Bernie Sanders isn’t aware of a single thing that happened in the outside world after the fall of the Soviet Union. If you ask him about anything that happened since the 90s that doesn’t involve Fidel Castro or some tinpot Latin American Marxist dictatorship, he begins randomly making stuff up.
Like the time he accused Israel of killing 10,000 people in Gaza.
But Bernie is running for president. And like the rest of the lefty field, he’s contractually obligated to parrot the Iranian/Qatari propaganda about the war in Yemen.
Here’s a pro-Houthi editorial somebody probably wrote for Bernie and that he published as an op-ed in the New York Times.
The administration defends our engagement in Yemen by overstating Iranian support for the Houthi rebels. But the fact is that the relationship between Iran and the Houthis has only strengthened with the intensification of the war.
Surely the relationship will only weaken if the Houthis are allowed to completely control Yemen.
Isn’t this the same lie that the terror treason lobby used to sell us on Hezbollah running Lebanon. How did that one work out?
A 2016 State Department report found that the conflict between Saudi-led forces and the Houthi insurgents had helped Al Qaeda and the Islamic State’s Yemen branch “deepen their inroads across much of the country.”
Much like ISIS helped Iran take over Iraq. And vice versa.
Dueling Jihadis feed off each other.
And does Bernie seriously think that not opposing the Houthis will lead in the other direction? Does Bernie think, period?
But let’s take a closer look at the group whose interests Bernie is indirectly defending.
The Houthi motto is, ”Allah is Greater, Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse on the Jews, Victory to Islam.”
“Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse the Jews, Victory to Islam,” is the slogan printed on small cards handed out at Sana’a University in Yemen. Nadwa Dawsari, a specialist on conflict and tribes in Yemen, posted a photo of a laminated “student and staff ID” on October 9 on Twitter.
The slogan has been used for years according to Dave McAvoy, a security and risk analyst who tracks developments in the region.
“It’s an integral part of their propaganda and chanting. It’s the Houthi slogan,” says McAvoy.
The Houthis have incorporated the antisemitic “curse the Jews” slogan into their chants as well.
“They chant it at their marches. They shout it in their combat videos and they hold signs which read it,” says McAvoy.
This is the sort of ugliness that Bernie Sanders and the rest of the Left do their best to shield.
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