Ben Crump is not bringing his best. After scoring millions in cases during the heyday of BLM, he was reduced to badgering Sesame Street because a costumed character didn’t interact with a particular child.
(Remember that nonsense? It lasted for about a week before the media moved on to yelling at some poor cashier who asked a black woman for her ID.)
You can usually spot Ben Crump at press conferences, raising a fist next to Sharpton, or the family of whichever robber or drug dealer was the latest to die while struggling with a cop.
A list of Crump’s clients also often happens to be a map of race riots, hateful protests, and a nation divided by racist incitement. From Trayvon Martin to Michael Brown to George Floyd to Daunte Wright, Crump is on the ground, raising a fist, and vowing to fight until the check clears.
“This historic $27 million settlement is PROOF that Black lives will no longer be written off as trivial, unimportant, or unworthy of consequences,” Crump declared in March after the Floyd payout. Despite all those millions, Crump is still showing up to sue anyone he can..
Now he’s back. And desperate for attention.
Benjamin Crump is threatening to sue Gov. Ron DeSantis over his administration’s decision to reject an Advanced Placement course in African American studies, a move that comes as the organization responsible for administering the course signaled the program is getting a “new framework” ahead of its full release.
Crump led a rally Wednesday inside the Florida Capitol alongside Black Democratic state lawmakers to underscore what they say is Florida attempting to whitewash history, promising to file a lawsuit if students are banned from taking the course.
The only whitewashing here involves defending a course that includes BLM, domestic terrorist Angela Davis and one of the most racist poets on the planet.
“I got the extermination blues, jew-boys. I got the Hitler syndrome figured… So come for the rent, jewboys, or come ask me for a book, or sit in the courts handing down your judgements still I got something for you, gonna give it to my brothers, so they’ll know what your whole story is, then one day, jewboys, we all, even my wig wearing mother gonna put it on you all at once.”
“Atheist jews double crossers stole our secrets crossed the white desert to spill them,” Baraka ranted. “The fag’s death they gave us on a cross… they give us to worship a dead jew and not ourselves.” “The empty jew betrays us, as he does hanging stupidly from a cross, in an oven, the pantomime of our torture, so clearly, cinemascope the jews do it… the little arty bastards talking arithmetic they sucked from the arab’s head. Suck your pricks. The best is yet to come. On how we beat you and killed you.”
“We are all beautiful (except white people, they are full of, and made of shit),” Amiri Baraka wrote. “Come up, black dada / nihilismus. Rape the white girls. Rape / their fathers. Cut the mothers’ throats,” he wrote.
I’d like to see that lawsuit. But Crump isn’t actually serious.
“If the governor allows the College Board to present AP African American studies in classrooms across the state of Florida, then we will feel no need to file this historic lawsuit,” Crump told reporters at the Capitol. “However, if he rejects the free flow of ideas and suppresses African American studies, then we’re prepared to take this controversy all the way to the United States Supreme Court.”
The Supreme Court can’t wait. But Crump has as much as announced that if some sort of AP Black Studies course goes forward, he won’t sue. DeSantis has been pretty clear that it will go forward, but without the critical race theory, sexual materials or other violations of the Stop Woke Act.
Maybe he can go back to badgering Sesame Street.
Crump is your typical racist black, ambulance chasing attorney. He’s garbage and comes from the same mold of Sharpton, Dyson, Lamont Hill, etc.
I remember when Bill O’Reilly would have him on The O’Reilly Factor in the early stages of his racist career.
“There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs. There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient to get well.” —Booker T. Washington
Crump is a disgusting race baiter of the worst kind. We will never receive justice with the likes of Crump et al.
Crump procured a false witness for the prosecution in the George Zimmerman trial.
I would like to see that lawsuit, too. It would clarify the issues for all to see. I would love to see the discovery!
Crump is an enemy to westernkind. There are too many of his sort, Black people who are legacy Americans have the same claim to this nation as those who trace their lineage back to the Mayflower. Those who love the west and its people are westernkind, without regard to skin color. Those hate westernkind should be allowed to live apart, under their own rules, economies, laws and cultures. Or they can emigrate to their countries of origin, perhaps with a cash settlement to ease transition. This would be less expensive on westernkind than lifetime welfare and other payments and would resolve all claims upon one another. We suffer living amongst one another and no one should be forced to live with those who hate his people, his nation and his culture.
Maybe he could write a racist poem about that.
Yeah, kind of like Obama’s ode to Frank Marshall Davis entitled, “Pops.”
There was another such “ambulance chaser” in Oakland some years ago. Funny I can’t remember his name at the moment. It will probably come back to me in a day or two. Same thing happened last time a similar topic came up. When I finally remembered his name I did an internet search. But now I can’t remember whether he got so rich he retired, or whether he came to a bad end.
An objective research project would probably find they do more harm to the black community than good.
John Burris is the Oakland lawyer I was thinking of. His law firm still exists, but at age 77 he probably isn’t as active as he was. He should be OK financially, with the million$ he’s made.
Why dont he do everyone aa nice big favor and Get a Life
He’s getting too rich this way
Crump is a police hating ambulance chaser
But he loves prosecutors like the unscrupulous, ASA, Bernie de la Rionda.
Critique my simplistic reckoning:
black slavery was instituted by the initiatives of black people,
and abolished by the initiatives of white people.
The reckoning is going to be bloody….
The Florida AG should tell him to “go ahead and be prepared for a counter suit for DEFAMATION – we expect the claim for damages to be SUBSTANTIAL”!
Courts lawsuits are like cudgels against regular citizens without the resource, but for the government of Florida, this would be a welcome court battle. The content of the course as evidence in an open court will expose a lot of seething hate and racial contempt
It would be a historic case if the American court system truly did side with an openly fascist/racial nationalist agenda, It would be of the magnitude of Dred Scott, in the same direction too.
Any good conspiracy would notice that this is Jim Crow through the back door. To isolate whites from blacks with these educational cleavers is to isolate blacks from whites once more. Border policy ensures an endless supply of second class residents, just in days of yore.
The Florida government should welcome the exposure to what the course really is all about, what DEI is about at its core.
We should send informants into their camp. Benjamin Crump should be in prison for sedition and conspiracy.