Nobody likes health insurance companies. They’re the worst. Except for government health care. That’s even worse.
Now the bread line candidate is doubling down on his call to kill health care in America and replace it with Cuban medicine.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who is seeking the Democratic nomination for president in 2020, late Tuesday reiterated his call for the elimination of private health insurance companies and moving to a single-payer, “Medicare for all” system of health care.
“You’re damn right,” Sanders wrote in a tweet in response to a Republican National Committee Research tweet pointing out that he called for eliminating private health insurance during an interview earlier in the day.
In that MSNBC interview, Sanders said the “current system is incredibly dysfunctional and wasteful” and said universal health care can’t be achieved “unless you get rid of the insurance companies.”
It’s incredibly dysfunctional and wasteful. Because it’s a hybrid private-public system.
Much of it is dysfunctional because of insane government regulations that are driving doctors out of the industry and forcing huge mergers, creating massive beasts that serve as an argument for government health care.
It’s Obama’s Cloward-Pivenization of health care. With the eager cooperation of the big corps that saw short term profits without caring about long term consequences, and assumed that the government would be in business with them in some way, shape or form.
They didn’t foresee an old-line Trotskyist like Bernie getting the nom.
And Bernie would like to replace it with Soviet medicine and breadlines for pills.
“You are not going to be able, in the long run, to have cost-effective, universal health care unless you change the system, unless you get rid of the insurance companies, unless you stand up to the greed of the drug companies and lower prescription drug costs,” he said during an appearance on MSNBC’s “All In With Chris Hayes.”
“That’s the only way that you can provide quality care to all people.”
Unless you eliminate any alternatives.
And then “quality care” will be defined by government metrics. If 33% survive, it’s quality.
Sanders has previously called for the elimination of private health insurance companies.
“Yes, it does, because you’re not going to a have a need for private insurance,” he said earlier this month during an interview with NPR when asked if private insurance “goes away” under Medicare for All.
You might have a need. But Bernie has decided that you don’t. That’s how the Left works.
It decides what you need. And then tells you to comply.
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