citizens stand up and take the fight to them.
Don’t for 1 second call the Brits Nazis!!!
It was The Muslim Grand Mufti who travelled to Hitler to offer encouragement as Hitler slaughtered Jews…the Islamists are WORSE than Nazi’s.!!! 1400 years of slaughter, rape destruction and terror…not a religion…a mob of fiends who hate women, devalue their own children and never advance culturally from medieval hoards…a disgrace to the human race! No redeeming features…Muslims, if you don’t disown them you are one of them.
Winston Churchill weeps.
Islam is Not the Religion of Peace and t hose who think it is have Sawdust for Brains
Islam is not even a religion. It’s a totalitarian ideology masquerading as one, nothing more. As long as we refuse to acknowledge this truth, its followers will continue to set the world in fire.
As our country sloughs off Christianity, the “sawdust for brains” newest generation finds this ideology more to their liking. It permits them to live out their savage instincts to dismantle Western society (built on Christianity) for an ideology built on murder, destruction and submission to the cult.
The rage of those Britons who descended to the streets is understandable – but then why did they elect so many muslims as their leaders in the whole country, not to mention Ireland and Scotland, where one of the leaders complained recently that there were too many Whites in his district?
Uhhhh, because they’ve got the same level of intelligence as the American voter?
As a Briton, it strikes me that most of my countrymen will put up with a lot when only they are affected – but let anyone lay a finger on a child, and all hell breaks loose. Which, considering the fact that there was a similar trigger for the recent Irish riots, may not be an exclusively British trait. I suspect that there would have been far more protests about the grooming gangs scandal, if the girls involved had been younger, as vulnerable as they still were.
What we have been told about the Southport murders is that the perpetrator was born in Wales, to Rwandan parents. Nothing has been revealed about any reason that he may have given for his behaviour. He may not be a Muslim – in which case it is unfortunate that his actions appear consistent with the pattern that seems to have emerged of jihadists targeting musical events and gatherings that they deem to be decadent.
No 10 is apparently working on a new definition of Islamophobia.
Great read, many thanks to Bruce Bawer. For years on end I’ve followed what happens to once decent, stoic England, last hope for my parents’ generation in 1940, and hence deep devotion and praise, all of which I inherited, until, however, bloodthirsty, threatening muslim demonstrations 2006 against author Salman Rushdie, and Danes were tolerated by the Met Police, and politicians.
Weakness was on display which aroused my suspicion concerning the future for the once great nation. Only now the battle for Britain is about to begin. Too late. Too few. Too little Christian faith. and lost instinct for islam. Too little love for country.
there is no battle for britain , the white flag was hoisted as soon as muslim immigration started . there are only minor skirmishes outflanked by the likes of BLM and ANTIFA and the mostly peaceful anarchy . starmer is a putz , that the brits voted for him will come back to haunt them similar to feckless joe in the united states of stupidity . starmer , the same guy who took a knee for the anarchy that prevailed during orange man bad years . you cant make this stuff up .
Send the Muslims back to their home countries.