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When Islamic terrorists attack America, Sen. Bernie Sanders warns against fighting them. When Hamas attacks Israel, Bernie condemns the Jewish State for fighting back and demands a ceasefire. When criminals run loose around America’s cities, Bernie insists that we treat the social injustices that cause their crimes and let them go.
But when Bernie’s own office gets torched, it’s a whole different ball game.
A 35-year-old man has been federally charged in the arson that damaged Sen. Bernie Sanders’ Burlington office on Friday.
Security video recordings showed Soghomonian “spraying a liquid near the outer door” of Sanders’ third-floor office at One Church Street in the city’s downtown, “and then lighting the area with a handheld lighter,” according to the release.
Also known as the sort of thing Antifa, BLM and Hamas supporters do on a regular basis.
In a written statement Sunday afternoon, Sanders expressed appreciation to those who responded to Friday’s incident.
“I am deeply grateful to the swift, professional, coordinated efforts of local, state, and federal law enforcement in response to the fire at my Vermont office on Friday,” he said.
When kids are trapped in a school with a gunman, the police hang around and do nothing. But when someone starts a fire in a senator’s office (of the right political party, Republican elected officials and even Supreme Court justices have been harassed and threatened with impunity), then there’s a “swift, professional, coordinated efforts of local, state, and federal law enforcement” response.
And there’s no talk of ceasefire or negotiations. The gentleman in question will spend the rest of his life in prison.
Sen. Bernie Sanders doesn’t value your life, but he certainly values his office. When terrorists or criminals kill people, Bernie shrugs, but when his office has a little fire, then the nomenklatura spring into action and there’s no talk about root causes, social justice or appeasement.
Because Bernie’s office is worth more than your life.
Weak analogies galore. You really do have no shame.
less Korn the better
You really do have no brain. Daniel was making comparisons, not analogies, and the comparisons are valid – Sanders and other progressives, including people like you, don’t care what criminals may do to us, but when it’s their lives or property at risk it’s another matter. And of course no prison sentence is too long for the crime of supporting liberty against the encroaching Democrat Party.
Two takeaways – Sanders is a hypocrite, and the arsonist will get what he deserves.
“Animal Farm” has come to life.
“The Hypocrisy of the Left” once again – examples are too numerous to list, but the list goes on. And the left sees no problem – it’s how they roll. obongo’s Amerika.
Armenian. I wonder what his motive was.
The arsonist is anti-Turkish. He mistakenly thought Bernie was from Constantinople.
Thanks Jeff! Anti-Turkish, that’s a good start. The Armenians are very anti-Turkish, I was recently reading about that.
This is typical of bureaucrats in general, dems in particular. They have no problem with stores getting looted and streets set afire. Not their neighborhood, not their problem. Only until it reaches their own front yard will they yell “insurrection.”
Hmmm, what would he do if there was a SQUATTER in one of his other UNUSED HOMES?? Local Police? FBI? National Guard? KGB???
Fabulous article. Couldn’t have summarized why the right is outraged any clearer or pointedly.
Of course, when someone has no shame. and there is never any type of even the slightest ridicule, much less retribution or punishment for the hypocrisy, it’s a pretty good guess we’ve completely lost the propaganda battle. It’s hard to be thrilled with our victories being confined to words, ones without consequences in their world.
We don’t need or want Sanders in Washington D.C. there’s enough crinimal minds there all ready and Biden’s the Ringleader BYE BYE BERNIE
What a dummy! Next time use drones on Bernie’s three mansions!
It is time for Conservatives to use ‘Jury Nullification’. I think it will not be long that material destruction will not be enough.