Senator Kamala Harris supports Senator Bernie Sanders’ plan to take away everyone’s health insurance, ban private insurance, and force everyone into Medicaid for All (which they falsely insist on calling Medicare for All, even though all it does is destroy Medicare for seniors.)
Since the original NBC/MSNBC debate, Harris has been lying and spinning about her desire to take away everyone’s health care, while repeatedly, falsely claiming that everyone would be able to keep their doctor.
Sanders has been slightly more honest about refusing to make that promise.
Senator Bernie Sanders declined to say Tuesday whether his Medicare for All plan would cause some to lose their doctors, instead emphasizing that every American will have access to a doctor.
The Democratic presidential contender dodged during a CNN appearance when pressed on whether some doctors would decide to make themselves available only to the wealthy and not to see Medicare patients.
However, when asked to clarify whether he could “100 percent guarantee to all Americans that their existing doctor would see them under this plan,” the self-described Democratic socialist demurred.
“Every American will be able to go to the doctor they want because doctors will be in the Medicare for All single-payer program as they are right now in the Medicare program,” he said.
Slightly more honest in that Bernie didn’t repeat Obama’s “lie of the year” gaffe. But he’s ignoring the fact that many doctors won’t join his government network.
It won’t just be the wealthy in the private tier. Anyone who wants access to family doctors, as opposed to nurses, to top specialists, will be using it.
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