It’s not a dog whistle. It’s an unmistakable signal.
And while the media delves into its transparently phony pieties about extremism, it will not call out extremism and radicalism on its own side. Even when top Democrats give it sanction and oxygen.
Wisconsin Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders have come under fire for sharing a stage with a progressive activist who is a 9⁄11 conspiracy theorist.
Sanders appeared alongside Baldwin and other Democrats Monday at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, urging people to vote for Democrats in the upcoming November midterm election and support Baldwin’s re-election against Republican Leah Vukmir.
But before Baldwin and Sanders took the stage, a Chicago-based progressive activist and hip-hop artist known as Solo Littlejohn warmed up the crowd.
Solo has all sorts of ‘progressive’ views.
He introduced himself as a “leader of Fight For 15,” a Sanders-backed group campaigning for a $15 minimum wage and trade unions, and went on to praise the progressive politicians for supporting his cause.
Really progressive.
But Littlejohn’s social media reviewed by Fox News reveal that he shared a conspiracy theory that the September 11, 2001 terror attacks were staged, suggesting that the buildings were destroyed by controlled demolition.
The Myspace post from 2009 also includes a link to InfoWars.
He also listed his “influences” on Myspace, including Cuban revolutionary leader Ernesto Che Guevara, Black Panthers’ co-founder Huey P. Newton, and “all real revolutionaries.”
All real leftist mass murderers.
This is where embracing extremism has taken the Dems.
In one of his tweets, he wrote: “Ronald Reagan When I Send A Contra-Band Of [explicit] To Shoot Up Your Kids, While They Rape your Baby’s Mama N—-!”
More recently on Facebook, he joked about drug usage and shared pictures showing large quantities of drugs. Littlejohn himself was sentenced in 2006 at least three months in jail for marijuana possession, according to legal documents obtained by Fox News.
When they go low, we get high.
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