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[Get the Freedom Center’s new ebook: Beijing Biden: The Secret Relationship With China That Threatens America HERE]
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In his introduction to a new ebook published by the Freedom Center, founder David Horowitz finds President Joe Biden guilty of treason by colluding with an enemy power, the Chinese Communist regime, out of “personal greed and national betrayal.” The ebook itself presents the damning evidence.
Beijing Biden: The Secret Relationship With China That Threatens America is edited by Daniel Greenfield, a Freedom Center Shillman Fellow and author of the just-published book Domestic Enemies. It is the first in a series of exposés by the Freedom Center to be published in 2024 on the corruption and malfeasance of our current president.
As Greenfield notes in his own introductory remarks, the Biden administration has allowed the CCP “to rob us blind, to kill our people, to destroy our morale, to abuse our children, to lock down our country, to spy on us, and to threaten to wipe us off the map.” We are losing our Cold War with China while Biden and company do nothing; Beijing Biden explains why. It also, as Greenfield writes, “tears open the web of connections linking China to the Left and shows how red special interests in their country are buying up red special interests in ours.”
Featuring FrontPage Mag contributors Lloyd Billingsley, Joseph Hippolito, and Joseph Klein, in addition to Greenfield (who contributed 25 of the 32 short chapters), Beijing Biden is divided into seven collections of chapters on different themes:
Bribes and Big Bucks from Beijing
In a half dozen chapters such as “Hunter Biden’s Broken Car Cost Taxpayers $139 Million,” “Biden Allowed Major Donor to Hand Advanced Military Tech to China,” and “When Biden Sold Out America to China While Working for Hollywood,” Daniel Greenfield aims an unforgiving spotlight on Biden’s bottomless corruption as the President rakes in big bucks from “Chinese nationals and companies with significant ties to Chinese intelligence and the Chinese Communist Party” – often through family connections that he exploited, including his own children.
As always, Greenfield combines riveting writing with exceptional investigative skills in these chapters to expose the Biden crime family network.
The Red White House
In this short section, Greenfield turns his investigative lens on ways in which China is working with the Biden administration to expand and entrench its influence and power. “China Hires the Biden Administration” and “Biden’s National Security Adviser: One of the ‘True Friends for the Chinese People,’” among other chapters, detail ways in which the administration is “one long extended conflict of interest.”
The American Left is Made in China
Chapters in this section, such as “China Recruits BLM to Protest for Slavery,” “When Code Pink Turned Red,” and “The ‘Squad’ Joins the China Appeasement Caucus” explore how China manipulates the “useful idiots” of the radical Left – “appeasers, collaborators, and traitors who line up to sell out our country,” as Greenfield puts it, to a regime that doesn’t even pretend to value human rights. He notes that China has no “appeasement caucus” undermining the CCP that is the equivalent of our own political leaders like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Judy Chu, Ted Lieu, or Eric Swalwell.
The War in America
Another half dozen short chapters by Daniel Greenfield, including “Biden Turns Over American Sovereignty to China,” “Democrat Traitors Stand by China’s Spy Consulates,” and “Biden Covers Up China’s War on America,” address the security travesty that an “enemy nation [is] openly conducting intelligence operations, including surveillance and recruiting agents, on our home soil,” which the Biden administration fails to treat like a foreign threat.
“Biden sees the greatest threat from people who want America to be great, not from a genocidal Communist dictatorship,” Greenfield writes. “So no surprise that the Chinese Communists act like they own the place. If anybody thought Joe Biden was the chief cog in a Chinese Occupied Government (COG) it would be hard to blame them.”
The Biological Cold War
Greenfield, Billingsley, and Klein address in this section the damage done by China via the pandemic and the fentanyl crisis, with the assistance of the Biden administration and Democrat Party.
Regarding COVID, Greenfield writes,
China has come out of the plague year stronger than ever by spreading the virus and then selling America and Europe, battered by the pandemic, lockdowns, and turmoil, the masks and base compounds to protect itself. The biological attack allowed China to not only test us, but to test its own society, using the pandemic to centralize and solidify control over its population.
The real weapon wasn’t the virus. It was chaos.
As for the plague of fentanyl: “Our communities are filling up with the casualties of a drug war that China is winning.”
A ‘China First’ Foreign Policy
Four chapters here by Hippolito, Klein, and Greenfield demonstrate the “stark contrast between America’s idea of diplomacy and China’s idea of diplomacy,” which, as Greenfield explains, “is that we want dialogue and they want control. The People’s Republic of China is not interested in conversations or relationships, they want to know our bottom lines and anything they can exploit to gain a strategic advantage. That’s why diplomacy with China will always fail.”
American Elections ‘Made in China’
The ebook concludes with an eye-opening four chapters on Beijing’s interference in American elections, including using Big Tech companies and the fiendishly subversive social media platform TikTok to influence the outcome of the 2020 election.
Greenfield writes,
Big Tech companies are just doing the dirty work of the Communist dictatorship. China’s Communist leaders don’t even need to say anything. The message is clear. The only way forward for them is through Joe Biden.
That’s why Big Tech is far more driven to defeat President Trump and elect Joe Biden and its election interference has become much more blatant than it was in the previous election.
It’s not just about the politics, it’s also about the money.
Big Tech companies are selling out our election to China the way they have our jobs. And their election interference is reaching unprecedented heights as they function like a cartel.
In summary, there is no more concise or insightful, wide-ranging yet deep dive into the many ways that the Chinese Communist regime is colluding with our senile, corrupt President and his far-left administration to subvert America, than the Freedom Center’s new ebook, Beijing Biden: The Secret Relationship With China That Threatens America. Get your copy at the Freedom Center store now.
Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior.
NONE of this could have happened with the recruitment and brainwashing by THE COMMUNIST PARTY USA which teamed up with the SOVIET KGB during Vietnam, “U.S. OUT OF VIETNAM!” so the Communists could rule S.E. Asia. They teamed up again to take over Central America starting in 1979 with COMMUNIST Sandinista Daniel Ortega still ruling thanks to the help from OUR DEMCORATIC PARTY who funded him and protected him while at the same time aiding the COMMUNIST FMLN rebels in El Salvador: “EL SALVADOR IS SPANISH FOR VIETNAM!” (The FMLN won the Presidency in 2009 and Hillary was the highest-ranking U.S. official at the inauguration!)
During the ’60’s-80s, CPUSA/KGB recruitment was at its peak. Millions of mostly University students were targeted. Many quit school to go on Construction Brigades to Nicaragua.
THOSE MILLIONS are today’s teachers, professors, Hollywood, Big Tech, MSM, city/state/national leaders, filled Congress, and finally, the White House which took them FORTY YEARS with their Crowning Achievement… the election of BARACK OBAMA/JOE BIDEN! They then surrounded themselves with the same Recruits who were then appointed to head departments that were then CONSPIRED in a Coup attempt against a sitting President and still used against a former President and all their political opponents exactly like DANIEL ORTEGA who arrests all political opponents “AS A THREAT TO OUR DEMOCRACY!”
THEIR JOB TODAY is the Recruit the next generation of Communists we see in the streets now openly supporting a U.S. government designated TERRORIST GROUP and a genocide “From the River to the Sea” elimination of an entire country and its people… WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE WHITE HOUSE AND DEMOCRATIC PARTY…. TRAITORS! NO ARRESTS FOR TREASON AND FOR THE OVERTHROW OF THE UNITED STATES, “THROUGH FORCE IS NECESSARY!” WHERE’S THE FBI AND DOJ? Oops… at school board meetings watching the real Domestic Terrorists!
Reminder: The CPUSA and Code Pink organized “U.S. to Gaza” flotillas that were seeking to break the blockade of Gaza.
Calling them communists is rather archaic. I prefer to call them by their current (i.e., “rebranded”) name “progressives.”
If they are in the Democratic Party, can I call them a Democrat? If they’re in the Communist Party, can I call them a Communist? Why is Communism such a bad word, like a C-Word and can’t ever be said?
I’ve researched COMMUNISTS for decades and calling them Progressives is missing who they really are. They tried to recruit me into one of the Communist front groups, THE UNITED STATES PEACE COUNCIL, and their NM Peace Council. ALL COMMUNISTS who were associated with a SOVIET KGB funded and directed front which was led by the CPUSA! The World Peace Council was run by the SOVIET KGB which means these groups were TRAITORS and I’m calling them by their true names… AND THAT GOES FOR ALL THE DEMOCRATS who were really Colluding with the Russians and who spread disinformation that would make the Soviets proud! They learned from the best!
If they label themselves as a Marxist-Leninist, is Progressive like a Communist-Lite? NO! THEY ARE EVIL TRAITORS with many of them infiltrating the Democratic Party. Again, I go back to the ’60s-’80s and their membership, support, for COMMUNIST PARTY USA FRONTS FUNDED BY THE SOVIET KGB!
a commie is a commie – progressive is lipstick on the commie pig
They chose to obfuscate who and what they really are by rebranding themselves as “progressives” so as to confuse the younger generations.
A good commie is a dead commie. I like the good commies, The bad commies are the ones who are still sucking air and not yet in the ground.
progressive is their way of fooling people, just like democratic for the democrat party and democracy when we have a Republic, Marxist Communists is better for the sleeping people
Exactly!! They think we’re all idiots and fools–like them.
Memo to the Marxi-crat party:
If you want to know want to see who the real idiots and fools are, take a look in the mirror…..
We are fools to believe that a man who could not find his way to a toilet (Biden) is responsible for all this treasonous activity. All of the actions and events named in the above article have the fingerprints of Barack Obongo all over them. Did we not learn anything from observing his treasonous actions during 2009-2017? But them, half of the people who read this article probably voted for Obongo.
Better yet, call them “nasties.”
Anyone who thinks communists are “bad” is already a “domestic terrorist” and is likely on some Federal security agency ‘watch list.’
But calling them ‘progressives’ sounds like an endorsement. All the Lefties I know use ‘progressive’ as a positive term and a positive label for a positive ideology without regard to the damage, death, and mayhem caused.
At least calling them “nasties” might get a conversation going.
Besides … they really are “nasties” in the sense that they have employed the ‘public/private’ dodge used by “nasties” to avoid limits on their power.
“Nasties”? How about calling them maggots? That’s levels below nasty.
By the way, the only thing I see “progressive” about them is the way they dream up new and inventive ways to subvert America and pervert reality and all norms of morality and decency. E.g., the rainbow cult? Multiple genders? Little Johnny was born a male and has 3 mommies, no daddy and at the age of 4 years old, wants to be a girl?
WTF? Wait. Just a got dang minute! Somebody, anybody. Stop this world and let me off!! I can’t take it anymore. I want to get off–now!! AhhhhhHHHHH.!!!!
its obvious that 81 mill. voters arent perturbed by the empty suit in the white house selling out america . following in the footsteps of his predecessor . unfortunately the gormless citizens of america will again put him back in the care facility now that they know how to rig the system . a good indication of what is a given is when the feckless joe turns up to give an incoherent speech in which no one knows what he said and they all clap and chant 4 more years . [ pause ] with TDS so rampant and the MSM covering for the ol miscreant . the once unsinkable modern day titanic is on its way to the bottom . suffering , the new freedom .
I liken those kind of people as the type who would jump out of an airplane and then half way down, suddenly realize that they forgot to put on a parachute…
Stupid is as stupid does and in our country, stupid gets to vote.
Personally, I thing there should be a minimum IQ standard a person must meet before they’re allowed to vote.
Uhm…but what about all the STUPID high IQ people out there who would get to vote???
Two words: Electroconvulsive therapy!
Just like Clinton and Obama Liberal Democrats and Traitors to America and the M.S. Media Bottom Feeders Ignore it all
They’re all like hyenas circling their prey and tormenting it until it’s tired and weakened to the point where the hyenas can move in for an easy kill.
America is the prey and the dems (“Marxicrats”), leftists and their globalist brethren are the hyenas.
Obongo is about as ‘liberal’ as Kim Jong Un. Why give these hard-left radicals credibility they do not deserve by moderating their treasonous beliefs and actions?
No chance, the CIA and FBI and IRS and and and … love him because he pays them with your money.
I’ll order it now, thanks for your review.
Somebody down voted me? You D-Bag turd munchers know I don’t give a shit about that, right? I actually think it’s funny.
Voting you down is to check your hubris and stay focused – we need real solutions – and as Biden is already damn near nearly dead, who would know if someone took him out – and it’s not Biden it’s the systems, the deep state swamp machinations that sent a pLandemic into USA first then the rest of the world as the first salvo of the coup d’etat we are in – the final salvo was the theft of the 2020 election and they tried that again successfully by stealing the 2022 election in Arizona – 10-7-2023 in Israel is another deep state swamp planning and funding and execution on that dark day October 7, 2023.
See also Dick Morris’ “Corrupt The Inside Story of Biden’s Dark Money.” Every family member is involved. Appalling and disgusting.
Treasonous Joe Biden along with his money laundering and other treasonous crimes and those who pull his puppet strings for payola – those who do are not in the USA and some are. It’s a vile demonic network selling off USA – they are the criminals and agencies know exactly who these criminal perps are – instead they are coming after MAGA – protector’s of the USA.
As far as using TikTok to influence elections, using media from TV commercials to radio and now internet platforms, it used to be equal air time and no perceived of blatant partisanship, internet media is not controlled the same way so these billionaires that own these platforms and could only have become millionaires in USA as the technology was only developed primarily in the USA , when they shut out MAGA they are sawing off the branch they launched their platforms on. Without capitalism USA fails and the world fails., as we are seeing now because of the theft of the 2020 election to install the stooge puppet Biden. As USA goes so goes the world and now we have been in a coup d’etat since the pLandemic and sealed with the theft of the 2020 election!
Where’s Danusha Goska?
I always look forward to Friday’s articles at FPM because they’re usually the meatiest and most interesting but not this week.
Bring back Danusha Goska.
Maybe she got tired of your sucking up and needed a break.
She’s being selfish, or FPM is being selfish, but you want one of them to be altruistic.
The people of Cuba are penniless but Castro is a billionaire.
I think you have found the flaw in Rand’s philosophy.
Joe Biden is nothing but a tool, stooge as well lap dog of Jinping, and will do anything he wants him to do or not do, as have the US Air Force shoot down that surveillance balloon.
For a number of sinister reasons, such as he admires the socialism / Communist ideology of mainland China.
Biden must also like the tyrannical oppressor of Communist China against its citizens since he absolutely is copying Red China’s imprisonment system of that regime’s tyrant Xi Jinping who has political prisoners who are held in cruel cells, treated terrible, and denied their basis human rights.
For that Joe Biden has political prisoners from January 6, 2021, who are held in cruel cells and treated terrible and denied their basic human rights.
Another sinister reason that Biden will do nothing to help victims of Red China is because he is so horribly corrupt that he willingly accepts bribes from Xi Jinping and other high ranking members of the ruling Communist party of China.
About that last point ,the Bible reads ” The wicked accept bribes in secret to pervert the course of justice.”
Proverbs 17:23. [N. I. V.]
Joe Biden with his different meetings with his different meetings with the Communist President of Red China, Xi Jinping, will always results in agreed to policies that will be very favorable to China and let him get away with his horrendous cruel oppression of the people of China as well as accepting Jinping international policies designed the lowering of the United States as a world power.
For Xi Jinping knows that Biden is very weak and feeble-minded and he even likes Socialism and will be very easily manipulated to be the useful idiot ,stooge , tool and” lap dog” of XI Jinping will able to use Biden to have do anything to wants him to do. In other words, Biden is his stooge and tool because he malleable, for old Joe very cognitively challenged since is an empty-headed mindless idiot.
For example, Joe Biden in a speech he declared Bogus “President” “Imagine had the tobacco industry been immune to prostitute being sued, come on.”
We have never seen an administration like this one who has sold out the country to foreign countries for money and power., or to make money. Clintons were a close second.
Clinton was bad, but Barack Obongo was far worse. Why are conservative Christians so willing to give this Sodomite Moslem a pass?
The Liberal Media Bottom Feeders are still confused why Americans are not warming up to Biden and his Globalists Ideas
Is it a sin to pray to God to euthanize Biden like an injured horse is euthanized ?
This is an important theological question.
No offense to horses is intended.
Biden is already as close to being a corpse as is physically possible,
without actually being dead.
Remember what happened with Old Yeller don’t you if you saw the Disney Movie got Hydrophobia(Rabies)from the Wolf then the oldest boy had to deliver the Coup Degras One Shot Aim Pull the Trigger
How do I get my $4.99 back? Paid for Beijing biden pamphlet download did not complete and cannot get another copy. Bad taste in my mouth over this. Issue it in print.
Anything Daniel writes is brilliant, and one must agree with his analysis in large part if not all unless one just simply refuses to be logical or realistic.
That said, I do disagree. I’ve lived part of the cycle on the front lines, and I’m convinced the problem is us … not China.
China is absolutely disgusting country if one knows anything about it. The fault lies completely with the communist party – the CCP – and their utterly diabolic desire to hold power and exploit their people without any regard to humanity or their nation – much less to G-d or the planet.
But who is responsible for installing the dickweeds and keeping them there? We are.
You can say that “our” leaders are raping our civilization for their own short-term interests because the Chinese are bribing them to do so …
But why are the Chinese hellbent on bribing everyone on the planet to protect their interests? …
Because if the world stopped warring, slaving, raping, and pillaging its people and its planet …
The CCP would fail like an FTX-SBF, Madoff, Ponzi scheme.
And likely within less than a year.
I’m totally serious. This is an engineering assessment. Not a political one.
Just STOP. Stop (censored) the planet and the people for the purpose Making the CCP All Powerful …
and the whole dammed merry-go-round will stop.